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Senior Thai doctor says COVID-19 could lead to long-term side effects


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15 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

To be fair, It has not caused these symptoms, it has provided the excuse for the regime to introduce lifestyle changing, wealth transferring and society modifying policies, which are changing society for the benefit of those to whom it is beholden.


To that effect for them the pandemic must have been a joy, almost a rapture!


Those that have lost jobs, livelihoods and homes, well, you know where the farm is, off you go...



But why be fair? They are anything but fair with us and the Thai people. They deserve criticism, scorn, rejection, and lack of approval every chance we get.

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3 minutes ago, Airalee said:

One wonders what the health conditions and comorbidities were/are of those that suffer long term effects after Covid.  I know a few people who got Covid.  A couple are doing just fine afterwards (both were fit before contracting it and the effects both during and after were minimal.  One even ran a marathon shortly afterwards.  Even got a personal best if I remember correctly.  

Another was obese.  He had a tough time both during and for a while after his infection.  He has now decided to embark on a pretty serious fitness regimen and is doing much better now.


Could “long Covid” just be an extension of a persons general poor health.  Kind of a “straw that broke the camels back”?

Definitely but it is generally considered that age is the largest determining factor. If you intend to imply that the contributing factors are mainly lifestyle induced you would be wrong. Large numbers of people suffer from cancer, type 1 diabetes and other chronic illnesses which are not necessarily related with lifestyle. especially not advanced age,

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12 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

You couldn’t miss a chance  to troll with anti-vaxx mindlessness. Remind me how many millions would have died without  the vaccine…..

Just because someone speaks facts doesn't make them an anti vaxer! What planet are you on?

Long term trials have not yet been completed either on the vaccines!

Nobody is saying vaccines don't save lives they do, but every drug has a side effect!

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20 hours ago, Paulaew said:

Yeah, it always seems lame when advisories from Thai doctors are re-printed in the English press. But we know (don't we?) that he is actually trying to communicate international research to the Thai public in Thai. But let's not miss an opportunity for Thai-bashing. It makes us feel good.


Paul Laew

It is called ironic humour which sadly many on here do not understand and appreciate.


So why doesnt he just come out and say that "Long Covid" is acknowledged by doctors and scientists Worldwide, or at least in the West, as a very serious problem,  instead of claiming it as some new discovery  of his through a huge (more irony) study carried out on  80 patients! And instead of wasting his departments time and resources on what has already been done internationally and established as fact, why doesnt he move on from there to research and find remedial treatments for 'Long Covid'?

Edited by SunsetT
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The people who had COVID and did not get the long COVID symptoms are lucky people. I have a couple relatives

in their 30s who were fit, but now cannot go for their runs, and the other one had to take a long time off as

she had to stand a lot in her work, luckily her boss was very understanding, and had her come back to do another

position where she was able to sit for a lot of her shift. She is able to walk about but still has not been able to exercise

the way she used to.  I also have some older friends who are seniors like me and they are just happy to still be alive.

  One of them was sick with the delta variant, but luckily had his 2 jabs and he survived, but heard of a lot of patients

around him in the hospital that did not. He need oxygen but was lucky that he did not need the tube.

  Everyone who had COVID, told me to be cautious as it was the worse thing that they all caught.

When I hear poster who try to make like COVID is just like a regular flu, well good luck to them.

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14 hours ago, catturd said:

So, with >1.9M new daily covid cases worldwide there could be a lot of stupid, sleepie people running amok.

And 5,004 deaths total, with 2 million new cases. It has consistently been at 0.25% mortality rate. That is cause for celebration. Alot of people just do not want to let this thing go. Deaths are falling precipitously, with this weak Omi blessing. Embrace it. Be thankful for it. Stop the panic. This is not the Apocalypse. 

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21 hours ago, Paulaew said:

Yeah, it always seems lame when advisories from Thai doctors are re-printed in the English press. But we know (don't we?) that he is actually trying to communicate international research to the Thai public in Thai. But let's not miss an opportunity for Thai-bashing. It makes us feel good.


Paul Laew

Sorry, this is old old old knowledge.

So either the senior doctor shuts up, or Asean Now should not echo it.

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30 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Thanks. This topic is NOT PC. Nobody wants to talk about really, really fat people getting far higher rates of infections, and dying at a far higher rate. Nobody wants to talk about horrible diets, especially when related to specific ethnic groups, and the higher fatality rates within those groups. Nobody wants to talk about likely higher rates of infection amongst people who lead highly sedentary lives.


You simply cannot disparage our people, or our group! It is not right. Truth does not matter. 


This kind of discussion is simply not permitted, especially by the MSM. 

It hasn’t been PC for a long time.  Big is beautiful, fat can be healthy and all that other nonsense.


Moobs on a man are no more attractive than a muffin top on a woman.


One would have thought that during the pandemic, that people might have reflected on their individual health status.  But nope.  The modern way is “I like muh food” and give me a pill to fix whatever ails me.  

Don’t tell me what to eat!  My body my choice!


Forty-two percent of U.S. adults said they gained more weight than they intended, and of those, the amount they reported gaining averaged 29 pounds. Ten percent said they gained more than 50 pounds. Weight gain that leads to obesity can put people at higher risk for serious illness from coronavirus.



Gained more weight than intended?  Who in the heck intends on gaining weight?



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What newsense. I reconveyed form Govit two years ago. Steel sharp as anyone. As a mother of fact I discovered large plant in the sky bigger than son. It travels across the sky every knight and even discovered it gets smaller until banishes. But it comes back and gets biggerer. I named it Moon. Proof Govit long trim effect not effect the effectiveness of effective Brian effectiveness. 

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1 hour ago, Airalee said:

Type 1 diabetes, otherwise known as juvenile onset diabetes isn’t age related.  Type 2 diabetes is definitely lifestyle (diet) related.


Cancer.  Yeah…many cancers are lifestyle related.  Especially lung cancer from smoking which I would assume would cause issues both before and after Covid.


Advanced age….well…old people would most likely suffer ill effects after most serious conditions.  Breaking a hip or other bones comes to mind.


Heart disease….diet and lifestyle related.


Obesity…lifestyle and diet related.


So, if you think that lifestyle related issues aren’t major contributing factors, you would be wrong.

What I actually said was that age is the biggest factor and that was not lifestyle related. I also said that there were plenty of other factors which were not lifestyle related and I certainly didn't imply or state that type 1 diabetes was age related. I never mentioned obesity or heart disease but neither is necessarily lifestyle related. My point was that any attempt to correlate deaths with lifestyle disease is simplistic and wrong. Dismissing the danger because it mainly affects the age is sociopathy.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Yes, I just posted similar comment elsewhere........it is a pity Omicron didn't come first, before the predecessors killed 5 million plus!!

Maybe up to 25M based on the economists assessment of excess deaths.  But Omicron seems mild, Ive had many friends who have had it.  They rate it easier than the flue and quicker.  Seems we may have a mass vaccination programme taking place free of cost and politics. 

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12 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

What I actually said was that age is the biggest factor and that was not lifestyle related. I also said that there were plenty of other factors which were not lifestyle related and I certainly didn't imply or state that type 1 diabetes was age related. I never mentioned obesity or heart disease but neither is necessarily lifestyle related. My point was that any attempt to correlate deaths with lifestyle disease is simplistic and wrong. Dismissing the danger because it mainly affects the age is sociopathy.

Oh nonsense.

Comorbidity and its Impact on Patients with COVID-19




And yes.  Obesity and heart disease are mostly lifestyle related and risks can be mitigated by making the hard choices….what you put in your mouth.



Embarrassing that you don’t understand these things.


And old people?  Old people die.  Ones with comorbidities (based on poor lifestyle choices) die easier.

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1 minute ago, Airalee said:

Oh nonsense.

Comorbidity and its Impact on Patients with COVID-19




And yes.  Obesity and heart disease are mostly lifestyle related and risks can be mitigated by making the hard choices….what you put in your mouth.



Embarrassing that you don’t understand these things.


And old people?  Old people die.  Ones with comorbidities (based on poor lifestyle choices) die easier.

I never mentioned those things. You will be old soon enough and then your sociopathy will come back to bite you.

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6 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I never mentioned those things. You will be old soon enough and then your sociopathy will come back to bite you.

I mentioned them originally.  And you told me I was wrong.  I wasn’t.  You were.

Pointing out facts with links from the CDC and NIH is hardly sociopathy.


People should be encouraged to be healthy.  If they took better care of themselves then Covid and “Long haul Covid” wouldn’t pose nearly the problem that it potentially does.

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3 minutes ago, Airalee said:

I mentioned them originally.  And you told me I was wrong.  I wasn’t.  You were.

Pointing out facts with links from the CDC and NIH is hardly sociopathy.


People should be encouraged to be healthy.  If they took better care of themselves then Covid and “Long haul Covid” wouldn’t pose nearly the problem that it potentially does.

I never referenced them in any way or at any time. Implying that deaths due to advancing age are relatively unimportant is sociopathy.

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