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Anutin speaks out on the unvaccinated possibly facing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Pierre57 said:

They stop nothing .and never will ..it actually tells you on the box

Wow. 18 months of evidence and you're an anti masker. If they stop nothing I have a question for you. Why do surgeons, nurses etc in operating theatres wear them?

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4 minutes ago, Pierre57 said:



Admittedly the protection from contracting SarS-CoV-2 is not 100% but it's actually more about transmission. At this they are very effective if worn correctly i.e. over both mouth and nose. You are thinking of yourself when you should be thinking of others. Faily sure this is on the box for litigation reasons.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

The discussion is going on in every country, I am all for a segregated society. If you don't want to VAX that is ok just accept the consequences of it.  Personally i feel that being vaccinated and by doing so spreading the virus LESS, and putting up to 8 times less stress on the health system should be rewarded by having more freedoms. 


If vaxers can't accept that their choice has an effect on their life then they need to think what is more important for them. Its the soft forcing of people, who can still refuse just have to accept their limited options then.

I agree but as you said we need to put less stress on the health system so they should introduce a QR code system for those over 50 and limit them to no more then 2 alcoholic beverages a day. Maybe also mandated 1 hour gym daily for those over 50 as well and should be banned from smoking cigarettes' or anything that is bad for their health. As you said we need to keep people healthy and reduce the stress on the health system right and placing restrictions on people is the best way to do this ???? 

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5 hours ago, jackdd said:

... the benefits outweigh the risks ...

I am always annoyed when I read this soundbite. We don't know yet if there are any long term risks with mRNA vaccines. Also, when looking at some highly vaccinated areas in the world we still see cases go up (Ireland, Gibraltar, many US blue states). 


From what I understand, at the moment Florida is performing quite well even if there are no mask mandates and no policies that attempt to force people into getting vaccinated. And Florida is kinda of like the retirement state in the USA, many old people.


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2 hours ago, Pierre57 said:


Perhaps you might also have noticed the following two excerpts in the article you've linked above:


"Around 60 per cent of Israel’s population has received two vaccine doses, but infections are on the rise — likely owing to factors such as the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant. "


Meaning the about other 40 percent of the country's population has not yet been fully vaccinated.


And as regards the next round of boosters:


"Professor Salman Zarka, who was appointed Israel’s Chief Covid-19 Officer in July, spoke of the need to roll out second booster shots to Israel’s Kan public radio, but did not propose a timeline in which to do this. "


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As there is nothing in the way of clinical studies of the adverse effects, and we have no idea who those people are, what they suffered from, or any other data. What we do know is that the anti-vax movement is using stats such as these, to create fear, and discourage society from being reasonable, and doing what it can to prevent further spread. 


Let's deal with facts for a moment. We do know that we'll over 7.6 billion have received at least one dose worldwide, and 3.2 billion have been fully vaccinated, according to multiple sources. If you take a body of 3 billion people, 3 million or one tenth of one percent, are going to get sick from something every year, and die, or die of natural causes. Was it the vaccine? Do we know? Will we ever know? 


The 15,000 deaths are far less interesting, as they represent less deaths than would normally occur, from such a huge population group. In 2015, 55 million people died of something worldwide. That is about 4.6 million people per month. So, the 15,000 means less than zero, within a group that huge, lacking any clinical evidence.


I am far more interested in science, than I am in fear mongering. And even though I am not a VAX guy, I feel at this time, getting a high quality vaccine represents a reasonable fulfillment of an obligation to society, and a minor sacrifice for anti-vax people to make. Doubly so for the ones who run around draping themselves in a flag of patriotism. 

Refusing to take a vaccine, to benefit society and bring society back, is about as sensible as believing the earth is flat. Imagine making a sacrifice for your country? What a concept. Many of the fake patriots would wet their pants if they were ever asked to truly protect their nation or serve in any manner.


A kindergartener has to have some vaccines before being allowed into school, pandemic or not. I know you think you're being brave by doing this based on a "principle," but are you at least as brave as a kindergartener?


Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths. 




Effectiveness against hospitalization and death was more than 90% for all three vaccines. “Relatively limited waning of protection against mortality is seen over a period of at least 5 months,” the U.K. report said.



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It has been proven that if you are vaccinated and catch another attack you are less likely to died and also the effects or not as severe and will therefore free-up more hospital spaces.

     I agreed that people should have a choice but when you do so then you most accept the consequents, which you must know in advance. So if you don't have the Jab then please do not moan when you find that the hotel or restaurant won't let you in.  IT CALL FREEDOM OF CHOICE. You take your pick

Me I don't have the jab, but if I get a bad dose of it I can only blame myself not others

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The newes CCSA Data is interesting. 

From all arrivals 68852 = 100%

3152 = 4,68% were not vaccinated (quarantine group).

All others were vaccinated 65700= 95,42%

All were PCR tested before flight (exception only unvaccinatrd Thais who flew with Thai Airways in).

And all PCR tested on arrival.

Only 89 = 0,13% tested positiv. 

and how many of them were Without serious sympoms is unfortunately unknown.

In various studies, is said that only 13-20% of Covit positiv peoples show symptoms at all.

89 * 0.2 = 18 people.

And how many of them already had previous illnesses or whether which of them have to be ventilated is also unknown.


My point: Coincidentally we have an ideally typical group of vaccinated people from many different countries with an unbelievable vaccination rate of 95%. The number of Covit positives is very, very small. There is much to suggest that a high vaccination rate could avoid a lot of suffering and misery.



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3 hours ago, DaiHard said:

8 fully vaccinated people died and 69 other fully vaccinated people (out of 90) have contracted covid in a Connecticut nursing home.


Some explanation for the above likely is part of the following news report:




Regarding the deaths:

"“Sadly, we have lost 8 residents with serious underlying health issues,” the statement said."


Regarding the infections:

"All but two of the infected staffers and residents were fully vaccinated. “We are obviously concerned we experienced some level of waning immunity,” the nursing home’s most recent statement said. "


The report I'm reading doesn't say WHEN / how long ago  the residents of the nursing home had completed their original round of vaccinations.  But nursing home residents were among the earliest groups to get vaccinated in many areas of the U.S.


So the clock's been ticking....  And, the latest research on the subject has been saying that the elderly / very elderly can tend to have a weaker immune response to vaccinations vs younger folks.  Meaning their protections aren't going to be as strong or last as long.


And that's the reason many places, including the U.S., recently have begun authorizing 3rd booster shots for older people above some varying ages.... Because they're going to need it.



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Haha! I registered months ago to get vaccinated here and I am still waiting. So much for the talk that all foreigners would also be vaccinated. My Thai wife and step daughter are also unvaccinated, really a whole [deleted] shambles, they talk a kind of a talk and do nothing. The likes of me can even return to my home country because I am not vaccinated.

Even so if you are vaccinated even had a booster shot you can still get COViD. My cousin and her husband,son his wife and one of their kids just tested positive for the virus and one is in hospital and the rest are self-isolating at home


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10 hours ago, jackdd said:

Vaccinated people are less likely to spread the virus. Thus unvaccinated people pose a higher risk to society.

Correct, we don't inject people against their will. But what we as society do, is putting people who we think pose a high risk to harm other people in our society into a forensic psychiatric hospital or similar institution.

Who in society do the unvaccinated pose a higher risk to, apart from other unvaccinated people? If you've had your 2nd, 4th, 28th injection I have to wonder why you did it?. (I'm not against the vax for those that want it but I am pro for those that don't because the argument does not stack up) I mean isn't the reason for vaxing to lessen your risk of dieing or become very ill? The vax doesn't stop you from catching/spreading so you could be infecting other people too

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6 minutes ago, Dumbfounded said:

Who in society do the unvaccinated pose a higher risk to, apart from other unvaccinated people? If you've had your 2nd, 4th, 28th injection I have to wonder why you did it?. (I'm not against the vax for those that want it but I am pro for those that don't because the argument does not stack up) I mean isn't the reason for vaxing to lessen your risk of dieing or become very ill? The vax doesn't stop you from catching/spreading so you could be infecting other people too

They pose a higher risk to everybody, because the vaccine doesn't make people immune.

Yes, vaccinated people can also infect other people, but the chance to do so is lower.

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1 hour ago, theonetrueaussie said:

I agree but as you said we need to put less stress on the health system so they should introduce a QR code system for those over 50 and limit them to no more then 2 alcoholic beverages a day. Maybe also mandated 1 hour gym daily for those over 50 as well and should be banned from smoking cigarettes' or anything that is bad for their health. As you said we need to keep people healthy and reduce the stress on the health system right and placing restrictions on people is the best way to do this ???? 

Great, im 47 and i dont drink and have regular gym sessions. *LOL* wrong person to use that line on ????

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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

Wow. 18 months of evidence and you're an anti masker. If they stop nothing I have a question for you. Why do surgeons, nurses etc in operating theatres wear them?

Yea he missed this study that is just out also


Mask-wearing cuts Covid incidence by 53%, says global study

Researchers said results highlight the need to continue with face coverings, social distancing and handwashing alongside vaccine programmes.


Mask-wearing is the single most effective public health measure at tackling Covid, reducing incidence by 53%, the first global study of its kind shows.



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2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

They pose a higher risk to everybody, because the vaccine doesn't make people immune.

Yes, vaccinated people can also infect other people, but the chance to do so is lower.

Maybe lower (I don't know) but still comfirmed to happen , so if you have 90% vaxed and 10% unvaxed with a vax that doesn't stop the spread what ratio of people do you think you'll be coming into contact with on a daily basis. I'm not vaxed but I don't go out unless to do the shopping every 5-6 days. I wear a mask at all times outside and use the hand lotions everywhere, but that's where I draw my line

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So let me get this right. Anutin did not go to Switzerland NOT because he was not vaccinated but because he did not want to go through the ordeal of the „dirty farang“ and the quarantine - despite being vaccinated. 

In other words, the tourism cirus director might want to listen in - it might explain, why all those dirty alien opt for Senegal, the Caribbean, most European and South American country where proof of vaccination suffices to enter their country. 

Nobody in his right mind gets vaccinated just to be skinned alive with crappy hotels and overinflated prices, cold food in plastic containers at prices you‘d find with a Michelin 10-star dining temple. 

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3 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

If it was only immigration I could live with it. How many people would be effected? But he was talking about everything

What do you mean by everything? I would think renewing your visa will become the catching point for most people that don't want the vax. Granted o/s and maybe regional travel might be restricted but you can shop for most things online if need be

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11 hours ago, jackdd said:

Vaccinated people are less likely to spread the virus. Thus unvaccinated people pose a higher risk to society.

My wife (unvaxed) is in the hospital, as of today, due to being infected by her vaccinated sister. The sister and her vaccinated tribe (6) have since passed from the hospital into a field hospital. Life is full of contradiction.

Has all that vaxxing helped? It apparently did nothing to prevent transmission of the disease. The vaxxed are spreading it as effectively as the unvaxxed, and the vaxxed were catching the disease as easily, too, though supposedly suffering not as badly as the unvaxxed.

So,who and what are the "higher risks" in this scenario?  You haven't been paying attention... due to the limitations of a "vaccine" ....WE are ALL at Risk!


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12 hours ago, khunPer said:

That's right, lots of discussion about it at the moment in Europe. Anutin have lately become quite sensible compared to his "dirty farangs" in the beginning of the pandemic...????

I love that he chose not to go to Switzerland because he would have to quarantine in a hotel for a time. Almost like he is coming to a realization now that the shoe is on the other foot. Oh well, about as good a minister of health as any other building contractor would be

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1 hour ago, LetsGoJoe said:

My wife (unvaxed) is in the hospital, as of today, due to being infected by her vaccinated sister. The sister and her vaccinated tribe (6) have since passed from the hospital into a field hospital. Life is full of contradiction.

Has all that vaxxing helped? It apparently did nothing to prevent transmission of the disease. The vaxxed are spreading it as effectively as the unvaxxed, and the vaxxed were catching the disease as easily, too, though supposedly suffering not as badly as the unvaxxed.

So,who and what are the "higher risks" in this scenario?  You haven't been paying attention... due to the limitations of a "vaccine" ....WE are ALL at Risk!


that's concerning. the hospitalization rate should be close to zero for an effective vaccine. I suppose there is something behind the reason other countries aren't recognizing Thailand's vaccinated travelers. Inferior vaccines, splitting doses, mix and match - it's all leading somewhere other than success.


sorry for your dilemma, hope it gets better

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If the COVID vaccine works

Why are vaccinated people contracting COVID again?

Why should vaccinated people care if they are near unvaccinated people or not, they've fully been vaccinated already because their bodies have been protected against catching the virus. 

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From December 8th , the government of Singapore has announced that citizens who are un-vaccinated by choice will not be covered by national health insurance and will be obliged to pay for any covid-related hospital and health expenses.

This sounds like a good solution for those who value free choice over the stressed health system....


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