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“We can no longer live a normal life”- Russians in Thailand feel the pressure as global sanctions ratchet up


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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

Ukraine as a state founded in 1917. Then forced to be a member of USSR in 1922.

In Middle Ages is was a Kingdom. 

So where, in that description, is the "200 years before Russia" you mentioned in your previous statement?

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Most Russians seem to have supported Putin for a long time now. Did they not know who and what he was? 


There is a price to eventually be paid for allowing a despot dictator to rule your nation. Sorry guys. But it is a reality. 


Over the past 100 years when do you think it was possible for  the general Russian  population to renounce whichever dictator was in charge.

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Just wondering if Putin would allow these Russians back into Russia. After all, they have bitten the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They know what is really going on, and would likely disseminate that truth to the brainwashed Russians spoonfed propaganda by RT, etc.


Sounds like they're screwed either way.

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23 minutes ago, gargamon said:

Just wondering if Putin would allow these Russians back into Russia. After all, they have bitten the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They know what is really going on, and would likely disseminate that truth to the brainwashed Russians spoonfed propaganda by RT, etc.


Sounds like they're screwed either way.

How would they be any different from Russians that travel to places like Thailand, beaches in France, or anywhere else with the interweb?


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On 3/26/2022 at 6:17 PM, Isaan sailor said:

Vlad should send a military transport to pick them up and return them.  After all, he’s one of the wealthiest in Russia, plus he controls the military.

Probably the most sensible suggestion I've heard. Although does he really want them back or care in anyway shape or form? Judging by what he said a few days ago anyway. I know in this rant he was referring more to the richer Russians living abroad but it does show his mindset:


He touched on "scum traitors" that would be spat out like a "midge that flew into their mouths."

"I do not judge those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera," the 69-year-old said.

"Or who can't get by without oysters or foie gras or so-called 'gender freedoms.'

"The problem is they mentally exist there, and not here, with our people, with Russia.

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40 minutes ago, impulse said:

How would they be any different from Russians that travel to places like Thailand, beaches in France, or anywhere else with the interweb?


No difference at all. Putin likely doesn't want any of them back in the middle of this self generated crisis. One of his major concerns is Russians protesting the invasion.

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14 hours ago, In Full Agreement said:
On 3/26/2022 at 8:41 AM, impulse said:

My heart goes out to the Russian people, just as it goes out to Americans suffering huge inflation.  Neither got what they thought they were voting for.

You mean Americans and  the rest of the world...

My heart goes out to anyone who voted for a politician that promised one thing, then delivered something very different. 


That's in response to statements that the every Russian deserves it because they elected Putin.  Just like every Thai deserves it because they elected...

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5 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Who cares how how 'hard' some Russian are having it in Thailand?


They aren't living in an underground shelter, their homes destroyed, no food, no water.


Talk to your Government, after all you apparently voted for them


Yeah, I really feel for them!

Voted, schmoted.

Putin doesn't run real elections. 

But yes of course there is no equivalence to what Ukrainians are dealing with. 

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:24 AM, mtls2005 said:






In the article only one russian woman is quoted as mentioning "discrimination".


Look, you empowered your leader. Own it.


Vlad made you a "victim", whinge to him.


Yes ...... and no different to the 'discrimination' experienced by Germans in UK and Japanese in US during WWII.


Governments should be asking themselves if its wise to allow people from a war mongering rogue country to move freely within their country.


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Off topic troll deflection posts and replies have been removed


Once again, this is a Thailand news thread specifically about Russians living in Thailand.


Broader discussions about the Russian invasion of Ukraine belong in the Home Country subforums.


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Invader Russians here crying “discrimination” is rank hypocrisy when their regime, who they tolerate and elect for past 20 years, have murdered around 4,000 Ukrainian civilians and created 10 million Refugees ! 

Never a popular people here, terrible reputation in Phuket for thieving, trickery, hostility & crime, what do they expect ? Sympathy, Help? Not from this guy.

Your Govt. Your Responsibility. Eat It.

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7 hours ago, Kinnock said:

Yes ...... and no different to the 'discrimination' experienced by Germans in UK and Japanese in US during WWII.


Governments should be asking themselves if its wise to allow people from a war mongering rogue country to move freely within their country.


Strong Economic “Thais” ( geddit) explains why that won’t happen????

People from Unfree Violent Nations do tend to be “ discriminated “ against , especially if those nations have made war on your own nation ( Japs/ Germans WW2) or other Free People!!! (Russians/Ukraine) ????

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23 hours ago, fdsa said:

does living the first two thirds of my life in Russia count?


Ha! ???? Yes that would “count” …….Big Time. Many brave high level Soviet era Russians spying for the West cited growing up in a prison ????as a major motivation together with the absolute appalling corruption of Communism. ???? KGB Chekist Putin carrying on that fine tradition …..

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On 3/26/2022 at 9:50 PM, placeholder said:

Zelensky is an authoritarian kleptocrat? Got any evidence for that?

And before the Russian invasion, the Ukranian people were living under a despotic regime? What's the source for your nonsense? RT?

And your likening of the sufferings of the Russian people due to the invasion of Ukraine to the suffering of the American people due to inflation is obviously ridiculous. Inflation is currently a worldwide phenomenon. Are all the nations of the world also invading Ukraine? 

Ukraine IS appallingly corrupt though, similar to Russia (same people) and decline to change. Thats one reason Ukraine will never be admitted to NATO or EU. Other reason is insufficient control over its borders & lands.

However, Zelensky accepted by West as fairly elected and sufficiently democratic, otherwise Zero Western support.

Ukraine passed discriminatory laws against using Russian Language & banned Pro- Russian Political Parties. Quite Nasty Stuff. 

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On 3/23/2022 at 11:00 PM, Pravda said:

I'm thinking out loud here, but perhaps Russians can copy what Americans have been doing for years. Put a Canadian flag on their backpacks.

But then you would need to speak English….. so many of them here don’t ….. seen them speaking Russian to bemused 7/11 staff ????

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:05 PM, In Full Agreement said:


if you walked  a mile  in the shoes of those living under the Kremlin's tyrant, you might feel less harsh towards those about whom you speak.     I don't think many call the empowering process for Putin becoming  Russia's leader a democratic one.



One Immutable Rule: “People Get the Govt. They Deserve”. No Exceptions. Russias have chosen enslavement by “strong leaders” for their entire 1000 year history.

They are descended from and worship their long term masters the Mongols in matters of govt & military. Primarily Thieves by Culture. NO CLUE & No Interest in Real Democracy. 

Shame because Putin & his FSB Thugs could be easily overthrown but Russians have little idea what to replace him with. 

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On 3/26/2022 at 6:17 PM, Isaan sailor said:

Vlad should send a military transport to pick them up and return them.  After all, he’s one of the wealthiest in Russia, plus he controls the military.

In Putins World the Russian people serve him not the other way around as in democracies. So Russians outside Russia cannot be used as Assets by Putin so they are Liabilities So No Help Coming. ????????

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