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Avoid trap of losing money to women

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Just now, TheScience said:

Do yourself and especially every female you encounter a huge favor. Do not enter into any sort of relationship with them. You'll save every one a world of hurt.

No thanks. Mind your own business if nothing positive to add.

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22 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

No thanks. Mind your own business if nothing positive to add.

I'm not being snarky or trollish when I stated what I did.


You're not looking for a relationship you're looking for a fantasy that's obviously elluded you until this point in your life.


One hour massage B600


Nana short time B1000


Greasy farang grub with big soda B550


Hotel serviced 1 nt 850b


Netflix b50


There's your life. Enjoy.


Edited by TheScience
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4 minutes ago, TheScience said:

I'm not being snarky or trollish when I stated what I did.


You're not looking for a relationship you're looking for a fantasy that's obviously alluded you until this point in your life.


One hour massage B600


Nana short time B1000


Greasy farang grub with big soda B550


Hotel serviced 1 nt 850b


Netflix b50


There's your life. Enjoy.


Thats not true. I had a woman give me massages for years. Cooked dinner, cleaned the house.


If a woman cant cook or give massages why bother? 

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1 minute ago, Sparktrader said:

Thats not true. I had a woman give me massages for years. Cooked dinner, cleaned the house.


If a woman cant cook or give massages why bother? 

I'm certain she was a ravishing beauty with Incompétable charms.


Since you're such an experienced Romeo perhaps it's you that should be giving the advice?


3 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

If a woman cant cook or give massages why bother? 

Truly. What else are they good for?

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3 minutes ago, TheScience said:

I'm certain she was a ravishing beauty with Incompétable charms.


Since you're such an experienced Romeo perhaps it's you that should be giving the advice?


Truly. What else are they good for?

More charming than you. You sound unhappy.


Not sure why you are trying to tell me what to do. I dont tell you what to do. Control issues.


Go lecture someone who cares.

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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Ok, but you made it sound like she pursued you to the point of a relationship and then supported you financially.

That's not how I made it sound; that's simply what you conjured up in your mind.

I am not going to write about my private life here. What is wrong with you? I gave a basic outline in order to make a point; not to prove anything to you. Get a grip!

The conversation was about not paying someone to stay with you. Keep up or ship out.


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On 4/13/2022 at 7:50 PM, StayinThailand2much said:

It's not always about 'poor' or 'not poor' in Thailand, but also about being seen as a walking ATM. - Your partner may be a 'good girl' with a decent salary, but towards the end of the month (or earlier) she will have spent all her money already, expecting you to 'help out', as she cannot manage her money.

Some do not have a job and it just the way it is but as long as a few trips or a few days holiday and like everywhere else it happens all at once or not at all.
The problem is when they know of although not family but been friends for many decades and yes very kind hearted but they are rich full stop and often forget everyone else is certainly not as rich as them!!
However, sometimes they forget but also very sensible but also many of us have a fixed frozen state pension and funds do not last forever but again in all countries in the world.
One day at a time and try to enjoy each day and just do the best for your own family.

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2 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Then Im not keen. No point having a gf who cant massage. Might as well buy a dog.

I know a lot of dogs who give great massages, they didn't make the cut for bargirl. 

No need to buy the dogs, just rent.

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2 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Not sure why you are trying to tell me what to do. I dont tell you what to do. Control issues.

You are the OP that opened this thread correct? You were clearly requesting advice.


Please refer back to your OP.

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2 minutes ago, TheScience said:

No, you sound extremely unhappy. Ever since you have joined this forum you've posted absolutely inane, juvenile questions almost exclusively about sex.


I don't think you've ever stepped foot in Thailand.


I'm about the as far from politically correct a person you will meet but comparing women in general to dogs. Sorry, you are way out of line and that is precisely why you had to op this question in the first place.


I provided a quality list of flags in which to identify what I consider a good mate. You scoffed and mocked comparing women to dogs - numerous times.


Enjoy the dog because you'll never get the woman unless she's grittingly doing by the hour.



Nice rant. Been going to Thailand for 20 years. Have a nice evening. 8.19pm Thai time.


There's always one.

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6 hours ago, chalawaan said:

I hope he at least warmed it up. And added a little cooking oil...

Look, it was hard being a Legionnaire.

nope  raw chix breast in kitchen walk in.......hence the term raw doggin perhaps....


i suppose should check the melons for holes

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Avoid trap of losing money to women.

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I think every man pay way or other in relationship and he should! Still can be alpha male! But if lose all money to woman or you are on womans leash then you are looser. 

I have not been whit 500 woman but (or dont know, stop counting after hair start grow in down low) have had "few". Still have make mistake whit asian woman(Filipina) and was looser because not make prenup whit her! Whit my Thai woman im not pay much, she manage her self almost everything and government pay our other house in town. I help in other way , help family in farm drive stuff to sell etc. I know ofcourse she dont mind if i give her more money lol. But if you start give much you cant come back to give less!

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17 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

Avoid trap of losing money to women.

Reply to this question: 

I think every man pay way or other in relationship and he should! Still can be alpha male! But if lose all money to woman or you are on womans leash then you are looser. 

I have not been whit 500 woman but (or dont know, stop counting after hair start grow in down low) have had "few". Still have make mistake whit asian woman(Filipina) and was looser because not make prenup whit her! Whit my Thai woman im not pay much, she manage her self almost everything and government pay our other house in town. I help in other way , help family in farm drive stuff to sell etc. I know ofcourse she dont mind if i give her more money lol. But if you start give much you cant come back to give less!

Have you considered that an Alpha male is not quite what you imagine?

You are paying for everything, but you imagine that you are the Alpha? 

So to be an Alpha you have to pay for everything; but if she outsmarts you then you are a loser. ???? 

So are you an Alpha or a Loser? Can you be both?

Seems like you are looking for a problem to fit the solution.


Pay way or other? What does that mean? Of course you pay with your time. If you are paying with your time and paying for everything; you are already a loser. Just fooling yourself that it makes you superior. Forget about that Alpha nonsense ???? 




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10 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

Have you considered that an Alpha male is not quite what you imagine?

You are paying for everything, but you imagine that you are the Alpha? 

So to be an Alpha you have to pay for everything; but if she outsmarts you then you are a loser. ???? 

So are you an Alpha or a Loser? Can you be both?

Seems like you are looking for a problem to fit the solution.


Pay way or other? What does that mean? Of course you pay with your time. If you are paying with your time and paying for everything; you are already a loser. Just fooling yourself that it makes you superior. Forget about that Alpha nonsense ???? 




Lol im not saying im alpha.But surely im not under woman also if im not want to some times. (An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round.) But it has nothing to do about giving money to woman. Just tell my story and point.

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30 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

Lol im not saying im alpha.But surely im not under woman also if im not want to some times. (An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who imposes his will on others, not the other way round.) But it has nothing to do about giving money to woman. Just tell my story and point.

An Alpha male is a male that takes what he wants, when he wants it.

Genghis Khan was an alpha male, he enjoyed riding the horses and sleeping with the wives and daughters of his recently defeated enemies.


Guys that lift, read self improvement books, and try to talk a girl into giving them a free one ..... not so much.

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20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

An Alpha male is a male that takes what he wants, when he wants it.

Genghis Khan was an alpha male, he enjoyed riding the horses and sleeping with the wives and daughters of his recently defeated enemies.


Guys that lift, read self improvement books, and try to talk a girl into giving them a free one ..... not so much.

Short, a alpha male is someone people or animals follow and who dominating a group out of same specie. 



the most successful and powerful male in any group. a strong and successful man who likes to be in charge of others.



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Alpha-dom has been over-used to the point of being a joke by red pillars. Most guys could do with more standing up for themselves and their self-interests.


They don't have to go full on Viking Pillager to stop being taken advantage of.

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