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MOPH: Drinking alcohol increases risk of contracting COVID


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The fellow should have spoken up earlier to his own countrymen and leaders particularly those who brought in all the illegal migrants to work in the Bangkok area, locals bars and clubs while the leaders told everyone don't drink they party it up Hi-So, with special invites throughout the country even Embassy personnel isn't that how the current outbreak started?  They were drinking getting special lap dances, happy endings, shoulder massages!???? 

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where do they get these idiots....perhaps he is auditioning for job at TAT with his senseless rhetoric...average throat diameters range from 21-27 with women generally at the lower end and TAT and now Department of Health official-dome at the top end.. need more room to let the bullS#*t out one presumes..... the diameter of a single Corona Virus is about 0.0001 mm so yes if alcohol dilates the throat diameter  some you could fit more than the  250000 virus particles lined up neatly in  a line in the throat compared to a non imbibing person....


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    Hang on, hang on.  Wait just a minute.  I know I already selected my entry sometime ago for the Dumbest Statement of the Year Award but if it's not too hard to swallow please just tear that one up and let me submit this one instead.   Sure winner here.   Thanks a bunch!

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11 hours ago, Andycoops said:

The top medical brains in Thailand come up with something the top scientists in the world couldn't.


Pure and unadulterated mumbo jumbo all done at the behest of the chief Muppet and usurper.

No doubt he's in line for a promotion.

Nobel Prize Nominee?

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A lot of people in close proximity to each other and not wearing masks is the bigger problem no matter where you are.  At least on the BTS and MRT people are wearing masks despite being very crowded.  However, that could still be considered a risky environment.  Alcohol is not really the issue.

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9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

This is abnormal times and we saw what can happened when inhibitions were loosened at the Thonglor clubs. 


Help me refresh my memory.  Who was it that seeded the outbreak at the "entertainment" clubs well after when they were supposed to have closed?

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

He claimed that a department poll of the general public conducted in the first two weeks of November indicated that 56.8% didn't want any changes to the alcohol serving rules.

And does this 56.8% accept responsibility for the extreme number out of work, displaced and committed suicide peoples by keeping venues closed or so heavily regulated that they can't open anyway due to the inability of the Government to deal with the immunisation of her People. 


I would suggest that any incoming visitors would run a higher risk of Covid related issues from the Thai People/administration, if they came at all.

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18 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

So why allow it in certain provinces and not others? 


Surely if it were for the reason that imbibing alcohol increases the change of catching COVID (which I personally think is nonsense), they would ban it countrywide?


There's definitely an agenda behind these arbitrary alcohol bans and it has nothing to do with COVID, that's just a convenient excuse. 

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On 11/18/2021 at 10:29 AM, webfact said:

But there are medical reasons.


"Alcohol causes the muscles in the neck around the pharynx to be less effective," he said.


"Thus allowing Covid to more easily penetrate and get into the lungs.


"In addition alcohol weakens the white blood cells when Covid-19 germs enter the body," he continued.


""So it's easy to get infected."

Interesting to hear these claims …


Any scientific studies in renowned medical journals to support this ?

Or is it just the abbot of a certain sect telling you this?????

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On 11/17/2021 at 11:37 PM, moogradod said:

Of course it seems a given that alcohol weakens the immune system - thus making you more susceptible for illnesses in general. But to use this as an argument specifically in the context of Covid is really much exaggerated and weird.


Following the argument you would need to restrict alcohol consumption to help prevent cancer as well. And a number of other ailments. So no more drinking in public at all, folks - and close all those bars and you name it. Or only serve tea there image.gif.e7dcadd9f1f44fa0f797ec9259f00658.gif

Maybe governments should be mandating sobriety tests before and after flights instead. World would certainly be a healthier place.

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On 11/20/2021 at 12:19 AM, worldview said:

Is there not enough misinformation going around without adding to the confusion?  Does not sitting around over a cup of coffee have the same effect?  

No... alcohol makes your 

 muscles in the neck around the pharynx to be less effective," he said.


"Thus allowing Covid to more easily penetrate and get into the lungs.


"In addition alcohol weakens the white blood cells when Covid-19 germs enter the body," he continued.


So I read somewhere......(sarcasm)

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On 11/19/2021 at 10:56 AM, Mr Meeseeks said:

Surely if it were for the reason that imbibing alcohol increases the change of catching COVID (which I personally think is nonsense), they would ban it countrywide?

Actually it is not completely nonsense. The doctor just failed to add the information about the amount of alcohol consumption required to affect the immune system.

Moderate drinking of, for example, 1 beer every day will have no effect on a persons ability to fight Covid or any other virus for that matter. The people who would suffer most from poor immune system response are those who regularly consume relatively vast amounts of booze. I think the doctor is toeing the government line in trying to reduce the amount of alcohol consumption countrywide.

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