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Who needs foreign tourists?


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21 hours ago, Swimfan said:

Probably a country that relies on it for a significant portion of its GDP. 

Right! I never understood how some can make a big story of local tourism. After all, is it not basic : it is foreign tourists that bring in cash from abroad - USD's, EUR's, AUD's, JPY's etc?

Then again, I am not an economist.... 

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4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Wake up. Your own heading said 'Who needs foreign tourists ? ' . Maybe you've forgotten. Anyway, the answer is Thailand needs foreign tourists. 

     Maybe you should wake up.  That was not my heading.  I am not the OP, this is not my thread.  I am not forgetting something I did not write.  But, clearly you've lost the thread.   

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22 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

What a stupid, thoughtless post from @Guderian... you really think two days on the weekend can make up for the previous 7-day-busy week? 

And 20% of GDP.

The sort of moronic post that doesn't realise that the existing social infrastructure can't survive long term without tourist dollars.

Certainly not with the tinnies out of 7-11 and 40 baht chicken and rice merchants.

Slow economic desolation for slow learners.

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Personally I would rather we had a very small tourist industry with few Brits, Russians and Germans and no Indians or Chinese. I'd like the industry to occupy about 6 % of the economy instead of 20% as it does now and that decisions were taken to ensure that any new hotels etc adhere to the strictest environmental standards in the world. When I look at the ugly development and environmental destruction in Koh Chang, for example, it makes me want to weep.


Having said that, I am well off and can survive without working for money, so I am in a privileged set. Thousands or millions of people whose livelihood is tied up with the fortunes of tourism, would probably disagree with me. Basically there are probably a great deal more people in the tourism camp, that in mine for restricted tourism. Bowing to democracy I would have to expect the our tourism will continue to attract huge numbers of Indian men and Chinese couples travelling about the country in coaches. 


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...just look what happened to Thailand Current ccount once the tourist flow stopped after Q12020...foreign currency income of this country is very dependent on tourism and industries tied to toursim (like condo construction) - millions of people have their livelihood dependent on that.


On the other hand, would be kind of interesting to see how the country would become if tourism would be say 10% of 2019 level, many things would change...





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8 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

There are thousands of jobless, homeless and starving people living in the streets of Pattaya, which my family and our friends support to the best of our ability as often as possible. 

Implying that the few weekend travelers are enough - even on a funny note - is a slap in the face of these people and all the people who help them on a daily basis. 


I stand by my remark.

    As I said in my previous post to BangkokReady, everyone is aware of this.  Is there anyone breathing unaware?    We have been dealing with the effects of covid on tourism for months and months.  It's on stark display every single day.  It's been discussed ad infinitum on numerous threads, and continues to be discussed. 

   Finally, with the long, most recent painful lockdown being eased somewhat, a poster goes on an outing and takes a few minutes to note some positive signs of life he observed in Jomtien.  No sooner had I finished reading this bit of good news, after so much bad, and along comes you with your post taking a big dump on it.   In a sea of negativity, maybe try welcoming a little wave of optimism now and then.    

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are many places selling beers over in patts?  here in hua hin there are a fair few places we can go, but still quite low key


definitely seems that the powers that be are easing up a bit on being so strict on beer sales

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1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:

the foreign tourists are now unwaged ,,gatwick airport needs resucitation due to lost jobs for example

I'm sorry to hear that; however, coming from the 4th largest city in the UK that lost 20% of its workforce's business and income. They will have to deal with it.   Airports are aggressively engaged and  preoccupied with money grabbing, and absolutely totally uninterested in the customers experience.  Gatwick airport could fall into the sea for me and I wouldn't shed 1 tear.  PS. Ive used about 100 airports in 40 years of travel and 90%  would fail my 'customer experience' test. Birmingham airport in the UK  just about passes as 'doing what it says on the tin' but is still far from  value for money. We've all been conned  by a succession of governments and restricted  choice in how we use this 'service'.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Good point. People forget how many issues Thailand was facing in previous years, long before the Apocalypse. 

Why is this any more of an issue in Thailand than for example the UK or US both of whom have worse Household Debt to GDP ratios than Thailand ?  Every country has " many issues ", I've yet to live in one where everything works as people would hope.  What makes Thailand so unique in that respect ?


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2 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:


Starting a post with words like this isn't likely to make you any new friends.



1) The notion that somebody might try to make friends on a public and anonymous forum makes me ROFL

2) I have never been and will never be intimidated by or a member of the dictatorship of political correct language

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8 hours ago, UKJASE said:

are many places selling beers over in patts?  here in hua hin there are a fair few places we can go, but still quite low key



Yes you can find beer in some places in Pattaya. And it's also lo key as you report from hin

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15 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

1) The notion that somebody might try to make friends on a public and anonymous forum makes me ROFL

2) I have never been and will never be intimidated by or a member of the dictatorship of political correct language


Are you equally opposed to basic and common courtesy?


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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

A travelers bargain for sure. One can only hope the tourists do not return. 

I'm hoping ... ????


Planning on buzzin' around the country a couple more times before the hordes of tourist return.  The way things are going, don't think we have much to worry about.  Maybe high season 2023, they may start to trickle, barring any oops and new silly pandemics.  Although ... 


I suspect the 'war of viruses' will be here for many decades.  They'll be milking this like the 'war on drugs' & ' war on terror'.  


Fear has already proved to be a multi billion dollar market.  It will continue ... endlessly.

Edited by KhunLA
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On 10/10/2021 at 7:31 AM, internationalism said:

foreign tourists do bring foreign currency, stay for several weeks, spend over 5k per day on hotel, services and goods. 

From today's TAT projection for 2022 domestic tourists are counted 5300b per day, but it's grossly overestimated.

I think for thai a fraction, around 1k per day, is realistic. They would travel in family 4+ or largish group, stay all in one bungalow or large room. It would be only 1 night during weekend or 3-4 night extended holiday.

Even with special offers on agoda those jomtien hotels are empty even during weekends  

They won't go searching for their future brides or orgies where the real money is spent. 


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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

I'm hoping ... ????


Planning on buzzin' around the country a couple more times before the hordes of tourist return.  The way things are going, don't think we have much to worry about.  Maybe high season 2023, they may start to trickle, barring any oops and new silly pandemics.  Although ... 


I suspect the 'war of viruses' will be here for many decades.  They'll be milking this like the 'war on drugs' & ' war on terror'.  


Fear has already proved to be a multi billion dollar market.  It will continue ... endlessly.

The level of fear they have encouraged is amazing. Granted, Covid can be deadly for some. But, it is not the Bubonic plague, and this is not the Zombie Apocalypse. 

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On 10/12/2021 at 11:05 PM, Leaver said:


 As I have said before, unless things change, Thailand's tourism industry will go the same way as the Nokia phone company.  They had a huge market share, but ultimately went broke.  


...interesting comparison...spent almost 20yrs in the N company riding the wave up and down...thinking about it, there indeed are some comparable internal components behind the fall of N and Thailand, though a bit hard to apply them directly to Thai case to predict how things will go here...

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