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Thailand steps up efforts to attract more expats


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21 hours ago, Fujionrye said:

I'm in Canada and, as of today, I can drive across the American border with proof of Vaccination and my passport. That's it. No Covid insurance, Covid test, foolish paper work, visa, or quarantine. With my Canadian passport, I can stay six months Go anywhere, stay anywhere and not report anything to anyone. So that's the competition Thailand. Go for it.

Canada is no 'easy street', international air arrivals must upload all their travel info/CV vaccination certs. etc on a Government Arrival App a few days before arriving, at least the 3 day 1500.00 - 2000.00 CAD mandatory hotel quarantine is not required for the fully vaccinated, also possibly you can still can be picked for random arrival testing.......

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2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

While falling into one of their coveted categories of welcome farang, I am rather hesitant about moving any substantial sum of money into the country. Rules change, and rarely do they change for the benefit of non-Thais. When I say 'rarely', I am being generous, as in "rarely does one win the Powerball $billion lottery" or "rarely does an extinction level event comet strike the Earth". That kind of 'rarely'. Only what I can afford to lose will ever arrive on these shores.


Perhaps like the proverbial whiny farang, the Immigration system continues to bother me. I understand rules and restrictions, and I certainly appreciate the difficulty average Thais have trying to visit my country, but those who can visit my country do not face the abject corruption foreigners face here with Immigration. Yes, one can use an agent (I do), but it still results in demands for tributes all along the way. Also, everyone gets in on the act. The accounting firm who handles the business I own here would 'prefer' that I use their service to handle Immigration issues. I choose not to do so. That has resulted in the firm---quite soon to be former firm---dragging its feet on documents I need to add to the onerous 100-page application for my visa. Their failure to produce a one page doc held up my application and actually put me on overstay.


Obviously it is my fault for buying a business here without fully appreciating all the nonsense I would be forced to endure. I knew, but figured---wrongly---I could somehow avoid it. I waver at the moment as to whether I'll just accept the sunk cost, shut it down, and pull up stakes, or stay and 'hope' things get easier. Perhaps the govt believes there's plenty of other suckers like me out there to fill the void if and when I depart.


Who suffers when either businesses depart for greener pastures or never come in the first place? It's the average Thai, the folks who are given jobs due to FDI. Clearly these people are not a priority in the eyes of the ruling elite. Rules are made to benefit those who already have plenty, and if a rule change does benefit the common Thai, that is merely serendipity, not conscious intent.


What they fail to realize is that a smaller piece of a bigger pie might be larger than the piece they already get. On the other hand, perhaps the intent is control, and the elite gladly accept a larger piece of a smaller pie so long as they remain the biggest fish in the puddle.



Sounds terrible.  Could you give a few examples of the "abject corruption foreigners face here with Immigration".  Sure it happens and sincerely curious.  I haven't experienced even a little corruption with immigration unless I looked looked for a corrupt way to make a tedious process easier.


Best of luck with the business and think I made a good decision not to do business here.

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4 hours ago, atpeace said:

Many expats regardless of country they reside, complain incessantly about everything that isn't comparable to where they came from.  Ironic but human nature it seems.  


It is difficult to find that calm place to criticize.  It is a developing nation with very affordable living.  A beautiful country and also can be extremally filthy.  The dual pricing is not a major obstacle to overcome but is an afront to many expats sense of fairness.  In certain situations it can be a financial hardship but  rarely. 


I'm an outdoor enthusiast and have to choose where to run/bike at times depending on excessive park fees.  400 baht a day to run is a little over the top.  Even now in the middle of nowhere, my favorite place to exercise is 250 baht each day.  There are work arounds and don't let it ruin my morning.


What I hear most often:

1.  90 day reporting is ridiculous.  

        - This the by far  the biggest complaint I hear.  I could go in to detail about my feeling on this matter but I won't. In               the  end, it is amazing that such a trivial matter is at the top of the list.

2. Visa Issues

      - Bureaucratic run government services are a mess regardless of country.  Here it seems to be quite easy to navigate for 99% of expats.  Is it fun? No and a million other things I would rather spend my time enjoying.  In the end, it cost me a few hours every year excluding travel.  This probably oversimplifies the the visa concerns but so many mostly banal concerns that one could get lost in the frustration.

3. We can't own property.

       -This is a major pain in the butt but they have their reasons as do many other developing nations.

4. Dual pricing

     -just a something to complain about that really isn't an issue unless you get offended easily which I do at times and many others.  Park fees, hospital costs, sporting events, and many others that just leave you with a bad feeling and some even are quite costly.  Some is even justified but most aren't and almost all the above are excessive.


In the end, I appreciate how easy Thailand is to live as an expat  and roll with the minor issues.  My state of mind though isn't universal so if others are bent, howl at the moon which is possibly a perfect solution.



You forgot the insurance. The issue for me and a lot of others is the insurance scam. I don't care about the other things, dual pricing, 90 days, doing the yearly extension (as long as the rules don't change), or the property issue. I don't have any problem with Thailand privileging their citizens over foreigners. I just wish my country would do the same. So make us do the reports and bring a lot of photocopies to immigration once per year. Protect Thais from being priced out of their own property market. Reward Thais with being able to visit places at a discount to us. Heck, I don't even mind the dual pricing at hospitals.  But stop the insurance scam.

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6 hours ago, crouchpeter said:

Don't you think you should be responsible for your own stupidity and gullibility?

It's not always stupidity and gullibility. In many cases it's fraud. Giving foreigners full property rights to marital property real estate would take away the incentive to enter into scam marriages. Are you against this? Or was my post just too irresistible of an opportunity to feel smug and superior at my expense?


If you're so confident that you're too smart and street-savvy to ever be deceived by someone, well, bully for you. Can you honestly say you've never been lied to while looking someone straight in the eyes? It's happened to me, and I'm not ashamed to admit it because I know it could happen to anyone.


Edited by Gecko123
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Who's that deputy PM again? The one with the long funny name? :cheesy: Seems they don't even know their ranks, positions or whatever, never mind names. I thought they were supposed to be soldiers. The deputy PM, that's the other Chuckle Brother, is called Anutin. Is he not?

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On 11/9/2021 at 12:52 PM, herfiehandbag said:

Anyone from these 4 categories, considering coming to live here as an expatriate, (and therefore entrusting a significant proportion of their wealth to Thailand) will of course do some serious research into the country and those who run it.


10 minutes on Google should suffice...

As much as that?

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23 hours ago, Fujionrye said:

I'm in Canada and, as of today, I can drive across the American border with proof of Vaccination and my passport. That's it. No Covid insurance, Covid test, foolish paper work, visa, or quarantine. With my Canadian passport, I can stay six months Go anywhere, stay anywhere and not report anything to anyone. So that's the competition Thailand. Go for it.

That's too sensible for the soldiers in charge here.

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23 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Yes, do more for the Farang's that live here, and who knows we might even support you?

There is one of us who supports him, but you probably won't hear from him for a while yet, he should me making his way home about now with carrier bags under each arm full of cans of Chang. :drunk:

Edited by possum1931
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28 minutes ago, Hanuman2547 said:

Really need to get rid of the 90 day reporting, the TM 30 requirement, and dual pricing in any form.  There are other things but this is just for starters.

They were mulling that over pre-covid.  Think it will depend on some bean counting, and if enough idiot criminals actually filed paperwork with active warrants on them, then they may keep it.

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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:



The thread concerns the country's efforts to 'attract more expats'. Do you find what I wrote an attraction?

No, your situation seems like a nightmare.  Really didn't give any specific details and was more of a rant than anything that would help someone understand the difficulties.  I can only assume there is much truth to what you stated but would definitely search out more advice from successful business owners here.  Regardless, it is your truth and from your perspective it is a mess.  Can you give one example of why you made an "ATM visit"?  I'm sincerely curious and very aware of the rampant corruption.

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4 hours ago, atpeace said:

No, your situation seems like a nightmare.  Really didn't give any specific details and was more of a rant than anything that would help someone understand the difficulties.  I can only assume there is much truth to what you stated but would definitely search out more advice from successful business owners here.  Regardless, it is your truth and from your perspective it is a mess.  Can you give one example of why you made an "ATM visit"?  I'm sincerely curious and very aware of the rampant corruption.

Very simple:


"You have a problem here (with a document no one ever requested). For XX,XXX baht, we can fix it today. Up to you."


The demand for a tribute is made up on the fly, after they assess your ability to pay. It is no more complicated than that.

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9 hours ago, atpeace said:

No, your situation seems like a nightmare.  Really didn't give any specific details and was more of a rant than anything that would help someone understand the difficulties.  I can only assume there is much truth to what you stated but would definitely search out more advice from successful business owners here.  Regardless, it is your truth and from your perspective it is a mess.  Can you give one example of why you made an "ATM visit"?  I'm sincerely curious and very aware of the rampant corruption.

There is much truth to what he stated. 


Edited to add: I am a successful small business owner.

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Stop those 90 day checks needed for every expat. If you are here in Thailand married 

to a Thai woman, then it is obvious that most expats, who own

49 percent of their house, or condo are not going anywhere any time soon.

Once ever 6 months to say that you still live in the same place you have for

1, 5, or 10 years should be often enough.  What else is this great Thai government

doing?  Looking for fresh meat?  Good Luck.


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