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Coffee machine


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I would like to buy a new coffee machine; black friday is here ! 

so many choices on  Lazada or Ali express ! I hesitate between Italian machine or expresso machine

not the same price, but are these expresso machines (about 3000 to 5000 bahts ) are as good as in coffee shops ? 


and Biarelli for italien machine, are they better than the other "no brand " italian machines ?

if you have an advice about a special machine, please, put a link 

thank you 

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7 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:


I think that applies to most products.


I returned my beantocup espresso machine, post warranty period, as it started leaking, repaired for 4k baht in less than a week. Works perfectly now. My short term replacement , a Minimex Brand at 5k baht, made a reasonably good cup of coffee, it is now in storage on standby.

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35 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Drink Tea ???? much nicer lol

Is that from a TeaPresso Machine that will load the cream into the cup and then slap you when you don't put the pinky up as you drink the cup.....asking for my high standard poodle Mimi...

Edited by ThailandRyan
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I agree with the previous poster, you should have a look at BonCafe. They also have a big selection of coffee machines . And excellent service in Thailand. 

Maybe they even have a sale, I would send them a message or visit the nearest store. 




Edited by balo
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I have used many of the caffitaly capsule machines over the years and they are available in Thailand. The coffee is very similar in taste to Lavazza IMO and I have noticed Italians visiting the Kingdom have always enjoyed coffees served from these machines which I believe to be a vote of confidence..................I have added a facebook link below and a quick google search reveals more info.........................I don't know where you're based, but there's a Swiss guy (Marcus) on Samui who used to sell the older Caffitaly pod machines and service them too............................................The Boncafe suggestion is also a good one as they are very good at servicing and maintaining the machines..................................


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18 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Is that from a TeaPresso Machine that will load the cream into the cup and then slap you when you don't put the pinky up as you drink the cup.....asking for my high standard poodle Mimi...

I actually only drink tea, unless we're out somewhere and usually the tea is that insipid stuff with a yellow tag attached my urine is stronger than that, that's when I drink coffee ????

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9 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I actually only drink tea, unless we're out somewhere and usually the tea is that insipid stuff with a yellow tag attached my urine is stronger than that, that's when I drink coffee ????

The yellow tag tea or Lipton is what I use to make my sun tea. I liter glass jar and 6 tea bags in the sun from morning to night.  Then I refrigerate it....lol

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16 hours ago, tonray said:

3000 to 5000 baht espresson machine will likely be OK for most but be careful about quality vs junk. Perfectly reasonable for an average cup if you are not a snob...but I would question the quality of the machine at that price. I looked at these a few years ago and it seemed to get anything half decent , the prices started at about 5000+ and went upwards of 15,000 for a decent machine. Stick with a good brand like Delonghi, Gaggia or Breville and you'll be happier in the long run.

I haven't seen machines from these brands in the 3000-5000 range.


The brand name coffee machines are pretty much double the prices in the western world. If OP has a trip back home consider bringing back a coffee machine.


I brought from Europe Philips automatic machine, paid less than 12k baht there, here they are between 25-30K baht.


Before that I bought from Lazada a dodgy brand for less than 3k,  it was working OK for an year, then it became a bit unstable, cleaning didn't help.



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4 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Bit surprised Nespresso has not been mentioned yet.

Easy, reliable, video variety of tast and a decent cup of coffee.

A reasonable quality coffee beans can be purchased from Lazada for around 500 baht/kg. From 1 kg usually one can make 120-150 coffee cups.


With Nespresso machines and Nespresso capsules purchased from Lazada one coffee cup comes at 25 baht, 100 cups = 2500 baht,  150 cups = 3750 baht. We have also  a Nespresso machine and the cheapest capsules to be found are 150 baht for 10 capsules.


It is the same scam as the computer printers,  the printer itself costs less than the consumables.

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17 hours ago, Aforek said:

and Biarelli for italien machine, are they better than the other "no brand " italian machines ?

if you have an advice about a special machine, please, put a link 

thank you 

Ok.. So Biarelli is a suit (mens wear specialist)... 


So..  advice is difficult because coffee is more difficult... 


Do you want a step-up from 3-in-1 ???



Or are you really getting into it ???


How ‘long’ do you want your Coffee to be ?... Espresso.. too little, Double espresso... lets start there..


2:1 ratio....   15gms Coffee, 30 gms pour from a 30 second press...  - the convention... 


Like more oils?..  the same 15 gms coffee, tighter (or the same) grind, 15 gms for from a +/- 20 second press... (less fluid)...  sweeter ??... No.. some say yes, depends on the bean.


Are you buying a coffee machine to dial in the above processes and you dial in that process each and every time  you buy a new bean, lower roasts make less grind per time, higher (longer) roasts generate more oils but more grind....  Who is tamping the coffee before the press ????.... consistent tamp ?... 



Or... Pour over... French Press ? grind your own?..  Blade or burr grinder ? 


Ok... thats the process... what about the coffee...


Medium, medium dark, dark roast ???....  


Bean... OK.. Arabica (generally more flavour)... Robusta (less richness, more caffeine)...  so ’they’ say....

Area ??.... oh no... it turns into a mind-fluk.... 


‘cos if you’re like me...  I spend a little time dialing in each bean, then get fed up so stick to the same bean so I don’t need to mess about...   its too much headache....




So...  If you are asking for recommendations...   Get a Nespresso....  it does what it says on the tin. 

The coffee is good, you’ll enjoy it, there’s no di<king about... 


But.. iF you want to play about, explore, go bean to cup, experiment with coffee types, roast, level of grind, length of press...  Go for a Burr Grinder (hand grinder is fine) and a half decent press (espresso coffee machine)... 


Once you’ve worked all that out and you’re satisfied that you can make a decent cup of coffee most of the time.... then the art has somewhat been understood.. 


Then get one of these.... >> a Moca pot...   cheap, simple ‘probably’ smashes all the other coffees out of the park (when made well - I don’t know - but thats my next step in the coffee journey).


... I’ve never made ‘moca-pot’ coffee......   I wonder if it might not ‘burn’ the coffee (or over extract it)...  But, I like Turkish coffee (Turkish Coffee Pot) - so... if I can replicate Turkish Coffee (method) I reckon I’ve over spent on all the methods so far..... 




Conclusion... Do what you want have fun....  take the steps you enjoy to reach the following targets

1 - step up from 3in1..  - Pre-ground - French Press

2 - step up from french pressed coffee - Nespresso Capsules (not really much need to go further than this).

3 - step up from Nespresso - silly options... time consuming efforts

4 - step sideways - own grind (well chosen coffee) - French Press or Pour over

5 - best option - time spent on dial (bean, roast, grind, press, amount >> equation / recipe that gets it right - takes time per bean type to get it right (dialing it in). 


OR...  Go for Mocha Pot...    


I’m on stage 5 now....  and I’m getting so pished oowf...  I’m getting good coffee (Coffee Culture)...  but struggle with consistency... 


And then...  after getting the perfect 30 second, 30 gram pour of 16gram medium dark roast Doi Chang and a shamelessly putting it back back too quickly.... I then want to make another and properly screw of the density of the froth when I want to lengthen my next hit with a tightly aerated dash of milk... 



Bloody ek... what hassle.....  shouldn’t we just snort the stuff instead... ??? Answers on a postcard > starting with, but it wouldn’t taste the same... 



Did that answer your question Op ???  


- If not, just get a nespresso - they’re awesome... 

- Or if you have time, go moca-pot with a decent bean..  


..... What bean is good? - thats a new topic to debate, but it doesn’t really matter...  most of them are decent. 






Note: Coffee snobbery: I’ll have a coffee from Au Bon Pan and its ok... I’ll have a coffee from Starbucks and its ok....  Its not my first choice, its not great, but neither is the sandwich I’m eating when I order the coffee.. 







Edited by richard_smith237
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Back in Oz I have a Gaggia classic pro, made in Italy, magic machine, parts available everywhere and heaps of doc's on YouTube, small footprint but don't let that fool you, the included tamper is useless so you need to purchase a separate one, makes a superb Latte.

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16 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I have this (pic below) - Breville Barista Pro... Very happy with it... but as per my lengthy post above, its a lot of effort when starting out. 

Purchased the same machine over a year ago, and I absolutely love it.

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19 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

Bit surprised Nespresso has not been mentioned yet.

Easy, reliable, video variety of tast and a decent cup of coffee.

Had a Nespresso machine. It does make good shots with many good coffee selections. The problem I had was that the shots were too small (only 5g of coffee per capsule) and very expensive, and I was dismayed by all of the spent capsules piling up.

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  • 7 months later...
On 11/29/2021 at 6:25 AM, richard_smith237 said:

I have this (pic below) - Breville Barista Pro... Very happy with it... but as per my lengthy post above, its a lot of effort when starting out. 


I also purchased a new tamper and coffee distributor (leveller) - the tamper is ‘sprung’ to give a consistent pressure... the leveller does just that, levels out the coffee for an even distribution before its tamped. 



About 3 years ago I bought the Identical Heston Barista for £350 on Ebay brand new put it in a large bag and brought it back here never missed a beat and coffee better than any coffee shop I have tasted anywhere ???? 

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