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Would you put down your dog rather than give it away

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I have been living in Thailand for about 20 years and have always had pets; both cats and dogs. Since a couple of years back, my wife and I have had to spend more and more time back in Europe due to my dad's health issues. It started with several months a year and during the past two years six months or more a year.


While I don't share your situation in the sense that I worry my wife wouldn't treat our animals right in case I wouldn't be here (she loves our animals just as much as I do and treats them just as good, if not better), I do have some experience dealing with the situation where our animals needed care in our absence. 


We started off by finding the best boarding services we could find and ended up with places for both our cats as well as our dogs. This can take a while and is a matter of trial and error, but definitely worth the time and energy. Even though having places that like is by no means a long term solution, it will take the pressure off if you need to move fast. At least you know you will have a place where people you know can take care of your animals for a certain amount of time. 


We found such places for both our cats and our dogs and we have left our animals there for up to around six months. These places have to be "right" though. The places we use have 24 hour camera access and in addition they send us daily updates, including videos and pictures, with regards to our animals well being. They will take them to the vet when needed and make sure they get the right level of care.


Having places like this will allow you the time needed to contemplates next steps, if needed.


In our situation, since we're now spending more time in Europe than we do in Thailand, we decided to move our three cats back with us. This comes with its own challenges and stress, but definitely worth it in the end.


We still have one dog left in Thailand, who is currently in our friend's doggy hotel. Unfortunately, this dog has health conditions that make it very dangerous to move her back to Europe (she probably won't survive the trip) and hence we had to make other long term arrangements for her. We could leave her at the doggy hotel and simply continue to pay for her food, care, etc (they have other dogs who live there permanently).  Fortunately, we have close friend who are willing to adopt here.


I understand the level of worry involved when it comes to pets and their well being in countries like Thailand. Unfortunately, the average Thai person simply look differently at pets and animal well being compared to westerners. No point in arguing this, it's simply apparent. All we can do is accept that situation and then try plan accordingly. 

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6 hours ago, jcmj said:

A sad state of affairs concerning your pets. If you can’t make a life long commitment to them you shouldn’t own one. I had mine for 16 years and 18 years respectively. Yes it cost a lot more to take care when they get older and euthanasia is very hard to come by even when they are terminally ill. I believe that in that circumstance it is acceptable, but to just put down a dog because you don’t want to take care of it anymore is heartless. 

If the situation arises it will not be because I "don't wont", it will be because I can not.

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19 minutes ago, mjnaus said:

I understand the level of worry involved when it comes to pets and their well being in countries like Thailand. Unfortunately, the average Thai person simply look differently at pets and animal well being compared to westerners. No point in arguing this, it's simply apparent. All we can do is accept that situation and then try plan accordingly. 

Prior to covid I would go on a surf trip each year. I tried all of the available dog homestays in my and the surrounding provinces.  All of them were Thai owned and none of them were up to scratch.  I discovered one of them just put my little bloke in a tiny steel cage like a battery hen for the entire length of his stay.  


Another issue is his food.  I feed him freshly prepared pork, chicken and seafood.  He loves squid and king prawns. I also give him fresh veggies and fruit.  He loves sweet potato, apples and mangoes.  He will eat some high quality kibbles, but only if I hand feed him each piece.

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5 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Take him to a shelter and make a very generous donation. Animal Army, Soi Dogs or Hope For Strays, among others. Could you really kill your perfectly healthy best little friend??? I couldn't and doubtful you could either. 

I have been here a long time.  The enities you refer to are businesses that designed to gather donations from naive westerners.  I have observed first hand the corruption in one of the organisations you have referenced.  

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7 hours ago, jensmann said:

Adumbration you are disgusting.

2long is absolutely right.

Shame on you.

Your comment illustrates clearly that you have no proper understanding of the complex issues I have raised.  I have put you on my ignore list.

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1 hour ago, Adumbration said:

Prior to covid I would go on a surf trip each year. I tried all of the available dog homestays in my and the surrounding provinces.  All of them were Thai owned and none of them were up to scratch.  I discovered one of them just put my little bloke in a tiny steel cage like a battery hen for the entire length of his stay.  


Another issue is his food.  I feed him freshly prepared pork, chicken and seafood.  He loves squid and king prawns. I also give him fresh veggies and fruit.  He loves sweet potato, apples and mangoes.  He will eat some high quality kibbles, but only if I hand feed him each piece.

Yep, finding the right place isn't easy. Took us a long time as well. But in the end, we ended up with honestly wonderful places. One is foreign owned and the other Thai, but both take care of our pets as we would. Definitely avoid the horrible deathtraps where they lock up the animals in small cages. Obviously, those places are not the ones we're after.


And it might mean having to look elsewhere in the country, but I don't see why this should stop you? Years ago, before we found the dog hotel closer to home, we had our German Sheppard in a hotel run by a Swiss guy on Samui. This way a 7 hour trip for us, one way. But it was, at that time, the only place we'd feel comfortable leaving our dog. 


Fortunately, finding places like this isn't easy, but when you have one, it sure makes life easier. And there are quite a few of these places scattered around Thailand.

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5 hours ago, Adumbration said:

No.  It is not because I can't take care of him.  It would be because I do not want him to suffer because of poor care from a Thai, or be run over by a car, or be attacked and killed by another dog.

If you are no longer able to take care of him?  You need to let him go.  And this is Thailand.  Killing animals out of "compassion" isn't looked at as compassion.

"Well, only I can take good care of him.  So instead of him moving on to a new life with all it's ups and downs - I'll just kill him!"  To me that is sick.

Let me take that to the extreme.
You have a girl-friend.   You think that only you can take care of your girl-friend that way you do.  If you 'let her go' she may get into trouble and have a bad life, and maybe meet bad people who do bad things to her.  "Oh my goodness - I should have her put down to save her from suffering."

What you are talking about is a really screwed up Western way of looking at things.  If you leave - your girl friend will have whatever life comes along.
If you leave - your dog will have whatever life comes along.
Some good; some bad; some just day to day living.

So out of worry and compassion?  Why not put down your girlfriend and your dog.  Is there anyone else you "love" but can't stand to see possibly suffer?  Put them down too.  Why not right? 

You're thinking is not rational.  And the Western concept of 'putting pets down because only YOU can take care of them' is insane. 

First!  Find your dog a home. 
Trust me man - the little dude would be fine.  I've got 7 dogs myself along with other animals And maybe another 20 I provide support for at local Buddhist temples where I live.  Over the last 10 years I've lost a bunch of them because the reality of life is that life in the animal realm is difficult and short.  That's reality.  But those animals who I cared for?  They were cared for with love and affection.  And when the get hurt, or get sick, or die - I'm sad - but that's life.

Then find yourself some mental health care that is not Western centric. Killing you animals because you think it's compassionate is not compassion.  It's not love.  You fail to respect life.  And it's a chicken-sh*t way of living. 

There are plenty of dog rescue centers who could help you.
You're just selfish.  "If my dog can't have the life I want it to have - I'm gonna kill it."

Here are the pictures of a dog I really loved a lot.  A temple dog. And well taken care of.  But he got sick, and he died.  And we buried him.  And he is still in my heart. 

You really want to kill your dog?

Please go get some help.  You don't understand life.  You're afraid of life.  Because suffering and Death is part of living.

And Thailand is not where you need to be.  Go back to the West.
And I say that with compassion.




Edited by connda
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6 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

If you do need to leave LOS you can take him to a decent vet clinic and they will mind the dog for a fee until you arrange the Customs and Quarantine issues in Oz.

I completely understand what you're saying - but - for all the OP's talk about "loving his dog" what I really believe he is saying is, "Where can I kill my dog without feeling guilty about ending it's life."

If it was my animals - I'd go though hell and high water to take them with me - or - I'd find them a good home right here.
Out of the 7 dogs, a bird and a cat - the cat is probably the only animal I'd take with me.  I can find good homes for all of my dogs and I'd rather leave them in our village.  My cat I'd take because - she's just special.  The bird.  I could easily find a home for her. 
But - it would cost money and time. 

What is the Op really saying?  My guess is that it's cheaper to give the dog a jab of phenobarbital and then pretend that the Op is a caring pet owner. 

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6 hours ago, Adumbration said:

Good points.  Of course he loves being out and about.  I take him with me absolutely everwhere I go (with the exception of Lotus because the security guard stops me).  I also take him for a run on the beach every morning and every evening.  He comes out in my boat when I go fishing.  He also loves to mark everything as his territory, which is hilarious because he is only 2.5kg.  I think his body consists of about 10% bone and tissue and 90% urine.


In family law the overiding rule regarding custody of a child is "What is in the best interest of the child?".  Sure my dog would much rather not be put down.  BUT is it in his best interests to leave him with a Thai with a significant risk he will not be cared for properly, killed in traffic, or ripped to pieces by a soi dog.

I’ve already seen three people here offer to take the dog, so stop making excuses and get off your a** and make arrangements in the event something happens where you would have to leave. Your rationale is both lame and lazy. You’re just giving lip service when you say you care about your beloved pet, IMO. 

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We adopted 2 magnificent Ridgeback puppies from a forum member in January this year.

We maintain a friendship with the original parent to this day.

It has been a positive experience for all of us.

Should you be serious about your concerns, make it known on this forum that you would like someone to adopt.

You will be able to interview and select a perfect alternative 

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7 hours ago, Adumbration said:

I have been here a long time.  The enities you refer to are businesses that designed to gather donations from naive westerners.  I have observed first hand the corruption in one of the organisations you have referenced.  

I've been here LONG too. 27 years to be precise. Can't speak for the others but not Hope For Strays. I actually know them, especially Joe, personally and they do great things and are always sacrificing for the dogs. But hey, not my prob. Go ahead and murder your best little buddy. Is that what you want to hear? I still say you can't and won't. Hope not anyway. Life is a risk for all inhabitants everyday. A life of liberty is better than a life of slavery and a healthy, free life is favorable to being put down prematurely by an overprotective, overthinking dominator. 


Good luck with your non-existent, hypothetical problem. 

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22 hours ago, internationalism said:

there are adoption groups and pages on fb.

Run also in english and by foreigners.

First pet goes to foster parents and then to adopters.

If you fail to find place for him, I will take it


I built my wife a villa on her 0.5 rai land about 20km S.E. of Chiang Rai.  We have a male dog which is fed daily be the wife's sister who lives a short distance away.  While back in the UK, where we live full time, the wife's sister thought it prudent to bring in a year old bitch to keep our dog company.  Needless to say, 6 months later, our dog was daddy to 9 puppies.  Once weaned, we asked sister to find homes for the puppies and in the mean time, I arranged for the bitch and four female puppies to be spayed.  The dogs all have the run of the garden and  are never allowed outside.  Sister managed to find homes for 7 of the puppies with two going to one individual who, just two weeks after taking the first two, came back for 2 more.  Sister did not like the guy who she considered was wanting them for dinner, so she refused.  We now have our dog, the bitch and two remaining  female spayed puppies, now three and half years old.  Unfortunately, due to family problems, taking care of four dogs has become a liability and I've been seeking for a dog rescue in or around Chiang Rai to possibly take the young females, but without success.


They are very pretty and nice natured dogs and we refuse to consider the possibility of having them destroyed.  If anybody can possibly help or has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

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13 hours ago, giddyup said:

I prefer dogs to most people.

Dogs stinking the place out, drooling, barking, farting and jumping all over visitors and needing to be fed walked and looked after. You know people worse than this? ???? Dogs are absolutely disgusting, pathetic and potentially dangerous creatures.

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On 5/26/2022 at 3:47 PM, 2long said:

Quite a dramatic and xenophobic attitude if you ask me.

Why are you thinking like this? Are you planning to run away from him and your GF? Did you not think about the commitment when you got him?

How would YOU feel if your gf was contemplating ending YOUR life because of her other commitments?

I know many people (all around the world, but we see it a lot here) treat animals cruelly, but how could you even think about having him put down when you're asking people on this forum?! If it really came to it, give him to me or another caring member!

I live in the hope OP's not serious. The story certainly has first class troll quality.

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On 5/26/2022 at 8:25 PM, Lacessit said:

Change my GF for someone more responsible. It sounds like the dog is more important to you anyway.

No creature is more loyal than a dog, incl. (Thai) girlfriends. Your dog will always love you and never leave you.


As for the OP, aren't there other people you could give your dog to while you're away?

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On 5/26/2022 at 8:39 PM, Adumbration said:

He would never survive.  He is less than 3kgs.  He wants to make friends with all dogs regardless of their size.  Just walks straight up to them to say hello.  This is why he has been attacked on 2 occasions.  The Mar Ban mongels at the temple would literally eat him alive.  He is also a bit of a finnicky eater, which is entirely my fault.  I feed him fresh squid, king prawns, tuna, as well as pork and chicken.  More often than not he eats better than me.  Not sure how he would go on left over rice diet or bargain basement kibble.  He will eat some good quality kibbles, but only if I hand feed him eat piece.

If i would take a dog again (which i can't at the moment because i couldn't give him/her the care/time they needed), i wouldn't blame other people for my lack of involvement.

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3 hours ago, proton said:

Dogs stinking the place out, drooling, barking, farting and jumping all over visitors and needing to be fed walked and looked after. You know people worse than this? ???? Dogs are absolutely disgusting, pathetic and potentially dangerous creatures.

Someone like you has no clue about how to raise a dog to behave and should never be allowed to have dogs - or kids for that matter. Personally, I’d much rather enjoy a dogs company than yours. 

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17 hours ago, MAF666 said:

We adopted 2 magnificent Ridgeback puppies from a forum member in January this year.

We maintain a friendship with the original parent to this day.

It has been a positive experience for all of us.

Should you be serious about your concerns, make it known on this forum that you would like someone to adopt.

You will be able to interview and select a perfect alternative 

Any pics, cracking dogs!!!!

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16 hours ago, proton said:

Dogs stinking the place out, drooling, barking, farting and jumping all over visitors and needing to be fed walked and looked after. You know people worse than this? ???? Dogs are absolutely disgusting, pathetic and potentially dangerous creatures.

Just have a look in the mirror, should clear things up.

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