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Stickman Returns

Bangkok Barry

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11 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

It didn't need that ???? The trend is to imagine I said something that I didn't, and when it's refuted to try and twist and change the thread to fit another imagined thing that I didn't say. It's happened 'against' me several times, they get more and more into an indefensible position but still keep going. And it has always been Americans that do it. I guess the ones who do it have a need to prove they are right even when clearly they are not. I suppose it's not unlike Thais who insist that it's Saturday in the face of clear evidence that it's Sunday. They simply can't back down. It's interesting.

The way to deal with people of that genre is to send them to Coventry. It stops them in their track and they never know what hit them.

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10 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

It's been interesting to me to see how many here support a bargirl cheating and scamming. It's okay for her to lie about what she is drinking, all bargirls are poor and have to make a living.


What she did is no big deal - I just reported it, the mamasan tore up the bill and I left. But there are some here who say that drinking a gulp of 150 baht water or Sprite while pretending it is something else is okay. I guess we have different standards. If you don't mind being scammed, fine. Up to you. I choose to drink somewhere else.



I just checked in on this thread to see the reactions to Stick's return piece - underwhelming -, only to see that you have been busy trying to un-say what you clearly implied...


Lots of people getting "ignored" by you..


I believe, after 20 years living in Pattaya, and innumerable interactions with Pattaya's demi-mondes", that you are unclear on the concept. The girls have a drinks quota. Water, Sprite, tequila no matter. Your attitude that you are too smart to be "tricked" is what gave you away. Going on about Americans is amusing. I'm not American btw...


For the record, when I offer a lady drink, or respond to a request for one, I always offer the option of a non-alcoholic drink. The vast majority are happy with this option.


The girls know why punters insist on the girl drinking alcohol..

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7 minutes ago, chalawaan said:

The Thaiger is eating ASEAN Now lunch anyway. At least they have the ticker to have a go as far as the law will allow, no annoying Ads and clickbait garbage, fluent English speaking Thai reporters, multiple video channels, and the lovely Natty! 

Even Rooster is just recycling his life-story now, and that's all I come here for at this point. That and Ubon Joe's Visa wisdom. The rest is what passes for journalism in Army infested Kalaland these Sad and sorry days, translated to English. Meh!

Thaigerer is based in Thailand?


A quick Google search about thaiger


"Thaiger started in Phuket in October 2016, initially as a new FM radio station for the island. The Thaiger Pte Ltd is now registered in Singapore and provides Thailand and SE Asia with the next generation of media – news, lifestyle, restaurant reviews, Top Tens, travel info, free classifieds and much more."


As far I know, ASEAN have adress Bangkok, and I guess that's where you find the difference between those two.

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I always assume they're drinking coloured water.

I'm just paying for their time.


As for Stickman, found him very dull, but some of the readers letters were amazing.

This one from 'Anon' was amazing ......... The Rosetta Stone of Women's Behaviour.



'Men love women, but I truly believe that women are incapable of what we men call love. “Greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friends.” How many women are willing to die for their husbands, friends, country, or comrades in arms? Damn few, if any.'


And this one ....... Thai Smile Expiration Date.



'The famous Thai smile has an expiration date of about 18 months. Sometimes a little longer, often less, but it always expires. And like fresh milk, eventually it turns sour.'

Hummins 1. Law,

Always give them small carrots, and make them think it is a bigger one coming, and , most important, let them know and believe, there is no better carrots out there. 

She know if she ruin this, Im off with a new one tomorow, but for her to find someone like me, would be much harder considering her age is starting to get out of date. 


Hummins 2. Law

Never find someone who know they are more attractive than you. 

Hummins 3. Law (Borrowed formula)

Half your age plus seven


Love calculator for those with no math skills



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2 hours ago, bobbin said:

For the record, when I offer a lady drink, or respond to a request for one, I always offer the option of a non-alcoholic drink. The vast majority are happy with this option.

Another who sees what he wants to see and ignores what I actually wrote. I wrote, more than once and very clearly, that she asked for a tequila and returned with something else. Up to her what she wants to drink, but why lie about what she was having? I objected to being lied to, and being charged 150 for a mouthful of lemonade. The boss agreed and removed it from the bill.

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11 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

maybe   hes  got divorced in the meantime  ?? so needs the bread to pay for stickboys new liver op

StickBoy is currently begging on Twitter for donations to make him a millionaire within 7 days. Sad stuff...

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Guest Isaanlife
2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Can't say I'm bothered about the appearance of a website.

I am only interested in the content.

You're sounding a little shallow.

If you can tell how I sound from text, you are a genius.



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41 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Another who sees what he wants to see and ignores what I actually wrote. I wrote, more than once and very clearly, that she asked for a tequila and returned with something else. Up to her what she wants to drink, but why lie about what she was having? I objected to being lied to, and being charged 150 for a mouthful of lemonade. The boss agreed and removed it from the bill.

I hope you tipped her well, as the mamasan probably cut her drinks commission!

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18 hours ago, 1rak said:

Breaking NEWS!  The Thermae is reopening this coming tuesday.  I bumped into the owner this morning.  Tuesday 8pm.  But he said only open for a few hours to test the waters so to speak.

isf says the therma outside has half LBs and half women dont need stickman to tell us that

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A lot of projection here: people who "heard" Stickman is divorced and broke.


"Heard" = it came to me in a dream; wholly made up jealousy towards a guy who managed to make a modest income from nightlife reporting.


His new column is pretty underwhelming. But writers about Thailand are not as numerous as they once were, so I hope he gets juicier stuff to tell about and that he makes a little money doing it. 


When I killed time in a beer bar, I'd just give them 50 baht and skip the whole drink complication. But that was a long time ago. They used to play Jenga with you. So call it 50 baht for a game of Jenga. Gotta believe that Jenga in a bar is deader than the blues. True?



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Stickman was the reverse Tony Wheeler of Lonely Planet. Wheeler sold out right out at Lonely Planet's peak, just before TripAdvisor rendered him obsolete.


Stickman flogged his dying brand to death. There probably was a time when the bars at Nana Plaza were actually different from each other. But not in the last decade at least.

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Used to follow his column about 20 years ago.  I enjoyed his stories about aspects of LOS no one else wrote about, like his own personal investigation of corruption.  What I didn't like was his headlines usually were about changing the bar closing times in Nana, like it was the most crucial thing on Earth (I think that stuff was written by a pimp who worked Soi 4 he was pals with).  Then some fellow took to attacking him (in print) and lost track after that.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This week's column is about how much he hasn't drunk lately ????.


Hopefully the content picks up sooner rather than later, I'm not really interested in reading about what some guy in New Zealand has in his wine cabinet.


The bars are opening back up, it would be good to hear some real news...

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Agreed, deeply dull and now even more heavily padded, like explaining how he hasn't had a drink several different ways to hit his word count.


He was a must-click. Now he is a might-click.


A couple of more weeks of bland what about this?/what about that? about the "punters" and that'll do it for me.


Any sentence that ends, "X remains to be seen" should no longer see the light of day in his wishy-washy column.

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i must admit i had a bit of a laugh at the 'opener' in the column this week.  the no drinking for a year isn't the best topic for column on bars, go go's, etc....  i will say i also went a year w/o drinking just due to the virus.  there wasn't much to do and i don't drink at home alone.  but i returned to thailand in july and in october things got a bit better and i was enjoying beer again.


i notice some on here are not sure about the status of the site.  stickman did sell the site.  and agreed to continue the column for a salary of sorts.  as i recall, he claimed he didn't get paid for awhile and stopped the column.  but then it started again. 


i would suggest that stickman go w/o the 'opener' piece and just do the bar news portion.  what stickboy reported on his site was roughly the same stuff that stickman reports in that section.  now that stickboy is gone, maybe stickman can just replace him.  there was no need for both of them unless you like the 'opener' in stickman's column.  much of the bar news and such was the same on the two sites.



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