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Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital


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1 hour ago, Chris.B said:

Targeting civilians not military. Those were Russian trucks at the end of the video shown blown up?


2 Russian trucks at the end of destroyed whoes blown up vehicles.

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8 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

No thanks, from India that abstained form voting on the UN General Council Directive that voted for Russia to stop is it’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

It should not matter where it comes from,your vision is blurred if there is no truth to the article.

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2 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

It should not matter where it comes from,your vision is blurred if there is no truth to the article.

Biased propaganda, you may as well open up your bookmarks and send me a link to R.T. 

Actually forget it, I won’t read that either ????

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3 hours ago, tgw said:

If Putin doesn't get some "Litvinenko tea" served by a member of his inner circle, then I think a drone strike on his vehicle while on the move is the most promising method of elimination (as for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards kingpin ).

The problem is that the trail would lead back to one of the very few countries able to carry out such a strike.





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2 minutes ago, DaveE13 said:

I got to say watching the Refugees arriving in Poland,Romania etc. Well done to these countries and how well they are dealing with those fleeing from the murders . 

You should also thank Russia. Because most of refugees are accepted by Russia.

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1 minute ago, friendofthai said:

You should also thank Russia. Because most of refugees are accepted by Russia.

Do I thank Belarusia too?  I think the vast majority Ukrainians will not be taking up the offer.


Edited by DaveE13
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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Despicable manipulation from Putin and his Russian forces, having already broke two cease fires for humanitarian corridors he is now setting conditions on where the refugees should go before another cease fire is implemented.


As of two days ago at least 505,000 Ukrainians have gone to Poland, 139,000 to Hungary, 97,000 to Moldova, 51,000 to Romania, 72,000 to Slovakia, and 90,000 to other European countries. Nearly 48,000 have also gone to Russia and a few hundred have gone to Belarus. 


However announced just now new cease fire corridors will be mainly leading only to Russia :


Ukraine anger as Putin offers evacuation routes to Russia


UK government minister James Cleverly has called Russian plans for a temporary ceasefire - to allow civilians access to humanitarian corridors which lead to either Belarus or Russia - "cynical beyond belief".

"Providing evacuation into the arms of the country that is currently destroying yours is a nonsense," the minister for Europe and North America told BBC Breakfast.



It's the propaganda value. He will make TV and movies of columns of refugees leaving Ukraine and seeking refuge in Russia. ☹️☹️


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Hope it's not too little, too late...


U.S., Poland, Ukraine plan fighter jet swap as Russia warns against foreign interference


"The U.S., Poland and Ukraine are working out plans for a fighter jet swap that would see Poland provide jets to Ukraine, while U.S. jets would backfill the Polish airfleet. Russia has warned that even the use of neighbouring airfields would be seen as direct military involvement."






Blinken says NATO countries have "green light" to send fighter jets to Ukraine

"[U.S.] Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the U.S. is considering replacing Polish fighter jets if the Polish government decides to send aircraft to Ukraine."




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What do anti-war protests in Russia mean for Putin?


Security forces in Russia have detained over 4,000 anti-war protesters across the country. The figure is from an independent protest monitor. Police have arrested people in several Russian cities including Moscow and St. Petersburg. They warned that organizers and participants in demonstrations will face charges. Authorities have imposed restrictions on protests citing the COVID-19 pandemic.




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Ukraine War: 'This is not a war against Ukraine. This is a war against our values' - Poroshenko


Sky's Special Correspondent Alex Crawford speaks to former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who said 'don't trust Putin' over reports of humanitarian corridors.




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Ukraine says Russian escape routes lead only to Russia and Belarus


Ukraine has rejected a Russian proposal for humanitarian corridors. Ukraine's deputy prime minister said it was not an acceptable option, because the planned routes out of several Ukrainian cities only led to Russia or its ally Belarus. Kyiv also accuses the Kremlin of continuing to shell civilians during previously agreed ceasefires to help people escape.






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Russian news anchor says millions of Russians feel invasion is a catastrophe


Russian news director and anchor, Ekaterina Kotrikadze, speaks to CNN's Fareed Zakaria about the state of the country's news media after her station, TV Rain, shut down due to the Russian government's crackdown on local media over unfavorable coverage of the war in Ukraine.




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8 minutes ago, Virt said:

In addition, from from Bellingcat:


Two persons close to the Russia-Ukraine negotiations (including back channel talks) tell me Russia proposed (1) Zelensky remains pro forma president but Russia appoints Boiko as PM, (2) Ukraine recognizes L/DNR and Crimea, (3) No NATO. Ze told them emphatically no.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

In addition, from from Bellingcat:


Two persons close to the Russia-Ukraine negotiations (including back channel talks) tell me Russia proposed (1) Zelensky remains pro forma president but Russia appoints Boiko as PM, (2) Ukraine recognizes L/DNR and Crimea, (3) No NATO. Ze told them emphatically no.


A hard no on that.

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And meanwhile Putin collects additional estimated 500 million dollars each day from exporting Gas, 

compared to the prices a month ago.

Estimated additional 100 million dollars on Oil daily due to rise of oil prices too.

The gas prices went through the roof today.


So while the sanctions hit him at some points, Russia still collects an enormous amount of money each and every day,

 because we haven't stopped importing Russian energy.


If we totally cut of the import of Oil, gas and Coal from Russia, Europe are going to be in a whole lot of trouble.

We just have to realize that we are still financing his war machine in Ukraine.


He has Europe by the balls, and we have been warned about it for years.

The EU politicians didn't want to listen, so now they have their hands tied,

because they will screw their own economies if we ban all Russian energy.


How to solve this paradox?

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4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


There was a news post here just the other day regarding an attempt by Russian forces in one captured city to stage a propaganda film by bussing in loads of Russian sympathizers from separatist regions, and then have them happily greet Russian troops. But the local Ukrainian residents staged a protest in large numbers that forced the Russians to abandon that effort...at least for that day.

yes, I posted this

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1 minute ago, Mr Derek said:

These requirements are perfectly reasonable and I hope Ukraine has the good sense to accept them. It will stabilise the region in the long term.


Why have Ukraine not surrendered already in order to prevent further death and destruction? It seems their military was almost entirely taken out on the first day. If they have no planes, tanks or artillery, then they have lost. End of.

Every additional day Zelensky don't surrender is simply torturing his own people. Seems he actually wants to drag this on in order to capitalise on sympathy from the west and drag them into a world war.

Should the US have surrendered when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor? It would have saved a lot of deaths.

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Some New Steps the West Might Try in Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal


As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nears its two-week mark, a grim story in three parts is emerging: Russia’s brutality is escalating, Ukraine’s resistance remains inspiring—and the West’s ability to steer events is proving frustratingly limited.


Perhaps Ukraine is somehow, miraculously, winning its battle—or perhaps it’s simply losing more slowly than Russian President Vladimir Putin once imagined.


Either way, the U.S. and its allies, after responding with surprising speed and unity to impose economic sanctions on Russia, now find themselves trapped between a desire to help Ukraine more on the one hand and a fear of setting off a global conflict with a nuclear-armed tyrant on the other.






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