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The carnage continues on the Thai roads: 75 deaths on Monday including Swiss tourist in Phuket


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7 hours ago, seedy said:

Seems a lot of posters in this topic have a hard time adapting.

Set in their Ways so much that they are up in arms if things are not just the way they were back in (insert country name here)

I do not have a problem - not more so than in any other country, as the road users there are just as dumb as the ones here.

Learn the local characteristics and drive by them.

Or come on public internet forums and P and M, whine and snivel "Oh Woe is Me" 555

But - as Darwin said - survival of the fittest.

If you were the Swiss guy riding his bike in Phuket , you would now be dead ! 

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10 hours ago, BadSpottedDog said:

Do ya think this would work? Hysterical! Well worth watching. 
Speed Limit Dashboard Monk

On a vacation trip to Mexico, I came upon some broken glass and other bits and pieces on a sidewalk in Mexico City.  Obviously the detritus from a wreck.  In the midst was a small magnetic Jesus statue.  I kept it even though its mojo was all used up.

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While horrific these statistics are , it is nothing compared to the obvious lack of ability and complacency fby this or for that matter any PREVIOUS Thai Government abilities to address the carnage .

Part of the problem is the obvious lack of any noticeable enforcement of Road Traffic Offences by the ROYAL Thai Police , which often happens right in front of them, coupled with the Thai Culture which had evolved over the years to circumnavigate all laws if they do not like them, KNOWING that enforcement is rare and if it is , the fines are paltry. 

Watching the Police over the years, it seems as though Thai Culture of a non-confrontational approach is the major part of the problem , plus the inability of Insurance companies to refuse to pay out when drivers or riders are plainly illegally driving. 

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14 hours ago, seedy said:

Every U Turn has a dedicated lane. Wait for traffic to clear - proceed.

How hard is it ?

People get impatient. Some cut to the front. I have sat waiting in a UTurn Q on many occasions (I have one to negotiate on Hwy 36 every trip out from home and back) I see the same many times.... traffic becomes clear, and the guy at the front counts to 4 or 5 before proceeding, and then the 2 or 3 behind him attempt to go too. The cars coming speed up and flash their headlights!

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6 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

If you were the Swiss guy riding his bike in Phuket , you would now be dead ! 

If If If ...

You can say that about any subject.

Means nothing.

Sorry about the Swiss guy, but did he know how to ride ? Was he Aware ? Did he Beware ? I don't know, and neither do other posters on this topic.

Just making the same old assumptions that they have made for years.

All Law and Order advocates better book a trip back to Nannyville.

Asia - indeed most spots on the globe - is no place for you by the look of the posts on this forum.

Adapt and Survive. Fail to do so - and Die.

Why - if it is so bad on the roads here - do some people manage quite well yet others can't get to 7-11 without a catastrophe ?

Me - 17 years, scooters, bikes, cars.

But then I take care of myself. Nanny not required.


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16 hours ago, seedy said:

Every U Turn has a dedicated lane. Wait for traffic to clear - proceed.

How hard is it ?

The Dedicated lane becomes full so the outside lane has a queue, then you you have to proceed out across a fast lane of traffic.

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Just now, brianthainess said:

The Dedicated lane becomes full so the outside lane has a queue, then you you have to proceed out across a fast lane of traffic.

And ones view of oncoming traffic is blocked by vehicles waiting to U-Turn for the opposite direction... often too far to their left. 

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Its not so much speeding but the inability to read the road ahead, the traffic behind, and to the sides, curves in a road, undertaking you as you are about to overtake a truck and cutting in-between you and the truck, complete failure to indicate. Just pure INCOMPETENT Dangerous drivers without a clue because of the stupid driving test where the speed is about 15 kmh Pathetic. 

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21 hours ago, yeahbutif said:

Do we have any policeman who read these forums ? Or can reply as to why this is happening?  So why why Why 

After many  long conversations with my (Thai) Brother in law  who is a Captain in the Thai police,  driving habits  here will never change,  as  all of the Thai's  including Police  drive the same way, & they see no wrong in it, and surely they cannot be told how...... their  views on these accidents  is "its fate"

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23 hours ago, jacko45k said:

I would expect they are not happy about it in the slightest!

But not sad enough to do anything about it. Anutin has just announced jail for sentences for anyone with a fake Covid certificate. But a fake driving licence, or no driving licence, not a problem.

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1 hour ago, Henryford said:

But a fake driving licence, or no driving licence, not a problem.

I had left my licence on the copier at home when stopped by the police once..... it was certainly making problems for me!

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On 12/14/2021 at 7:29 AM, Dmaxdan said:

I would add zero patience to your list. Running red lights, moving forward before the lights turn green and overtaking on a bend or the brow of a hill are all really common examples of this.


After 20 years driving in Thailand, I've bever noticed this any more than anywhere else.

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4 hours ago, kwilco said:

After 20 years driving in Thailand, I've bever noticed this any more than anywhere else.

Agree. I suspect most posters on this thread -

A. Do not live here

B. Have not driven or ridden here much, if at all

C. Seem able to only read 'statistics' and post views from Cloud Cuckoo land


I am close to your years of experience, ridden / driven from Northern Laos to Singapore, find doing so in Thailand safe and efficient.


Want bad - try India or Africa

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6 hours ago, kwilco said:

After 20 years driving in Thailand, I've bever noticed this any more than anywhere else.

Sadly I see it it here MANY TIMES on a daily basis..........and it is not as bad as Libya or Nigeria, I grant you that, but the standard of driving here, and I have lived here for more than 15 years, is appalling.

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