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Out of the frying pan..... into the Thai police: Motorcyclists kicked sparking outrage


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9 hours ago, terryofcrete said:

Absolutely not ! Read the full story.... 

It could be a case of bad reporting, but "they were cuffed and ordered to remove their shirts which is when a gun was found. "  sounds like they were cuffed before the gun was found.

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6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Like a previous poster said, you only carry a gun if you are intending to use it.

...and?  so the police need t kick people with guns? Do you have ay idea how many people carry guns in Thailand (apart from the police?) - this is an exercise in facileness.

Edited by Thunglom
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15 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Not a big fan of police violence, if and when it happens unprovoked, but if confronted by a criminal with a gun, not sure I'd be so kind myself.  Maybe they should have took him out for coffee & donuts.  There may be a lot more to the story than what's in the snapshots.  Any threats to PoPo 'if you arrest me' ... we never get the full story.


Criminals carry guns for 1 reason, to use them.


Som nam na

You should watch the video (all national news channels, and soon int'l ones as well I imagine).

They did not "confront" the police with a gun. They were totally not threatening, and the police started kicking them in the head when they were lying face down on the pavement. If they carried a gun then arrest them by all means, but what happened here was shocking.

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4 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

You should watch the video (all national news channels, and soon int'l ones as well I imagine).

They did not "confront" the police with a gun. They were totally not threatening, and the police started kicking them in the head when they were lying face down on the pavement. If they carried a gun then arrest them by all means, but what happened here was shocking.

Any audio on that vid ?  Who knows what was said, if anything.   Maybe they've had pass run in with the same officers.  We'll never know, and frankly don't care.


I'm quite happy, PoPo is out there, whether the boys in blue, back in USA or the BIB here.  Plenty of relatives & friends kept things safe back in the USA when I was there.  A few bad doesn't paint them all as bad.


When it hits the fan, who you going to call ?  

Edited by KhunLA
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20 hours ago, bunnydrops said:

Cuffed for going the wrong way? Body searched for going the wrong way?

Yep and what is your problem with that? The police found a gun, goes to show stop and search works, as for the kicking, well deserved.

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14 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Most Thai guys need a good kicking, regardless which side of the law! ????

Had I been passing I might have asked the police if I could put a few kicks in in memory of being irritated by punks on bikes myself!

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Did the cops know the so called "kids"?  Are those gun holding "kids" well known for being thugs, wannabe gangsters? Well known yaba heads?  Those "men" were just involved in an altercation where a knife and gun were available, let's not pretend these "kids" are innocent angels.  They want to play tough gun carrying gangsters, this is the price that comes with the territory.



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18 hours ago, bbko said:

Several decades back when I was still a newbie to Thailand, I had my cheap Nokia phone picked from my cargo shorts by a ladyboy on Pattaya's Beach Road, a witness quickly told me "she take your phone", sure enough my phone was gone, I quickly catch the ladyboy and ask someone to call the police, police arrive and we all go to a small police box at the start of Walking Street.  They search her/him and no phone is found, what they did next IMO was awesome, they start kicking the ladyboy in the shins demanding to know where the phone went, this went for several kicks till he/she finally confessed to taking my phone and quickly handing if off to another ladyboy. Long story short, I got my Nokia back and that thief spent some time in jail.


Sometimes criminals need "special attention".

Now you’d rightly get a kicking for being in possession of an uncool Nokia phone ! 

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Thai police shame Thailand every time they don their uniform.  After the army they are the 2nd biggest reason to avoid coming here.  Until the Government (AKA the Army) do something about it, mass media will dissuade potential tourists.

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5 hours ago, Swampy999 said:

Yep and what is your problem with that? The police found a gun, goes to show stop and search works, as for the kicking, well deserved.

And I will keep my distance from you and you attitudes.

Edited by scorecard
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21 hours ago, KhunLA said:

What would you do if you saw somebody walking around your home or yard, late at night with a firearm ?  Go out and invite him, her, it in for a beer.


I'm quite happy they treated the criminal with a firearm rather harshly.  Doing the time for the crime seems to be a holiday now of days.   Where's the deterrent not to be a criminal.

You are totally missing the point, on purpose perhaps. The guy was on the floor in cuffs, no harm to anyone at that point! Defenseless and yet the police are stomping on his head! That is only being done for sadistic pleasure, there is no excuse. Being treated "harshly" is not quite the right word.

Lets hope when you need the cops, you don't meet these guys!

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4 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

You are totally missing the point, on purpose perhaps. The guy was on the floor in cuffs, no harm to anyone at that point! Defenseless and yet the police are stomping on his head! That is only being done for sadistic pleasure, there is no excuse. Being treated "harshly" is not quite the right word.

Lets hope when you need the cops, you don't meet these guys!

You're missing the point.  I don't care how criminals are treated.  

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22 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

There is no excuse for the police to beat somebody up, not in Thailand not anywhere, but it does happen. If the perpetrator is in cuffs on the floor, as in this case, the only reason they beat him up is for pleasure, they should be fired, but will probably get a promotion!

Imo,the cops did what the kids parents should have done a long time ago!

Violent gang members carrying a gun and crying when they are roughed up a bit by

the cops?Get real,they deserve that.


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4 minutes ago, jvs said:

Imo,the cops did what the kids parents should have done a long time ago!

Violent gang members carrying a gun and crying when they are roughed up a bit by

the cops?Get real,they deserve that.


I would agree with you the kids parents are at fault. The police are supposed to be professional and treat people with respect, in general. If the perpetrator had been resisting arrest or trying to run, OK I would agree that the police might need to use rough tactics etc. But he is on the floor in cuffs. It makes the police look like criminal thugs themselves. But it is Thailand!

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so 2 rival gangs fighting on the street with knives and guns (and not over girls, but something else, like basic controlling their patch).

so police is informed by the public or some undercover cop with radio, that 3 are riding against traffic.

They are told to sit down, are handcuffed and searched.

Possibly they were recognised by one of the cops as gangsters, so not matter what they said about being attacked and running for help, they are not believed and brutally treated. 


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1 hour ago, jvs said:

Imo,the cops did what the kids parents should have done a long time ago!

Violent gang members carrying a gun and crying when they are roughed up a bit by

the cops?Get real,they deserve that.



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23 hours ago, KhunLA said:

What would you do if you saw somebody walking around your home or yard, late at night with a firearm ?  Go out and invite him, her, it in for a beer.


I'm quite happy they treated the criminal with a firearm rather harshly.  Doing the time for the crime seems to be a holiday now of days.   Where's the deterrent not to be a criminal.

The lack of money required to join the police force probably.

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23 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I grew up in an era where the cops were feared, and if you didn't respond with a no sir, or a yes sir, you would quickly find yourself getting a beating.


Mate of mine spoke back to a Sargent when asked what we were doing in the school grounds when it was closed, he said playing basketball, can't you see that, the Sargent said; your trespassing, now F off out of here and don't let me see you in here again, to which my mate, no older than 16 said, we aren't doing anything wrong so why pick on us, to which the Sargent responded with a backhander and then a kick up the ass, I was already on my way when the back hander connected.


Regardless of what people think, respect has to be earned, and I never saw my mate in the school outside of school hours again, even when I would suggest we go and shoot some hoop, to which he would reply; F off, the moral of the story is he learned his lesson.


As for these mugs, carrying a gun, that's a huge no, no, perhaps the Neitzens would like to be in the cops position, one minute your talking to these mugs and the next you could be on the ground with a bullet in your stomach for just talking these mugs and taking them on face value, that said, anyone caught carry a gun needs a damn good beating so as not to carry one EVER again, could be used for many things, rape, robbery, threats, etc, so just goes to show that these poor little kids/boys, call them what you want, are not your typical kids out on a night looking for a good time.


Kudos to the cops, personally I hope the beatings continued in the cop shop, to teach them what the law is all about and carrying a gun is not something to consider as being a light matter. 


quote from your post "Kudos to the cops, personally I hope the beatings continued in the cop shop, to teach them what the law is all about and carrying a gun is not something to consider as being a light matter." 


So it is OK with you if the cops break the law to beat and kick someone who is handcuffed and lying on the ground?


What if it was a member of your family? Would it still be OK then?


Just after the coup back in 2014 the current PM said that one of the reasons for the coup was to reform the RTP, the military and the service and to cut out corruption at all levels.


Is this the result of the reformation of the RTP?

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22 hours ago, Thunglom said:

What an astoundingly facile comment - You really need to review your attitude to law and law enforcement. 

Do you consider that this is law enforcement, or just a couple of bad apples in a barrel full of bad apples?

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                                One funny thing in the OP: "They were cuffed and told

                                to remove their shirts"! How do you remove your shirt,

                                if you are cuffed already?


                                Funny stuff!

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7 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Do you consider that this is law enforcement, or just a couple of bad apples in a barrel full of bad apples?

I consider it an example of a poorly trained police force with a culture of unaccountability.

Why is it that institutions ALWAYS claim the "bad apple" cliche hen they are caught out?

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

So it is OK with you if the cops break the law to beat and kick someone who is handcuffed and lying on the ground?


What if it was a member of your family? Would it still be OK then?

Make of it what you will, sometimes cops do have to break the law, if you think they don't then what can I say, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.


As for a member of the family taking a beating, yes, had my late brother steal a car when he was 14 years old, police chase and he smashed the car, they hit him across the face with a telephone book and split his eyebrow open, he ended up getting 6 stiches, they said it happened in the car accident, the reason they hit him with the telephone book was two fold, to get the information, e.g. who he was working for, as you didn't see 14 year old's steal Porsche's back then, and of course to teach him a lesson.


Did it work, I don't think so, but at the end of the day, he could have killed someone while speeding and the parked cars he went into when he overtook the corner.


Maybe you would like to see cops no have guns, I don't know, but to me when someone carries a firearm, they need to know that it isn't on, and I am all for them getting a beating, perhaps they will think twice next time ? 

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On 5/21/2022 at 2:14 PM, 4MyEgo said:

I grew up in an era where the cops were feared, and if you didn't respond with a no sir, or a yes sir, you would quickly find yourself getting a beating.


Mate of mine spoke back to a Sargent when asked what we were doing in the school grounds when it was closed, he said playing basketball, can't you see that, the Sargent said; your trespassing, now F off out of here and don't let me see you in here again, to which my mate, no older than 16 said, we aren't doing anything wrong so why pick on us, to which the Sargent responded with a backhander and then a kick up the ass, I was already on my way when the back hander connected.


Regardless of what people think, respect has to be earned, and I never saw my mate in the school outside of school hours again, even when I would suggest we go and shoot some hoop, to which he would reply; F off, the moral of the story is he learned his lesson.


Why are the cops so hell bent on stopping kids playing basketball that they need to beat them up. In Australia kids are welcome to use school grounds out of hours, they even leave the gates open.


I think you come from an authoritarian country, possibly where carrying guns is common?

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36 minutes ago, Smithson said:

Why are the cops so hell bent on stopping kids playing basketball that they need to beat them up. In Australia kids are welcome to use school grounds out of hours, they even leave the gates open.


I think you come from an authoritarian country, possibly where carrying guns is common?

Um, your right, I do come from an authoritarian country, i.e. the land down under and the school had already been set fire too twice, and there were others, so there is your reason.


To add to that, we were all told at assembly day in, day out, out of school hours, no students should be on the school grounds, or they could be charged for trespassing.


There were the usual snooker/pool rooms if you wanted to hang there, but shooting hoop in the open was more relaxing and enjoyable that being in an environment of drug dealers, gamblers and break and enter or car stealing type guys, even saw a guy get knifed 7 times for looking at a guy the wrong way.


There were also gangs if you wanted to fight, but the school grounds were a safe and convenient place for us, close to home, and out of sight, i.e. unless a cop car drove into the grounds and made it's way around to us, regardless, you had to know how to talk to cops, as I said before, yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir.


Times have changed no doubt, but also cops in Australia, in particular Sydney, get shat on from a certain race who have no respect for anyone let alone cops, I would love to have seen them try that back in the early 70's when cops were 6ft plus tall and gym junkies or rugby league players when not on the beat, they took cra-p from no one, and rightfully so.

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