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Thaksin compares marijuana to opium, says education is needed and proper science


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7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Would point out

With MJ you need to cut the flower and dry before smoking.

With Opium you need to scrape the seed cone, then dry before smoking.


Doesn't seem a lot of difference in the two process to me.

I enjoy them both (when given the legal opportunity).


There was a time [not too long ago] that both were rather disregarded as illegal substances and commonly enjoyed by many. Of a more curious and even sinister note, one might ask themselves why particular stimulants have fallen into this accepted den of ill repute and the easily manipulating and shaping of societal mores. 

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7 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Because he's still widely popular among many Thais? Certainly far more popular than the current bunch of incumbents. 

I  imagine he's a lot less popular since marijuana was legalised, after the way he initiated his muderous war on drugs. 

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Your a bit uninformed, but that is normal on this forum of alcohol lovers. How about we let science tell us instead of your....


As a self confessed Author would you not first do some research ?


But yes it should be discouraged and given this graph alcohol should be discoraged even more.


Source Mayoclinic 




I don't need to do research. I have experience.... And now, I don't do drugs of any kind.

Edited by billsmart
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2 hours ago, Snig27 said:

Maybe you should get in touch with the old crusties who ran the DEA in the 60s and 70s. They have been looking for you and your mountain of evidence for decades.

It does quite the opposite of alcohol, you tend to get more inhibitions and a little more paranoid about what people think. 

You literally have no idea what you are babbling about. 

I know exactly what I'm "babbling about"... from experience. Now, however, I don't use drugs like this of any kind.

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One more nattering naybob of minimal understanding. Just scary how little he understands of marijuana  realities.

Worried his friend was going to jump, he thinks it’s opium, but Yabaa ran rampant

during his term.  Providing more reasons to hope he never gains control again.


But no it should not go into school lunches.


Edited by animatic
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AFAIK there is no evidence marijuana users proceed to heroin addiction.

Personally, I would like to see all present illicit drugs legalized, with the exception of meth. The only condition I would insist on is if one commits any crime under the influence of any drug, they get treated as if they were stone cold sober. I'm tired of hearing BS excuses for intoxicated people.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Of course he would be against it given that his enemies came up with it. What an idiot comparing both. I bet he does not demonize alcohol because he made money with it. 


Kinda like the Mayor of BKK who talked about the first death from marijuana and then in the autopsy it was shown that the guy did not even had THC in his blood and an heart condition.


Kinda like the US reefer madness model. You either ban alcohol and mariuana as the fist is far more dangerous or you let them both be.


He is right about education about marijuana but same should go for alcohol too, how much violence it causes and road deaths. Its a smart thing to educate people about he dangers but it should be realistic because if you make it overly negative then people  wont believe you. It should be based up by real facts, not made to steer you in a certain direction. Otherwise people will not believe the information your trying to teach.

Where exactly does he say he is against legalising marijuana?

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

He spoke of his friends in his police training days who he said overdosed and he thought they would jump off high building. 


"I saw it with my own eyes", he claimed

This must surely account for the high number of foreigners plunging to their deaths from high rises and condos in Pattaya over the decades......????

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Opium made from Poppy's, Marijuana bud smoked directly from the plant.  Can you get high from smoking a Poppy, my friends blowfish wants to know.....

Yes. You make slices in the pod,  let the sap exit and dry. Then scrape it and smoke it. Or simply let the pods dry and make tea. Easy peasy.

It is in fact very easy to make opium from poppies and smoke it ; at least as easy as curing and manicuring the buds from ganga flower. There is no chemical processing needed.

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Well, he's right about that Thais need more education about Cannabis, Hemp, THC, CBD etc....

But you don't need research about it, especially in Thailand. Plenty of studies from abroad available to make up your own opinion.


What he also got partly right, is the comparison with opium and heroin.

When I was in south America, I chewed coca leaves against altitude sickness and fatigue. Nothing wrong about that but the same plant can be used to make addictive cocaine.

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10 hours ago, stoner said:

yet another uneducated fool opening his pie hole about something he knows nothing about. 



"Tony Woodsome - previously known as fugitive Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra - went on Facebook last night."  How does that work?

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This is the voice of "democracy"? This shows again that democracy is not only the rule of the majority, it is also, alas, the dictatorship of the majority. Democracy is as happy to oppress minorities as dictatorships are.


Even if only one individual in a whole country finds cannabis is good for him/her, that individual should be granted his/her freedom.

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8 minutes ago, geisha said:

I think you’re very wrong there .No drug takers in Thailand, you must be joking !!! 

Oh really, I thought Thaksin killed them all, he certainly tried. You mean the war on drugs does'nt work? 

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Cannabis it certainly not harmless, but compared to alcohol its less harmful and less addictive. 


People should be educated about cannabis based on real facts. It certainly is not perfect, especially if you smoke it. But vaping or eating makes it less harmful. It of course has negative effects too. Just make sure to put them in a clear perspective.


Much science has shown alcohol to be worse, so acting like its worse is stupid. Dont overblow risks and negatives, but show them how they are. 



Ha! Since I'm TT and have never used drugs for recreational purposes I cannot compare effects of them. Having said that I am interested in certain scientific aspects here and there. For example here; https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/relationship-between-marijuana-and-opioids/. It does seem that Mr. Thaksin is wrong here and like others have suggested, he is playing politics.


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When I was in the US in the late 70s smoking weed was what every kid did if they weren't old enough to buy beer. Easier to get and unlike alcohol not as dangerous.

Thaskin and his friends are no longer able to control the illegal drug market. He needs it to be illegal to make huge profits. Very similar to the guys who control the underground casinos. They make good profits with no real competition so they don't want it to be allowed here. 

Portugal has decriminalized drugs since 2000 (while keeping drug dealing illegal). The benefits have been to lower deaths and infections. Maybe we could learn from that. 

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Why doesn’t he do a comparison between Pot and Thai Whiskey. I’m not against drinking but in my opinion Thai Whiskey can do far more damage than Pot. … seriously educate children on both and might as well teach the importance of education….

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