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Opinion: American and western arrogance will lose this region to China’s influence


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

For the past ten years, Beijing has courted, bribed, invested, and threatened their way into domestic political conversations from Bangkok to Tokyo, from Seoul to Yangon. Like it or not, the region now lives under the shadow of Beijings growing military and economic might.

make that multiple decades or even centuries you'll be more accurate.

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The headline: 

Opinion: american-and-western-arrogance-will-lose-this-region-to-china’s-influence/


is poore nonsense. Why ?


Arrogance concerning people is explained by: someone who is full of self-worth or self-importance and who tells and shows that they have a feeling of superiority over others.


I believe that many, many Western people think like this. It's the same attitude that the Thai military government has against it people. Chinas communist leaders are not different.


But thinking that the "arrogance" of Western countries is the reason for losing it's influence on Thailand and its SE neighbours is not logical. There are a lot of reasons why.

  • The US invaded Vietnam not because of arrogance, but because of the fear of a (Chineses) communist expansion  in SE Asia.
  • The Vietnamese had  fightings/wars against the Chinese over a long time because of the fear being one of the many provinces  in  China.  There is no connection to Western "arrgance", but to Chinese lust of occupation. Vietnamese people now fear mor their communist "collegues" than the West!
  • In general, fighting the communists (of China) means fighting for democracy. That*s not a fight for "superiority", but for the freedom of people.
  • After the coup here in Thailand the military "leader" hurrried to China like a crazy servant, not for the welfare of the Thais, but for his own/military success + surviving. The (democratic) Western states didn't "like" him.
  • Reasons for the coup:  personal, not moral or politcal, not supported by the West, but no problem for the Chinese leader. That's the real danger for SE Asia.
  • Once the geography of SE Asia was more important than nowadays. Going to or from China, Japan, Korea,  E-Russia was ging through SE Asias area-. Reason: Moldern technology like aeroplanes, big ships can go around, don't need to cross chanels etc, in SE Asia.,
  • Maybe the leading technology and science  in Western countries + Japan, South Korea  caused some arrogance. Vice versa would be the same.
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6 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

American and western arrogance


Yeah, it's all our fault, it was America that released the Corona Virus, and China saved the world by creating a vaccine.............who writes this crapola......


when will Thailand realize China never does anything for 'nothing'  there will always be a price to pay............soon menu prices will be in Yuan and Baht.   Thailand  wise up, you will reap what you sow.   Peace

be a change from rubles and baht 

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1 hour ago, ftpjtm said:

Then I guess we can agree that the paragraph I quoted from the OP was factually incorrect. 


And saying US vaccines didn't come because of hoarding is a misrepresentation of reality when the Thai government themselves delayed the first doses of US vaccines by months when they refused to allow them to be imported. 

If you are in possession of all the facts regarding the importation of the vaccine deliveries you may be right, somehow I doubt it.


In an interview with the BBC World Service, Mr Brown said the uneven distribution of Covid vaccines "is one of the greatest policy failures of our times" and had been caused by wealthy countries hoarding and stockpiling vaccines.


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7 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I wouldn't call it "arrogance" that is costing Western influence to decline in Asia/SE Asia...more a combination of incompetent (President Obama did nothing to counter Beijing while it built-up its militarized "string of pearls" in the South China Sea during his administration) and China resuming its historical place as the dominant economic and political power in the region.

And guess who was Vice President during the Obama administration?  And guess what deals his prodigal son made with China?

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2 hours ago, timendres said:

I remember photos of Chinese citizens queued up at Suvanabhumi with mountains of PPE being flown back to China.

Back in Jan 2020 my niece was in the middle of an internship at a large hospital in Bangkok.   As she could speak fluent Chinese she got the job of dealing with the Chinese tourists coming in for a checkup. Not surprisingly they were terrified and wanted to get home to their families.

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6 hours ago, Enzian said:

History. I hate to think what Thailand would be like now without the past 200 years of Chinese economic imperialism and influence. One out of every 6 Thais have a significant if not majority element of Chinese background. American culture will continue to be important, but this is Chinese country in some ways, maybe just not as much as Singapore for example.

Thailand was developing gradually in the early 20th century, in an orderly fashion before the big Chinese influx. While some of these more recent Chinese arrivals work to maintain their "Chineseness", many of the old Chinese families I've encoutered are well-assimilated to Thai culture and values.

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3 hours ago, sandyf said:

You can remember it any way you want, doesn't make it right.

The first vaccines into Thailand were AZ from South Korea in Feb 2021, followed by the Chinese.

The Thai government didn't get their order for AZ because of a dispute between the UK and EU, the order was diverted to India but got caught up in an export ban. In the end they had to wait for the Thai production facility to start up in June 2021.

COVAX wouldn't have made any difference, GDP was too high to be at the front of the queue and at that point in time the only vaccine COVAX had available was the Chinese.

Even Australia was court up in that EU export ban of AZ. Australia's order was diverted to EU countries after Australia had even paid for the AZ.

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1 hour ago, jayboy said:

Poorly argued article and just wrong in places.It's absurd to suggest that Hanoi and Taipei (sic) are leaning towards China.The article somehow manages to omit reference to Japan and the ASEAN colossus, Indonesia, which is highly sceptical of expanding Chinese influence in the region.The West could certainly do better and Obama's pitch to Asia had very few positive results.But if one is talking about overweening arrogance and bullying, It's not the USA that is the prime culprit.That powerful bully is much closer to home.Some Asian leader prefer China's influence because they know however appalling their behaviour, the rulers in China will never question it.

Many local media have alligned with china, and will spin a positive China angle, and look down or present a negative western angle, some do it for money, some do it, as they are chinese nationalists, hard to tell, as many local media, even online are chinese thai, can you get anywhere, anymore if you darker skin, dunno anymore, completely invaded the business community and running of the country, just dunno even with a revolution, is it possible to unwind so much of the Han chinese nationalism going on in the country, creating a glass ceiling against western competitor races and darker skin thais

Edited by humbug
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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

If you are in possession of all the facts regarding the importation of the vaccine deliveries you may be right, somehow I doubt it.


In an interview with the BBC World Service, Mr Brown said the uneven distribution of Covid vaccines "is one of the greatest policy failures of our times" and had been caused by wealthy countries hoarding and stockpiling vaccines.


Is Mr Brown the husband of Mrs Brown from Ireland with all those children ?

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It isnt just the U. S.  or the West it is every countries,companies and person who buys a product from China for start when people stop buying appliances, cell phones etc etc that would be a good start we know that isn't going to happen just like we know no one is going to do <deleted> to China for Covid. When it comes to Thailand some of their leaders in the past have stated China is their brother and the manner as to how they have treated foreigner " dirty " during the pandemic even having to buy their junk unproven vaccine while the U. S. Has nearly given them 100,000 million in equipment and vaccine compare to what China has given? 

No matter what U. S.  Does it would never be enough just listen to their health minister Anutin criticize the U. S.  2 months back personally selling them F-35 is a mistake. Let them go their leaders are too far up the anal canal to turn back. ????

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