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Talks on Thailand’s submarine engine problem postponed until May


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12 hours ago, Thailand said:

Sails would probably result in a more efficient vehicle.

But it has got a "sail" already fitted.   


PS: Often, wrongly now called the Conning tower but called the Sail, Fin or Fairwater in many navies!

Edited by DezLez
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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

CSOC, the submarine builder, has offered an alternative Chinese-made engine, which they claim is of a similar standard, but the RTN has rejected the offer and insists on delivery of the German engine.

No copies thanks.

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This far surpasses the GT200 "purchase", not only in terms of cost, but in ridiculousness.


Just not enough lipstick in the world to make this massive pig look like a submarine.


On the plus side, the screen doors are easily replaced, maybe with glass and this tub can become a tourist attraction or floating (hopefully) restaurant.


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Das boot is on the other foot as we used to say on the U boats always fin da torpedo , but without an engine oarsmen from skull and bones?


I am a little out of date as I realize Thailand may jump straight ftom klonghopping and oiling Fangs to solar subs?


Wheel know the deal is done when the price is right.


Oi Nop we're goin' need a bigger envelope?

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

has offered an alternative Chinese-made engine, which they claim is of a similar standard

BUT , not quite the same , same , same but different.

regards Worgeordie

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I expect Thailand will finally accept a substitute engine and then brag that's its better than the German engine and may even lower the cost of the contract.  But this will only happen after Thailand kicks and screams for a while in not getting the German engine....but when the dust settles they will accept a substitute engine.

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Thai Navy just jealous of Immigration and their BMW's. If they can have German, so can we. ????


"Smart Submarine."


But joking aside, I suppose buying the sub from China will limit their engine options as other countries  who could have supplied such engines will have the same reluctance of allowing Chinese access to their military hardware. Even such hardware as a special diesel engine.

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Could it be the case the the Thai's were so busy sorting out the massive kick-backs that they were wanting into their off-shore accounts that they completely overlooked the fact they were buying submarines exc engines, hence these issues ? And then certain people in Germany "preferred" if the government bought MTU's without knowledge of Gemany's embargo on China ?

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9 minutes ago, Excel said:

they completely overlooked the fact they were buying submarines exc engines

With respect, I think this is the modus operandi of the Thai armed forces. Aircraft carrier without any aircraft or air defense systems, for example (snigger). . .





Edited by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly
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China quality, someone told me the other day the Belt and road train from Laos to China has broken down?  

I can just see the Thai sub being towed into port.

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8 hours ago, bendejo said:

When China starts getting more aggressive in the South China Sea and LOS is on the other side lotsa luck getting spare parts for whatever it is they supplied.



what leads you to think Thailand would ever be on "the other side" from China?

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Chinese engines would be up to scratch - they have made and equipped plenty of their own subs with them. The reason why the Thai govt is hanging out? Hard to pinpoint, but could be just the usual nit picking about what's written in the "document" or - they don't currently have the money, or - they are using it as a point to bargain with in the ongoing discussions about financing the fast train, or . . . any number of other manufactured reasons. However the REAL reason would be interesting to hear. . .

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17 hours ago, BAHTHE said:

The reason why the Thai govt is hanging out? Hard to pinpoint

Hmm. I have no idea.


THAI launches probe into Rolls-Royce bribery charges


“Some of the money was for individuals who were ‘agents of the State of Thailand and employees of Thai Airways’,” the SFO said. These agents “were expected to act in Rolls-Royce’s favour with respect to a purchase by Thai Airways of T800 engines”, the BBC reported.

British daily The Guardian reported that the firm paid more than $36 million between 1991 and 2005 to agents to help it secure three separate contracts to supply Trent aero engines to Thai Airways.






I'm not sure this "probe" was ever concluded?



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