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Tourism ministry dual pricing proposal for hotel rates


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On 7/7/2022 at 3:43 PM, head bender said:

I wonder how it is going to work with all the web booking company's? If you book in thai you get cheaper?  My wife will book in her name. Or will the hotel say on arrival? No not that price you are ?????? Confusion and anger is what it will create. I for  have never visited a national park bcz of duel pricing and I'm sure there are thousands of others just like me. Am I the only one who remembers the talk of us all pulling together when covide first struck and the talk of scrapping the whole idea of it? Back to them and us!

"Am I the only one who remembers the talk of us all pulling together when covide first struck and the talk of scrapping the whole idea of it?"


Of course not! But don't forget TIT, where "flip flops" aren't just things you wera on your feet!

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8 hours ago, Renzo said:

Sheer stupidity, reeking of racism from a government seemingly hellbent on destroying its tourism recovery. First slapping 300THB fees on foreign arrivals (still unclear when that begins) and now punishing foreigners for returning and fostering the economy. Do these clowns not realise Highland competes for visitors with a growing number of other countries that are actively welcoming and encouraging foreign visitors now?  Can they read or are they completely illiterate?

I think your last sentence says it all.

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3 minutes ago, cjinchiangrai said:

Someone skipped their Econ-101 classes, it does not work this way at all.

To be fair to them, having a father who is a billionaire or being in the army for life is not conducive to understanding how things actually work. 

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8 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

It won't work with the cutthroat hotel industry.   


Proposals like that makes one wonder how this government retains power?


Utter fools. 

Soldiers and guns.

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another policy that 'will bite the dust"


raising prices in thailand will have an indirect effect on tourists coming in.

Thailand has no additional amenities to attract more tourists. Raising prices will discourage foreigners to visit Thailand. Eventually the Baht will go up again and again. 


The government should realize that Foreign tourists are the  one who spend more money than local tourists and employed a lot o workers in the hospitality business. It would make sense to attract more instead and not less. Hotel rate is only making the rich Thai richer and never help the street people. It is another way to say that foreigners are not welcome 


It is very funny that a previous article indicated that the people are not coming to Thailand because the airline ticket is too expensive. There were talk that TAT is trying to put together a discounted package for an "air to stay" package. wonder what is going on? It sound that there is desperation and the truth is not out. I would like to know about the 9 million travellers coming to thailand. How many are truly coming on holiday? not returning or doing  business.


Indians, chinese and arab will never pay more for a hotel room, or eat at expensive places. Are the government will ask the noodle soup in the street to have a dual pricing too?






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12 hours ago, webfact said:

“This is to maintain our standards of rates and services for foreign tourists, which affects the perception of country’s tourism brand,” Ms Traisuree said.

So this is more of what Anidiotin said about charging more.  Put up the price to make the country appear more upmarket.  Absolute lunacy.


Set the prices to get the customers to come, not set the prices to make you look good.

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I am almost certain that there are no foreigners working in the TAT authority, nor any specialists with country-specific knowledge. The knowledge necessary to sell tourists from certain countries a trip to Thailand is non-existent. Country-specific target group know-how, such as moral concepts, social structure, income situation, competitive situation, use of information channels, booking habits, holiday time windows, wishes and needs, etc.

TAT = no idea.


Just as every unskilled person in Thailand can call themselves "electricians", so everyone here can call themselves "tourism experts".

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14 hours ago, Baron Samedi said:

Discriminating against foreigners + rigging the free market economy.

If the do that, I will boycott the country and leave for another SE asian country.

I'm getting tired of that dual price BS.


How can you leave when you're not here?


Asking for a friend.

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13 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Persons with PR, Non-O(a) , work permits, and student visa, etc. should be afforded the discount tariff.

No. No they should not. If you want local treatment, get naturalized as a Thai citizen.

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13 hours ago, mike1967 said:

That'll work then!!! After 12 years of staying in Thailand and having been back in the UK since Covid kicked in....I know where I'll be staying now. Being away from Thailand has opened many people's eyes.

You not here already? That's one less door that going to clip someone's' ass.

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11 hours ago, vandeventer said:

What comes next? A setup like Bali where you pay according to your country, Japan than America pay the most than Europe than Australia so on down the line. They might have stopped doing this as it's been 25 years since I been to Bali but I still remember seeing the signs with all the countries listed and their prices, it really <deleted> me off at the time.

Twenty-five years ago and still bitter?


(they don't do it any more)

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:
2 hours ago, vinci said:

international news are starting to talk about this, it was a stupid idea to say or talk something like this, they could of just adjust the price back to normal and give thai voucher, instead babbling their mouth all over the news

Even if they don't go ahead with this idea the damage has been done and will take a long, long time to be undone.

Not quite. Social media is all over this like a rash.


Can you show me this "damage" that's already been done?

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10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Not quite. Social media is all over this like a rash.


Can you show me this "damage" that's already been done?

I believe some who might have been close to booking a holiday here, if they see the reports on social media might decide to forget it and go elsewhere.

My thoughts.

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8 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

My wife would have told them to shove it, that said, we have stayed at many hotels all over Thailand and I always get my wife to book it in her name, and we have never had an issue, even with the 40% discount We travel together, (twice).


They can try us, but it would back fire on them, I can assure you, but then again 600 baht a night I would consider to be a cheap hotel, and adding 300 baht because he was a farang wouldn't break the bank so to speak, but we wouldn't wear it, as my wife get's load when she is pi$$ed off by people's stupidity, including cops, never seen so many people back off when the occasion arises, with me, she's as tame as a butterfly.

how would it backfire on them they had the 600 Baht already.

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1 minute ago, foreverlomsak said:

how would it backfire on them they had the 600 Baht already.

You mentioned that the wife walked in and paid for the room, then enter the husband, oh farang, extra 300 baht, oh no, there was no mention of that, refund, easy, that or as I said, they pay it as it won't break the bank, but we wouldn't put up with it, not about the money.

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3 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

how would it backfire on them they had the 600 Baht already.

You mentioned that the wife walked in and paid for the room, then enter the husband, oh farang, extra 300 baht, oh no, there was no mention of that, refund, easy, that or as I said, they pay it as it won't break the bank, but we wouldn't put up with it, not about the money.

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15 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:



And they want to attract more visitors to the 'kingdom' ?

Pure genius ! ????????????.

The clowns in charge are delusional.

The word they usually use is not 'attract' but 'lure'  and now you can see why.

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6 minutes ago, gp2002 said:

On a couple trips before the pandemic, I stayed in Airbnbs which were a much better deal. Hopefully they don't get stupid and decide to raise their prices.

I'm steadily raising my air bnb as restrictions lift. Air bnb views according to them has increased by 800 % lower sukhumvit since 2 Years ago

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