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Royal Imprint on Thailand’s Christian Community


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Well, what many forget is that pretty much everything is subjective other than mathematical/scientific fact etc., even then it is up for review/discussion... that's why there is so much discourse and hate in the world, because of the "I'm right and you aren't" sort of nonsense.

So many topics are subjective, from fashion, beauty, or music to right/wrong/good/bad and we can't all be right. There is no such thing as good/bad music or some woman that is more beautiful or not... it's simply subject as we all like different things/styles (and it's a good job too). The truth is an elusive concept and is, in my opinion, rather simple... it's how it's interpreted that messes everything up because of people's wants or insecurities so they can get a good bead on things and operate in their bubbles.

I remember two things from Lucas' Star Wars movies that are very pertinent... one is when Yoda say "Emotion is the future" when Luke leaves to save his friends, as emotion makes you act if it is important enough for you, hence making situations happen, or creating the future. Secondly, when Obi-one says to Luke regarding Vader being his father and what he told him was true from a certain point of view, then Luke says "From a certain point of view" and Obi-one says "Many of the truths we cling on to are only true from a certain point of view". This is very true, as what you believe defines who you are and what you stand for... but it doesn't make it true, as even though I probably hold many beliefs in common with many of you, there is a massive section of the world's population that that think I'm wrong and the deviant. We can't all be right now, can we?

Like I said, it's all subjective and "the truth" is a very vague concept... probably no more than a certain given set of happenings at a set time to be interpreted by whoever so as to justify their existence and bring some order to the chaos that surrounds us.


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57 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Lots of people say that religion has caused more deaths, more wars etc than anything else. If we didn't have any religions what would people kill each other over??

Expanding empire?

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

Lots of people say that religion has caused more deaths, more wars etc than anything else. If we didn't have any religions what would people kill each other over??

Money, which brings the question is money a cause of violence, wars, deaths?


Or is the problem that nowadays money is the central point / the only measure of value of pretty much everything in life and to some extend regardless of what that money is contributing to quality of life etc., and regardless of whether that money has any moral/immoral value?


Could we have (globally) a diferent way to measure value/contribution, which pushes money aside?

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27 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Money, which brings the question is money a cause of violence, wars, deaths?


Or is the problem that nowadays money is the central point / the only measure of value of pretty much everything in life and to some extend regardless of what that money is contributing to quality of life etc., and regardless of whether that money has any moral/immoral value?


Could we have (globally) a diferent way to measure value/contribution, which pushes money aside?

Your last paragraph, a wonderful dream.


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Not many people seem to know this, but the LM laws cover the Pope, as well as all other Monarchs worldwide. This seems to be mostly unknown, though it is plainly outlined in the law. Comments?  I didn’t think so. ????

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13 hours ago, overherebc said:

Lots of people say that religion has caused more deaths, more wars etc than anything else. If we didn't have any religions what would people kill each other over??

Same Same Power to control people and their money and the land, and then continue to gain more of both, while their suffering continues.

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1 minute ago, brianthainess said:

Same Same Power to control people and their money and the land, and then continue to gain more of both, while their suffering continues.

And racism..... tribal differences etc etc. I feel confident religion would have been substituted with some other cause. Religion just sought to justify it.....

Edited by jacko45k
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8 hours ago, Nickelbeer said:

Not many people seem to know this, but the LM laws cover the Pope, as well as all other Monarchs worldwide. This seems to be mostly unknown, though it is plainly outlined in the law. Comments?  I didn’t think so. ????

LM blue cigs seem to be in short supply lately.

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15 hours ago, overherebc said:

Lots of people say that religion has caused more deaths, more wars etc than anything else. If we didn't have any religions what would people kill each other over??

"Imagine ..."

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16 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Lots of people say that, but they're generally wrong.  What caused those deaths, really, is human beings' desire to kill people and take stuff from them.

Putin again springs to mind.

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16 hours ago, overherebc said:

Lots of people say that religion has caused more deaths, more wars etc than anything else. If we didn't have any religions what would people kill each other over??

When it comes to death I would say disease and viruses would give War a good run for its money, when you take into account the plagues, Spanish Flu, COVID, then start with cancer etc

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41 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Ask the Swiss, They Guard it :unsure:. But wouldn't be Hilarious if their "Saviour" returned and claimed it all for himself ????????

First he would go to the bank and kick over all the desks or would that be in the main house in the vatican?


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18 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

It's a shame that the Church of England wasn't the branch of Christianity that went out and took over so many societies.  I think things would have been a little better.

Well the British Empire founded America and ruled over 25% of the earth, so they did try. Henry the 8th had the right idea, the first brexit fan. <deleted> papism.

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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

Ask the USA, 200 years of nonstop war and genocide of indigenous people.

Don't romanticise the indigenous, they were into slaughtering each other, slavery and even human sacrifice long before Europeans turned up.

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23 minutes ago, proton said:

Don't romanticise the indigenous, they were into slaughtering each other, slavery and even human sacrifice long before Europeans turned up.

Yeah...but not of the scale of the invaders ...they were no way wiping themselves out or destroying their societies, beliefs or the environment. 

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