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Thailand enters digital age! No more photocopies of Thai ID and House registration necessary


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2 hours ago, Kwaibill said:

Just wondering about that, since due to hit Samut Prakan Imm. for marriage permission to stay renewal. Tambien Bahn copy has been one of the requirements. Mice if they would unload some of the rest of the junk.

Remember its not where it was last time, they moved last month

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10 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

I always wondered where these files and copies were stored, if at all. 


So what does the decision mean? Does it mean theres an online system or copies are no longer need to be seen/stored? I am confused.

It’s always a lottery as to whose passport details are printed on the back of the documents I receive from immigration. 
looks to me that they’re used as ‘scrap’ paper and recirculated 

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4 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

They are recycled. If you go to the Immigration office for a visa extension, you will have to sign a paper that you "won't overstay". On the flip side you can see the copied data page and latest visa page of another foreigner.

Go to your local recycling centre ,two I know of has big bags, as in the one ton bags , full of ex school/government paper work ,nearly all A4 sheets of paper .

With this amount how much of it has  actually been processed ,or even read. 

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11 hours ago, bobandyson said:

Oh Oh, after my first visit to Thailand I went home with the realisation that Thais should not be in control of technology.

And that was back in '91.


Thais and technology don't mix.

just wait till you see what happens with electric cars !!

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

For a nation hellbent on destroying the world's forests, this is a good first baby step. But, will anything change at the pre-historic immigration offices?


Recently returned from immigration, after renewing my marriage visa. The upside to this visa, is that only 400,000 is needed as a deposit, and it does not have to stay in the bank, once your visa is granted. The downsides are:

The hurdles you need to jump over, in order to get a marriage visa are stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, draconian, wasteful, and silly. I understand the need for them to verify that you are a legitimate couple. Upon the first application. But, the dumb requirements should not relate to renewals. You should not be required to show fresh images of the house each time, copies of the marriage papers, the house documents, either come with a local Thai witness, or bring a signed affidavit from a local Thai each time, provide new maps to the house, and dozens of other requirements. Maybe 60 pages in printed documents!

I just do not even know what to say about the process. I felt like a street dog by the time I left. After hours of paperwork, copy after copy after copy, each page having to be signed, and then being grilling by the surly officer, I literally felt like a street dog. The level of disrespect that immigration shows married couples here, and foreigners in general, is totally uncalled for, beyond the pale, and inane. The copy woman, the guy sorting our papers, they were all nice. But, the officers? Such sourpusses. The woman who was helping us was so difficult to work with, when she finally rejected us over the tiniest thing she did not like, after nearly an hour of reviewing every document with a microscope, so to speak, and said no, I responded by saying yes. YES, you are going to do this. Yes, you are going to do this right now. YES, you are going to stop saying NO to me right now. This ends now. She looked at me and did not know what to say. I asked for the manager. The top brass came over, and we had it sorted in 30 minutes. Took nearly 3 hours. And as usual, it will be a month, until I have final approval. Is it worth it? NO. It is my last marriage visa. I will go back to a retirement visa next year, or leave the country, before I subject myself to that abuse one more time.

I use the marriage visa, and they inevitably like to throw in something, to increase the difficulty of the process. Frankly, I think at least some of this comes from the rather extreme level of xenophobia and the toxic racism of the army. It filters down throughout the government. I do not think they want us here. And making these procedures difficult is one way of expressing that. 
Fortunately, I feel very little of that sentiment from the non governmental Thai people. 
I still love it here. But, if I had the required cash, I would likely spend 6 months a year in Turkey or Spain, or Mexico. And a few months traveling, a month in the US (family and work), and two months a year here. 
I really despise the army and their administration. But, I guess that much is obvious! 

I totally blame Prayuth, and the biggest joke. Immigration has gotten worse under their tutelage and their arrogance, and their insufferable xenophobia knows no bounds. This whole thing leaves a bitter, sour, nasty, foul taste in one's mouth, and the stench can be smelled for kilometers. Thailand is moving backwards on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin. I believe at this point, that if Brittany Spears were to declare her candidacy, she would beat Prayuth, hands down. That is how much he and the army are despised, at this point. Especially after the recent stunt he pulled.

Brittany Spears or English Spears ?

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16 hours ago, Silencer said:

I have always been curious whether each province, or each government department, has massive warehouses to host all this paperwork over the decades? 


Ooops...same comment as above.

And what rents are being paid on these storage buildings and is it a market or inflated/very inflated rental and who owns the  buildings and what positions they hold in government and how many position exist to maintain, clean, secure these buildings and  what's the name on the bank accounts their salaries are paid into and does it match the nominal name of the actual employee or is there no actual employee?

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15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

For a nation hellbent on destroying the world's forests, this is a good first baby step. But, will anything change at the pre-historic immigration offices?


Recently returned from immigration, after renewing my marriage visa. The upside to this visa, is that only 400,000 is needed as a deposit, and it does not have to stay in the bank, once your visa is granted. The downsides are:

The hurdles you need to jump over, in order to get a marriage visa are stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, draconian, wasteful, and silly. I understand the need for them to verify that you are a legitimate couple. Upon the first application. But, the dumb requirements should not relate to renewals. You should not be required to show fresh images of the house each time, copies of the marriage papers, the house documents, either come with a local Thai witness, or bring a signed affidavit from a local Thai each time, provide new maps to the house, and dozens of other requirements. Maybe 60 pages in printed documents!

I just do not even know what to say about the process. I felt like a street dog by the time I left. After hours of paperwork, copy after copy after copy, each page having to be signed, and then being grilling by the surly officer, I literally felt like a street dog. The level of disrespect that immigration shows married couples here, and foreigners in general, is totally uncalled for, beyond the pale, and inane. The copy woman, the guy sorting our papers, they were all nice. But, the officers? Such sourpusses. The woman who was helping us was so difficult to work with, when she finally rejected us over the tiniest thing she did not like, after nearly an hour of reviewing every document with a microscope, so to speak, and said no, I responded by saying yes. YES, you are going to do this. Yes, you are going to do this right now. YES, you are going to stop saying NO to me right now. This ends now. She looked at me and did not know what to say. I asked for the manager. The top brass came over, and we had it sorted in 30 minutes. Took nearly 3 hours. And as usual, it will be a month, until I have final approval. Is it worth it? NO. It is my last marriage visa. I will go back to a retirement visa next year, or leave the country, before I subject myself to that abuse one more time.

I use the marriage visa, and they inevitably like to throw in something, to increase the difficulty of the process. Frankly, I think at least some of this comes from the rather extreme level of xenophobia and the toxic racism of the army. It filters down throughout the government. I do not think they want us here. And making these procedures difficult is one way of expressing that. 
Fortunately, I feel very little of that sentiment from the non governmental Thai people. 
I still love it here. But, if I had the required cash, I would likely spend 6 months a year in Turkey or Spain, or Mexico. And a few months traveling, a month in the US (family and work), and two months a year here. 
I really despise the army and their administration. But, I guess that much is obvious! 

I totally blame Prayuth, and the biggest joke. Immigration has gotten worse under their tutelage and their arrogance, and their insufferable xenophobia knows no bounds. This whole thing leaves a bitter, sour, nasty, foul taste in one's mouth, and the stench can be smelled for kilometers. Thailand is moving backwards on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin. I believe at this point, that if Brittany Spears were to declare her candidacy, she would beat Prayuth, hands down. That is how much he and the army are despised, at this point. Especially after the recent stunt he pulled.

For the price of a bowl of noodles daily all this stuff can be taken care of for you.

Show up - speak to an Officer, retrieve passport in 30 days.


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21 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

I always wondered where these files and copies were stored, if at all. 


So what does the decision mean? Does it mean theres an online system or copies are no longer need to be seen/stored? I am confused.

I bought some patongo(fried dough thingies) yesterday, the paper inserted into the bag carrying them had some clearly sensitive credit card info on it, that's where these copies are kept. 

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16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

For a nation hellbent on destroying the world's forests, this is a good first baby step. But, will anything change at the pre-historic immigration offices?


Recently returned from immigration, after renewing my marriage visa. The upside to this visa, is that only 400,000 is needed as a deposit, and it does not have to stay in the bank, once your visa is granted. The downsides are:

The hurdles you need to jump over, in order to get a marriage visa are stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, draconian, wasteful, and silly. I understand the need for them to verify that you are a legitimate couple. Upon the first application. But, the dumb requirements should not relate to renewals. You should not be required to show fresh images of the house each time, copies of the marriage papers, the house documents, either come with a local Thai witness, or bring a signed affidavit from a local Thai each time, provide new maps to the house, and dozens of other requirements. Maybe 60 pages in printed documents!

I just do not even know what to say about the process. I felt like a street dog by the time I left. After hours of paperwork, copy after copy after copy, each page having to be signed, and then being grilling by the surly officer, I literally felt like a street dog. The level of disrespect that immigration shows married couples here, and foreigners in general, is totally uncalled for, beyond the pale, and inane. The copy woman, the guy sorting our papers, they were all nice. But, the officers? Such sourpusses. The woman who was helping us was so difficult to work with, when she finally rejected us over the tiniest thing she did not like, after nearly an hour of reviewing every document with a microscope, so to speak, and said no, I responded by saying yes. YES, you are going to do this. Yes, you are going to do this right now. YES, you are going to stop saying NO to me right now. This ends now. She looked at me and did not know what to say. I asked for the manager. The top brass came over, and we had it sorted in 30 minutes. Took nearly 3 hours. And as usual, it will be a month, until I have final approval. Is it worth it? NO. It is my last marriage visa. I will go back to a retirement visa next year, or leave the country, before I subject myself to that abuse one more time.

I use the marriage visa, and they inevitably like to throw in something, to increase the difficulty of the process. Frankly, I think at least some of this comes from the rather extreme level of xenophobia and the toxic racism of the army. It filters down throughout the government. I do not think they want us here. And making these procedures difficult is one way of expressing that. 
Fortunately, I feel very little of that sentiment from the non governmental Thai people. 
I still love it here. But, if I had the required cash, I would likely spend 6 months a year in Turkey or Spain, or Mexico. And a few months traveling, a month in the US (family and work), and two months a year here. 
I really despise the army and their administration. But, I guess that much is obvious! 

I totally blame Prayuth, and the biggest joke. Immigration has gotten worse under their tutelage and their arrogance, and their insufferable xenophobia knows no bounds. This whole thing leaves a bitter, sour, nasty, foul taste in one's mouth, and the stench can be smelled for kilometers. Thailand is moving backwards on so many levels, I do not even know where to begin. I believe at this point, that if Brittany Spears were to declare her candidacy, she would beat Prayuth, hands down. That is how much he and the army are despised, at this point. Especially after the recent stunt he pulled.

While I agree to most of your post; it was those 'falang' staying here on sham marriages that made it hard for us, home visits, etc etc and immigration are not the army but police, even immigration dislike little tu tu they actually told me so. My immigration have the strictest rules I know of even home visits for retirement extensions, BUT if you supply everything on their list no probs and they are helpful and happy. 

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I just renewed my passport thru my embassy in Bangkok. Online application done within 5mins including payment and recent photo upload on 25th Sept. Received email notification for collection on 7th Oct. Collected passport at Sathorn on the 8th... walk in walk out within 5 mins. 


Now I have to spend a whole morning in Chaeng Wattana for arrival stamp transfer to new passport and a whole afternoon to transfer my Visa to new passport with a 2,000 baht fee. 


Thailand 4.0? Su Su na! ????

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3 hours ago, brianthainess said:

While I agree to most of your post; it was those 'falang' staying here on sham marriages that made it hard for us, home visits, etc etc and immigration are not the army but police, even immigration dislike little tu tu they actually told me so. My immigration have the strictest rules I know of even home visits for retirement extensions, BUT if you supply everything on their list no probs and they are helpful and happy. 

And that is the reason why the qualifications should and are high. The first year. Maybe the second. But every single year, having to prove you are a legitimate couple is a bit much. A bit degrading and heinous. Stop the nonsense. Away with the attitudes. 


Perhaps ex-pats should be given a bit more credit, in this formula? We do bring in alot of stable income.  Even the rural folks benefit. Alot of the nicer houses in the poorer farming areas were built with money from expats. Alot of trucks, cars and income is from expats. Countless business employing many. To say it is insignificant, is a blatant misunderstanding of Thai economics. Thousands of hotels, restaurants, countless airlines and many tour companies, also benefit. By comparison, an average ex-pat spends how much per month? I would say most of us spend 50,000 to upwards of 100,000 baht a month. I know I do. No value in that? I know some live on less. However, since the average GDP of the nation is around $570, that means about 18,000 baht a month?

I think xenophobia is utterly rampant, in all segments of the government here, from the feds right on down to the local amphur. However, I do not think most Thai people are that way. I think most either like us, or are indifferent to us. Which I can handle. 

To the contrary, I think ex-pats should be treated with the kind of respect and acknowledgement we deserve. Now that tens of thousands of you guys have decided to leave, and relocate elsewhere, have decided to change our policies, and we now realize how much you guys bring to the table. An immigration officer will now come to your home to renew your visa, to show our appreciation, of your continued support. You will only be required to sign one form, and we will give you a five year, multiple entry visa. Free of charge. And we will include a 10,000 baht voucher, good for any hotel in the country, for one year. 
Princely treatment. Thank you so much for helping to rescue our economy and our people. We appreciate it, and aim to show it for a change! We are past the era of thugs like the big joke. And we apologize for all of his abuse. We realize we have been moving the country backwards. And Covid has given us all some time to reflect. We are going to start changing things, and attempt to move the nation forward, instead of backwards. 

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4 hours ago, seedy said:

For the price of a bowl of noodles daily all this stuff can be taken care of for you.

Show up - speak to an Officer, retrieve passport in 30 days.


Yes, if we do decide to stay here (up in the air as of now), next year I will begin using either an agent, or a bent immigration officer, and will switch to a retirement visa. No more official visas for me. I just do not want to deal with the aggravation. 

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11 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Brittany Spears or English Spears ?

Brittany. Or Justin Bieber. Or Ed Sheeran, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, or Sorn the plumber. Any of them would outwit Prayuth by 40 IQ points, and likely have far greater leadership ability. 

Edited by spidermike007
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Must be news to the Amphure in Khon Kaen, because we were there yesterday  to have ownership of a property transferred to my wife's name .

Mane trees  were killed , and judging from all the stamps, I would say a couple of giant squids also. 

Edited by sirineou
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I have watched the IO SHRED the copies I give them. This more or less PROVES that all the copies required is just another scam to provide revenue. I know that one person working in the Jomtien office actually OWNS one of the copy mills located outside the facility. I can't imagine all the photocopying ending, simply because they are no longer needed. ????.  That's not the Thai way.  ????


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24 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I will begin using either an agent, or a bent immigration officer, and will switch to a retirement visa. No more official visas for me. I just do not want to deal with the aggravation. 

I feel exactly the same but I can't due to the fact I have 3 teenager children and I daren't rock the boat visa wise. I like to sleep at night

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18 hours ago, Neeranam said:

All countries' national anthems are like that. You are paranoid. 

Perhaps, but then not all countries make their schoolchildren recite the national anthem every morning...


There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being proud of one's country. I do however think that it is wrong that one should, as a child, have uncritical and unchallenged pride in one's country forced upon and demanded of one. It is a bit like making them wear a straightjacket to stop them putting their hands in their pockets!


Of course it doesn't really work, as the current younger generations (unrealisable) interest in living elsewhere rather demonstrates. As soon as they shed the straightjacket the hands go into the pockets!

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23 hours ago, EricTh said:

I doubt the endless photocopying will end.


I don't know why they need photocopies of my passport and visa extension every year when they already have it in their database presumably. 'copy pate 1,2,3.....etc'


When we tried to argue with immigration regarding all these photocopying, they can be quite rude.

It's a basic law of the jungle.  You need to establish dominance in these situations.   Without injuring anyone so you don't get in trouble... just sweep everything off the immigration officer's desk and firmly say 'no photocopies!'

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Wish it was for immigration. Copy Central for the extension of stay, 90 day report and a re-entry permit.  You would have thought it might reduce the needed paperwork getting a re-entry permit after the extension of stay but nope. Needed copies again of all including the new stamp for the new extension and a copy of the new 90 day.

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4 hours ago, Heng said:

It's a basic law of the jungle.  You need to establish dominance in these situations.   Without injuring anyone so you don't get in trouble... just sweep everything off the immigration officer's desk and firmly say 'no photocopies!'

I went to Krungthai bank just to make a small withdrawal of 400 baht. They photocopied my passport and asked me to sign on it.



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3 hours ago, EricTh said:

I went to Krungthai bank just to make a small withdrawal of 400 baht. They photocopied my passport and asked me to sign on it.



Yeah, it seems like just moving towards something like fingerprint + ID/passport would be more efficient and accurate.

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