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Omicron Will Arrive, Vaccination Urged – Official

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37 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

Where did you get this information? No confirmed case of Omicron in Vietnam yet. 

It was in Thai news. Yesterday.


All of the vaccines work.

None of them work 100%, either in preventing transmission or death. Their success to date is based on reducing the viral load, not on elimination.


90% of UK adults have had at least 1 jab, 80% have had 2 jabs. An unknown number have had 3 jabs. And transmission and death continue in these groups, albeit at a lower rate. Surely this is now agreed and accepted.


All these vaccines fade after a comparatively short time, hence the booster programme in the UK.

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9 hours ago, TorquayFan said:

Omicron must already be in Thailand. How it behaves against a different vaccine/immunity profile here will be seen quite quickly. Europe too faces the same uncertainty. Reports that symptoms may be milder have yet to be confirmed. As ever, get the vax and the 'boost' asap . . .


"South Africa’s daily confirmed Covid-19 cases almost quadrupled from Tuesday as the omicron variant spreads across the country, showing how contagious the new strain may be.


Or possibly that they're just testing more?  I obviously don't know, but that must be considered as a possibility.

48 minutes ago, Luton said:

I think you may be merely churning out what you have heard from propaganda and 'control' sources who are driving a much bigger damaging agenda. Many well-respected professional medical people and scientists are now saying the vaxx are causing immune system breakdown (too many of them to quote here but you can research). It's your natural immune system and supporting that with already existing medicines (see Zelenko protocol...that's one example) that's truly beneficial whether you are not vaxxed, like me, or had Covid early on, like I did and recovered. Non vaxxed and no infection (that they know of) can similarly spruce up their protection by supporting their natural immune system with the medicines Big Pharma wants eradicated otherwise their profits would dwindle! Let's wake up from the lies and the abuse!

You haven't read my post properly. Read it slowly and carefully, because I had Covid and recovered from it, being otherwise healthy, and I regard my natural immune system to be as good as any vaxxes to date. Which will keep me in good stead..


However,  I do regard those who have NOT been infected AND NOT vaxxed to be at greater risk of serious illness, especially if their health is poor with other medical issues. It would be a stop gap until an immune vaccine is developed - if ever that's going to happen. Probably depends on how many people would die globally to make the BIg Pharma development cost worthwhile.

Just now, stephenterry said:

You haven't read my post properly. Read it slowly and carefully, because I had Covid and recovered from it, being otherwise healthy, and I regard my natural immune system to be as good as any vaxxes to date. Which will keep me in good stead..


However,  I do regard those who have NOT been infected AND NOT vaxxed to be at greater risk of serious illness, especially if their health is poor with other medical issues. It would be a stop gap until an immune vaccine is developed - if ever that's going to happen. Probably depends on how many people would die globally to make the BIg Pharma development cost worthwhile.

Omicron is proving to be able to evade your natural immunity. So no, unless also vaccinated, you are wide open to getting Covid again. And potentially infecting others.


An immune vaccination may never be developed. Kinda like the flu.

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

It will be interesting to see how, and when, the first case if Omicron is reported.


I feel like it will be found in a foreigner, with the odds on favorite being Burmese or Laotian (long shot: Botswana). And may not be found until after 1 January.


On a forum full of cynics (myself included) I vote for this as "the most cynical post of 2021"  Congratulations ????????

4 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Proves nothing.  Not to mention that site is a bit dodgy.



These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias.  They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes.  These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Left-Center sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Mirror Left-Center Biased based on story selection that moderately favors the Left and Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing and several failed fact checks.

Agree with you.

I like the last bullet point...  @Jeffr2   be so kind as to remember my "consider the source" argument / debate of a day or so ago. ????

To regard The Daily Mirror as anything more than "a political comic with an adjustable agenda", is naïve indeed...with the greatest respect of course, old chap! 

1 hour ago, saintbangkok said:

And all of them Vaccinated it says. So, tell me again why everyone should havr a vax that is proven not to work? 

Well how about a vax that's not proven to work in all cases but is dammed effective in many?

Pretty much sums up vaccinations since Edward Jenner's time The origins of vaccination

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22 hours ago, rodknock said:

how about all the people they are looking for who came from africa!!!!

will they find the people?

how many people were on the plane total?

if one is infected it will be a s--t storm.

thats the crazy thing... after all the years of TM47, TM 30 blah blah blah now cant find anyone... what the point of immi....?

too busy wasting time and efforts...

thanks all,


tripple vpn, statelite bounced.... and mostly not in Thailand....

9 hours ago, stephenterry said:

And so can those people who are fully vaxxed. About time people understood the Vaxxes protect most people against serious infection without the need for hospital treatment.


And that applies to those who have been infected and recovered. If they are otherwise healthy they have as much immunity as those who are Vaxxed.  It's those who are not vaxxed and have not been infected who are at risk. 

At risk of getting mild symptoms

14 minutes ago, Toany said:

At risk of getting mild symptoms

This may be just a hunch, but I’m guessing that the 5,25 million people who died from Covid so far worldwide would strongly disagree with you.

  • Like 2
21 minutes ago, Luton said:

So Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winner who's warning about the dangers, and who's been censored is, to you, a non-worthy sceptic? 

Nobel disease

Nobel disease or Nobelitis is the embracing of strange or scientifically unsound ideas by some Nobel Prize winners, usually later in life. It has been argued that the effect results, in part, from a tendency for Nobel winners to feel empowered by the award to speak on topics outside their specific area of expertise,




3 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

Nobel disease

Nobel disease or Nobelitis is the embracing of strange or scientifically unsound ideas by some Nobel Prize winners, usually later in life. It has been argued that the effect results, in part, from a tendency for Nobel winners to feel empowered by the award to speak on topics outside their specific area of expertise,



He's being trolled by the fake news media.




Fact Check-There is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 vaccines will kill people by causing antibody- dependent enhancement, current evidence demonstrates the opposite

A baseless quote has been widely attributed to a Nobel Prize winner to claim people will die from antibody-dependent enhancement after receiving a COVID-19 jab. There is no evidence to back up this claim, nor was Reuters able to find any instance where the laureate made this comment.

The claim, made in a post that has been screenshot and shared on social media platforms, says French virologist Luc Montagnier “has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine”. (here , here and here).

  • Thanks 2
10 hours ago, SymS said:

There are some indications Sinovac may protect better against Omicron, because it was a full inactivated virus. If I had to take a vaccine now, I'd personally take one with a mix of Sinovac and another one, probably Astra.

That might be who really knows?  Personally I'm not against vaccine already got mines but there really isn't any data on the Sino or any of the Chinese vaccine just like the Russian and I don't care if W.H.O. attaboy organization what they have to say or because they approved it.  Currently, as I keep in contact with the family in China two one Uncle and cousin both vaccinated both die from the side affects.  My Thai wife older brother up North got the AZ died 3 days later from a blood clot in the lung.  Right <deleted> happens but personally you know the answer?

1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Side effects are rare. Especially when compared to how many die from Covid. Not including long covid.

Yes, I know as noted, <deleted> happens let me be very clear even before Covid I had a very negative opinion of the CCP,  not it's people as far as I'm concern they can take everyone of their leaders their families dig a hole and put them in it alive. The last vaccine I would take is theirs? 

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Every credible scientist and medical professional recommends jabs. And you call that fear-mongering?  Amazing.

Another brand new anti vax campaigner ????

  • Haha 2

Posts with links to questionable sources have been removed as well as the replies. 


Some covid conspiracy posts and the replies have been removed.

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vaccination urged?


encouraging people to get vaccinated assumes there is more supply than demand? is the vaccine programmme now so advanced that most of the population is now double vaccinated? and they are in effect sweeping up those that have been missed in the initial vaccine programme? if so this is excellent news.


how well is the booster programme going?

1 minute ago, Benmart said:

Those who manufacture alarm bells, are often the same ones who benefit from such an industry. Follow the money and the accompaning lust for power.  The public welfare has little to do with this mess.

It could be argued (convincingly) that the prevalence of anti vax evangelism seen on the interwebs is nothing more than a lust for power since we know it's politically motivated.

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On 12/3/2021 at 7:54 PM, tgw said:

what I've heard so far is that omicron causes mild symptoms - if this is true, couldn't that be a chance to instead spread it as much as possible, achieving herd immunity?

In South Africa, yes. But symptoms could be different in other countries, e.g. the UK, where the average population age is different (older), more people are double-vaccinated (ca. 60% vs. only about 30% in South Africa), etc. There have been a few reports of critical cases due to Omicron, but with less than 1,000 total Omicron cases found worldwide, it is still too early to say...

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Numerous nonsense, off-topic posts with false or misleading information and trolling have been removed. 


Please don't feed the trolls. 


Continue and face a suspension.


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