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Phuket hotels desperate as "insured" foreign tourists with Covid denied coverage, refuse to go to hospital - "Hospitel" shortage admitted


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12 hours ago, Adumbration said:

The old Thai guy who live two doors down from me tested positive about 2 weeks ago.  They just roped of the front of his house with some of that red taffeta string these use here to tie up parcels.

They are absolutely allowed to quarantine at home, even if having symptoms. Per wife, this has happened over a dozen times with people testing positive in our neighborhood in Bangkok. Only one person living near us went to a hospital after testing positive and that was because he was so sick he needed more intensive care. 

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On 1/4/2022 at 11:56 AM, richard_smith237 said:

It is obvious that those who test positive need to isolate, even when asymptomatic.


The obvious solution is that the ‘green cases’ isolate at their SHA Plus+ hotel as they would in any ASQ hotel. 


They’re not going to like it, but thats the nature of the beast which is travel in current times. 


Owners are not going to like it - but they wanted to take incoming tourists and secured the SHA Plus + for a reason, they have to take the smooth with the rough. 


There is no need to be sent to hospital unless symptomatic, in which case the government forces insurance to cover the hospitalisation. 



It has become clear that International Insurance providers need to be relied upon for such issues. 



It needs to be made clear to avoid any Thai Insurance company.




This is spot on.

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19 hours ago, RocketDog said:

The folks who were self-insured would then be forced into the hospital and higher bills.

In this case the insured ones will get to stay in a hotel; certainly a better outcome than a hospital.


unless ur already in thailand, you MUST have insurance to get in>> so there are no tourists staying at SHA+ hotels without insurance. and the hotels are worried the tourists testing positive will pass it along to other tourists at the hotel so is choosing to have them transferred to the hospitals which will than be over crowded>

all in all a huge cluster F#@K

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23 hours ago, Bkktodd said:

Guess you are above all ….hey some of us want to get on with our lives and act responsibly using all covid protection available.  I think all posters should have location known because so many put down others arrogantly because they need to travel to see family or for other personal reasons. The level of negativity by posters is remarkable 

Mate!  Wake up. There is job being done on you.

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On 1/4/2022 at 6:07 PM, JustAnotherHun said:

And again: The rules to enter Thailand are clear. Tested positive, evcen asymptomatic = hospital.

Also clear: most insurances do not pay for a non-treatment at a hospital.

Everybody's planing to come to Thailand should be aware of that.

What I find AMAZING ( get it? ) about foreign tourists even deciding to go to Thailand, is why they made the decision to go there, rather than a country that isn't such a mess. Do they not do any research in such times, or do they just believe the travel agent's propaganda?

I love Thailand, but I'd NEVER go there at the moment.


BTW, compulsory testing is just asking for scams, in LOS ( land of scams ), IMO.

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5 hours ago, aldriglikvid said:

The thing is, it's clear for us who "live here" and follow the daily news. If you instead look at the actual Thai embassies world wide; it's "Open for Tourism"-advertising and you can't even find the forced 10-day quarantine in the fine print.

I'm daily surprised and in amazement in how many falangs at this website keeps bashing the tourists on these matters. The tourists keeps saying, all of them, that they were not properly informed with forced hospitalization. I'm sorry, but I actually believe Thailand should have been more clear on this matter. 


Can you advise me to an official website, or decree, were I as a tourist can read what exactly happens if I'm C19 positive? You can not, because the rules aren't even clear and evenly enforced throughout the country. Some gets hospital. Some gets to stay at the hotel. Some can stay at the condos. 


Stop saying "crystal clear". It's not. 


Google is your friend. One only has to type the right question, and one would probably come up with aseannow, and even a short read of this forum would provide enough info to decide not to go to LOS.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Can't say I have any sympathy for Phuket hotels. IMO they have been ripping farangs off for decades, and that was part of the reason I stopped going to Phuket last century- IMO the whole island became a tourist rip off.

huh?  how? prices for all hotels are clearly marked on their web site and on hotel booking sites>its ur choice where to stay, nobody ever forced anyone to book into a hotel.
BTW, prices for the past 2 years have been cheaper than they have been since the 90's

with ur attitude, stay in Issan   ????

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On 1/4/2022 at 12:26 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

hysteric reaction of thai authorities who keep on complicating simple things. Asympotomatics need to quarantine at a special hotel, not hospital. hospital is only for sick people. this is the simple and obvious solution.  will the thai government ever get it? of course not/

Correct. There has also been reports of full hospitals.. guess whats going to happen when you admit all asymptomatic and mild cases in the hospitals..

These policies also ruins the statistics and case numbers. I know of several people just in and around my social circle that had covid and self isolated. It was never reported or tested in any hospital.


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On 1/4/2022 at 6:13 PM, MrJ2U said:

In the long run this is going to be more expensive to the Thailand as a whole.


Completely close the borders until you get a grip on this.


Despite all the rhetoric of how many people have been dubiously vaccinated.  


Theres eventually not going to be enough hospital beds again despite symptoms being milder.

Possibly, but not happening in the UK or SA, numbers rose as expected but a majority of them are coincidental and UK hospitals are not overrun as a few cynics predicted 

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6 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

Possibly, but not happening in the UK or SA, numbers rose as expected but a majority of them are coincidental and UK hospitals are not overrun as a few cynics predicted 

Nope, its pretty bad.


"The armed forces are being deployed to help hospitals in London deal with a surge in Covid patients because the Omicron variant is leaving so many staff sick and unable to work."



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