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He's an ANGRY White man ! - are you ?


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Such a brave stance. He's saying the things no one else dares. I can't wait for his next videos: "I think stomping on puppies is BAD – fight me!", "Controversial opinion: Hitler wasn't very nice" and "How to kick in open doors – a complete guide to saying the obvious and getting pats on the back".

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2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Using big words to say absolutely nothing.


Oxford dictionary: aware of social and political issues, especially racism

and identitarian - one whose diet is exclusively identities.....

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6 hours ago, cjinchiangrai said:

He is not the angry white man that scares me. He does not paint himself orange. This guy I would like to buy a few beers for.

Me too


6 hours ago, ozimoron said:

This guy is the antithesis of an angry white man. The video should be required watching in schools as a prelude to critical thinking.


Just like him, I get angered by the bigots who coin terms like "woke" to attack people like this guy who are enlightened.

too - he's angry for all the right reasons. and I'm proudly woke.

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7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

He is not advocating the right of people to disagree on the concepts he's mentioned, quite the opposite.


Nobody hates heterosexual whites. They hate negative attitudes to those who aren't.

Try telling that to the blue-haired freaks that jump on just about any bandwagon that supports alleged victims.

Feminists,climate change,Trump,blm,gays and now trannies are the flavour of the month.

Yawn,yawn fxxxing yawn.

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6 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Old white men (like me) are NEVER targeted because they are old or because they are white. They are labelled "angry old white men" when they express intolerant views. It's also a statistical fact that the people most like to express intolerant views are old and white. You only need to watch Fox news for confirmation.

I will have to take your word for that as I don't watch Fox News. Perhaps it is part of my elderly intolerance that stops me watching Fox. Perhaps I am biased against it for some reason.

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8 minutes ago, CM Dad said:

What a stupid comment.  This man is enlightened.  What exactly do you mean with that silly term "woke"?

Enlightened. Woke. These terms have a "modernistic" ring about them.


Why try to pin a label on this man?


The values he espouses may be his world view, and ones he has held throughout his life! 

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6 hours ago, Pawpcorn said:

WOW, if I was actually able to meet a soul with this mindset IN UDON THANI... I'd have an actual FRIEND, in my retirement province.


What a refreshingly open-minded, well-spoken view!

Try any Yank on here,they all fit the bill.

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6 minutes ago, rumak said:

i think you left out "misinformation" ,  or to define it better :  anything that doesn't agree with your point of view ???? .   Of course,  this is just my opinion....... which I am sure that you, being so tolerant, would fight for my right to express . 

Misinformation does concern me at all. You can't stop stupid. The traits I defined are human traits, not mere words like misinformation.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There is some credence to what you say. Although, I would argue the locals there know more about their civil war history, than the average so called African American knows a about Africa, its history, its culture and its current state of affairs. It is far more about politics, than it is about reality. 

Google tells me that the term African American became popular in the early 90's, popularized by noted and frequent baby daddy, Jesse Jackson.


Black people in America are very tribal (no racism intended). American blacks do not listen to reggae. There's a big north/south divide. AA was a unifier and also a demand for respect. 


I grew up in a very Italian American neighborhood. Those nice people knew nothing of Renaissance painters, opera, or sauce that didn't have a head of garlic in it. You would have to poll approximately ten million Italian Americans to find one who could name the current prime minister of Italy.


Funny story, in the film GoodFella's there's a scene in where they're cooking in prison and one guy says you can't put garlic and onions in the same sauce. Many Italian Americans have repeated this back to me. But the director made it up. He's an Italian American.


Most so-called culture is made up. Partic in America. The term hillbilly was invented by a New York Jewish show biz agent. People where I live proudly call themselves hillbillies.


Being American means being joyously ignorant of the entire world, without singling anyone out specifically for ignoring. I recall a NY Post headline: Cinder Block Falls On Model's Head. And then a sub-headline, 50,000 die in Earthquake.


We don't know where in the world those people died. We only know for sure that they weren't that good looking.



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5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Misinformation does concern me at all. You can't stop stupid. The traits I defined are human traits, not mere words like misinformation.

slow down ,  you're getting all worked up.    i think you mean   "doesn't concern me" .   see. some things you can fix .    BTW:  how does one know who is stupid when two guys are claiming it's the other one ?

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7 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Can you provide a link to the cut and paste?

If it is a quote it should be possible to Google it I think. In 1997 I did my MA and all essays had to be submitted on disc to enable the lecturers to do an Alta Vista  Word searches for  unatributed cut and pastes masquerading as original writing.

By pasting whole blocks of text into Google  it's very easy to find quotes.   

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