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Why are there so many haters on this site?

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23 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:

but we are guests in their country and they call the shots whether you like it or not. as @KhunLAsaid, no amount of clamouring has to date driven any significant change.


so when someone posts something like "I went to immigration today and it was the usual third-world corrupt debacle, why can't these incompetent people get their act together like in Farang Utopia" , all I hear is the sad rambling of a geezer who can't cut it here and should most definitely go home and not let the door got them on the way out.


kthxbye ????



I don't think it is Immigration 100%.


I use the Kamphaeng Phet office and I find that the front office staff are farang friendly and helpful, as was the office I used in Nakhon Sawan before KPP opened.


I go 4 or 5 times a year and I usually take a bag of fruit to give to the older lady that actually does the extensions. I think that she shares it around the front office staff and I always get a wai and a smile.


Is it a bribe? IMHO it is a gift, because if I didn't want to give it I wouldn't.


Most times I am doing a 90 day report and I am in and out in 5 minutes.

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1 minute ago, KIngsofisaan said:

I have never felt free in Thailand as compared to my own country, sorry. My own country doesn't need to know where I am every 90 days.


Thailand just seems more fun? Take away the bar girls and easy sex and it is just like any other place.


What is the more fun you are talking about?

He possibly means the pot smoking sect expanding exponentially together with the fun of avoiding Thai men in pick-ups when you are driving ????

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9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Why such negativity, even as a millionaire I am content living here and I know many farangs living here who are basic pensions who are happy living here, i.e. you don't have to be a millionaire to live here.


Simple, because I fell in love with Thailand when I first came here, and that was before I met my wife, it's a mirror image of Australia to me, just different looking people, same sky, greenery, roads, drive on the same side of the road as back in Australia, big shopping centres, grocery stores, never been to Africa.


If you've ever been to Australia which I doubt, then you would know that yes, cops harass you, whether it's in person or not, they are on the hunt for revenue and promotions, red light cameras, speed cameras, mobile cameras, radars, you are literally petrified of driving on the roads because they will pick you up for the slightest flaw, no seat belt, cracked tail light, and so on, I know this because my job was always driving to get to appointments, all day at times. Here there is a clear difference, you don't see the cops and if your unlucky to get booked, it's a minimum 1/10th the fine as it is back in Oz, and you don't lose points from your license, which reminds me, I just renewed mine her for 5 years, $12 vs $190 in Oz.


Agree, but for me it's different, no family apart from an adult daughter and a a hand full of close rich friends that I see when I return who complain about life in Sydney. No doubt they enjoy it as they have family and friends there, but also have to work like slaves to maintain their respective lifestyles and yes their kids will get it all, off the sweat off of their parents backs.


Was referring to politics here.


Yes cucumbers and vegetables/fruits are cheap here, western food is more expensive, but you eat what you like if you can afford it. We don't live on cheap cucumbers, we eat very well, never skimp on quality, as for rice, only Basmati and rarely over 100 grams a serve, got to watch those carbs. Clean food only with a balance of carbs, proteins and healthy fats here. One could say we are a little more educated than most, e.g. when it comes to what we consume as opposed to giving in to the unhealthy choices that the majors want society to eat.


I have been in the Sydney property market since 1988, having invested in it for decades, it has always been a passion of mine and those 2 that I quoted you as mentioned was from the area I lived only, that said, I know the market as I watch it weekly, 78% auction clearance rates in February, 51% as of Saturday, you see my adult daughter has a fair few properties in the south of Sydney that she acquired over time so to speak, let's just say it reduces any tax burden by far.


Sounds fair and not overly committed.


Unfortunately the Australian government doesn't allow "foreign residents" for tax purposes that luxury, as mentioned they slap you 42% capital gains tax when you sell, besides I have used that money as mentioned to invest in tax free investments which provide me with a good quality life here, which is what I want.


All of the above said, best we move on as the topic was on something else.

According to your rich description of yourself, you are the exact kind of expact the Thai government is looking for to buy 1 rai of land.



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11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I don't care, I didn't buy the land and build the house to have a mortgage or for capital appreciation, I bought the land and built the house knowing that it could be done for 1/10th of the price vs doing it in Sydney and having a mortgage for the rest of my life, and if I did that, I would be like everyone else, i.e. trapped and working for the rest of my life to pay it off vs retiring at the age of 55, 7 years ago and investing the money from the sale proceeds from my property which provide me with an income here which is tax free living in Thailand, i.e. It has cost me nothing to live here in all of that time, regardless of property value increases in Sydney. If I chose to stay, sure I would have made say 20% on any increase, that is adjusted after the 20% falls in property prices since the beginning of the year, but what life would I have had in this 1st world country with it's cost of living, where would the money come from for us to survive, I would have to work, no thanks, that is not my objective, I am living the life I want her in this 3rd world country, exactly what we planned for a decade before coming here, knowing exactly what we were getting into. Besides, if I hung onto the property, I would be taxed 42% when sold, for what, for choosing to LIVE in another country that is more affordable by miles.


Congratulations, real estate and shares are a good long term investment, however of late with the increases in interest rates they have both come back, I trust your $400,000 increase is still that today, that said, I know of two properties in the same area 15km out of Sydney where I used to live recently going to auction a week apart, one was appraised for $1.5m, it sold for $1.2m, the other was appraised for between $1.5-$1.6, it sold on Saturday for $1.250m. You can do the math on the fall back in prices, oh, I forgot to mention, both were 2 bedroom dwellings that needed to be knocked down and the land sizes were around 600 square metres with a 12.29 frontage, one with a sewer easement running through it's rear yard, so no swimming pool allowed to be build, or garages on or around that area.


Why would anyone buy so much land in Thailand, that was a bad investment, you should have known that from the beginning. 


I am comparing the value in life that it provides me, that said, what life does one have in Sydney, I hear all of my friends constantly complaining of the cost of living, the house prices, the hours they are working, the taxes, etc etc, so I saw the value here a long time ago, so do others.


It is cheap because it's cheap, Opera....lol, good one.


Last I heard they dropped out of a huge (billions of $'s) contract with the French and signed up elsewhere, but you can Google that. 


Obviously, and 3rd world suites me, I am free as a bird, and not constantly harassed by cops or other government departments.


I don't care about owning property in my name, the wife can have the house and the land, she deserves it, I even put the new car in her name, although I could have put in mine (yellow book), that said, I only invest what I am prepared to lose.


A lot of folks in the west know no better and believe that they can take it all with them, yet life goes by them in a flash, each to their own, that said, I know millionaires, yet they are so unhappy, but yet have so much in assets that they keep pushing themselves, for what, to enjoy the remaining few years that they have seeing that what they have worked for will be pi$$ed up against the wall by their kids who haven't worked a day in their lives.


Not in this case, wife lived with me for 9 years in Sydney as we planned the move, sure sometimes she would want to go back when she gets frustrated with the politics and corruption here, but she knows, that would mean that I would have to go to work vs earning a good tax free income sitting here doing nothing, and enjoying life and she wouldn't want that for me, maybe when I croak it she might move there, but I doubt it.


For some it doesn't, for me it does, i.e. if you have the $'s and are content to try a different life.


That is obvious, subject to me not having to work to pay for all of the land taxes and upkeep.


That's a given.


Makes all the sense in the world to me, each to their own. 5 bags of cucumbers here (5) in the bag $4.00 vs 2 cucumbers in Sydney for $.4.18c, like I said, cost of living here is great. I see the value.

One post you claim to be a rich millionaire, then you complain about the cost of cucumbers?


Makes no sense.


I hardly expect a millionaire could care less how much a cucumber cost if he wanted to buy some? Or even post about it.


Maybe the cost of a Benz, but cucumbers? Dead giveaway.

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9 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

You have a point but so does Sparktrader. I could retire in say the Gold Coast of Australia. Google it if you don't know it. Big long beaches and you get an apartment facing the beach for a higher cost than Thailand but still not that expensive. Hinterland with beautiful forest not far away. Compare that to say Pattaya or parts of Phuket and you might conclude that Gold Coast is the best bet and no way someone would pick Thailand except due to financial reasons.

But I find the Gold Coast boring .. good for a week but its kind of empty with no fun  .. just pubs, and bowls clubs, and take away shops and the same same I have had in my life so far. Where I come from in Australia is a nice place to live but also a bit boring. Big shopping centres. Cold winters. The thought of Thailand just seems more fun. Not talking about bar girls. 

I don't agree that the police are worse in Australia. I would say better. But there is a sense of freedom in Thailand that we have less of here. There is a sense of freedom too in Australia too that they don't have in Thailand - politically and in terms of total freedom of speech. 

I will probably stay 50 50 . 

In terms of cost whether you are poor or well off it is always nicer if you can get more bang for your buck too. 

Gc is boring so is brisbane. Sydney only decent city but expensive. Ive been all over.



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16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

What some seem to be missing here is that if Thailand was run like most western nations and everything was efficient we wouldn't want to come here. Everything nice about Thailand is because it's a developing nation.

Non pc

Wild west



Pc is boring


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23 hours ago, KIngsofisaan said:

People have a right to complain and never forget that they do not.


When all of our home countries allow Thai's to move in, buy land, houses, businesses, etc. and Thailand will not reciprocate with the same kindness, then every single person has a right to complain. 90 day reports like a criminal and filling out the same laundry basket of paperwork each and every year is ridiculous. You would think the goverment would be smart enough to electronically file your documents and then simply ask you each visit, has anything changed in the past year? But no, they cannot seem to figure that out.


I would think a person that accepts ALL that happens in Thailand with never complaining, has lost their "bolos" or have lost themselves in a bottle. 


Complaining is healthy, it helps you to keep your sanity when you see Thai's shooting squirt guns in the air as a method to combat air pollution.


I respect the fact, to each his own, each person has their own individual right to call it as they see it. If they complain, it is their reason and right.


If you don't respect their right to complain, move along. 





Personally, I don't think that the 90 day report treats me like a criminal. It take 20 minutes from my life every 3 months as I prefer to do it at their office. 


As for storing our data, do you not think the IO in the field would not welcome the opportunity to store the documents on line, as it would be much easier and less work for them? They have most probably sent the message up the line to head office, but to change the rules/law would have to be done at parliamentary level, and there is no money in it for them.


Expats like us on the forum who have been here a long time realise that shouting, screaming and complaining get you nowhere , and NO they have not lost their bolos, but simply accept that there are things we can change and things that we cannot change, and we have learned the difference.


Did it ever occur to you that what you are ranting on about had been covered time and time again through ages past. Those people who are wise have learned from the experience, and those who have not learned?


Well, you can read about them on the forum any day.

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20 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

The OP asks a good question. There are two main types of haters both  are low intelligence. One group are not here and unlikely to come here but they may have been here once. They failed here and cant get back. The other group are the failed people who are stuck here after a catalogue of bad decisions. Inadequates, racists, failures, low intelligence, often from small town backgrounds they lack life and travel experience.

Many suffer from depression often induced by bad liver and too much bad beer.

Other are just damaged people who carry their emotional bagge with them and empty it in our laps.

Others are just dreary <deleted> who think whinging is a valid personality trait.

Decades past here until I actual met two of them in real life- not on this forum in a bar. They were thick as bricks, couldn't speak a word of Thai after 15 years, and proud of the fact! They demeaned the Thais around them (upon whom they depended entirely). They had zero self awareness about how absurd they were.

Until I met these guys I didn't think such people really existed!

I could go on but I wont


I speak 200 words

Never lived there

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35 minutes ago, KIngsofisaan said:

Thailand just seems more fun? Take away the bar girls and easy sex and it is just like any other place.

lol.   That's like saying Hawaii is just like any other state if you take away the water.  


Bar girls and easy sex!!!!!!   Endless supply.    Dude.........nobody comes to Thailand for any other reason.  What, for the heat, immigration, street food, cheap stuff, .... lol   lol

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30 minutes ago, KIngsofisaan said:

One post you claim to be a rich millionaire, then you complain about the cost of cucumbers?


Makes no sense.


I hardly expect a millionaire could care less how much a cucumber cost if he wanted to buy some? Or even post about it.


Maybe the cost of a Benz, but cucumbers? Dead giveaway.

It's ok if it doesn't make sense, believe what you like, I don't have to prove anything to anyone, that said, why should I pay more for anything, regardless if they are cucumbers, or items that I can purchase for less than in Oz.


Throw your money away if you like, I wasn't born rich, but I am a lot richer here than I would be in Oz, even so I treat my money with respect and seek value when and were I can, the wife is even more fugle which suites me fine, on average we spend 100k a month here, for some that's excessive, for others it's nothing, fact of the matter is, we have had the toys and some finer things in life, but realised that they are just a waste.


We can get enjoyment from the simple things in life, others prefer the materialistic things for so, each to their own, nothing to prove, don't drive a black car, don't wear gold, did I mention I don't work, that is the best part for me, no more the slave to the slave trade.

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49 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I don't think it is Immigration 100%.


I use the Kamphaeng Phet office and I find that the front office staff are farang friendly and helpful, as was the office I used in Nakhon Sawan before KPP opened.


I go 4 or 5 times a year and I usually take a bag of fruit to give to the older lady that actually does the extensions. I think that she shares it around the front office staff and I always get a wai and a smile.


Is it a bribe? IMHO it is a gift, because if I didn't want to give it I wouldn't.


Most times I am doing a 90 day report and I am in and out in 5 minutes.

The fruit is a bribe, not a gift.

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On 7/23/2022 at 6:08 AM, itsari said:

I can understand your frustrations as most foreigners and myself  have experienced something like you have .

Best alternative is do the work yourself .

If that is not possible then buy property that needs no renovation work .

I paid for a concrete floor to be levelled out recently . The whole of the work done now needs to be removed .

First time I have hired people for some time . Now I have bought a concrete grinder for 28000 baht to have a new attempt at levelling the floor . Anyone out there who wants to buy a used concrete floor grinder when i have finished let me know 

I rent, but my landlord gets full condo renovations (to the shell) done perfectly. The trick is to find a foreigner who supervises all the work (and does some too). Same with air conditioning - a foreigner with a team of Thais doing the work under his supervision. Any other way and you'll end up tearing your hair out. It costs a lot more this way, but it's better to pay more for a good job done once only. Communication is the big problem, so it's better to leave that to a professional.

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6 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

I rent, but my landlord gets full condo renovations (to the shell) done perfectly. The trick is to find a foreigner who supervises all the work (and does some too). Same with air conditioning - a foreigner with a team of Thais doing the work under his supervision. Any other way and you'll end up tearing your hair out. It costs a lot more this way, but it's better to pay more for a good job done once only. Communication is the big problem, so it's better to leave that to a professional.

It is extremely difficult to find competent tradesman period .

I have worked on the house I live in for seven years . Now I have a basement to complete that has just the second fixing to do. 

The rent you receive in Thailand gives no room for just getting in professional people to do the work if you can find them as the cost will outweigh any reasonable return from the rental income.

I have had windows made and that is all the help I have had in 7 years. I recently had two guys attempt to level the floor in the basement.Big mistake.

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1 minute ago, itsari said:

It is extremely difficult to find competent tradesman period .

I have worked on the house I live in for seven years . Now I have a basement to complete that has just the second fixing to do. 

The rent you receive in Thailand gives no room for just getting in professional people to do the work if you can find them as the cost will outweigh any reasonable return from the rental income.

I have had windows made and that is all the help I have had in 7 years. I recently had two guys attempt to level the floor in the basement.Big mistake.

My landlord is German and he got amazing bargains for some condos at the start of Covid. IMO he scored the best real estate deals in Pattaya - a case of being in the right place at the right time. His builder is German. He does a great job. I don't know how much he pays, but it's very good work and a good investment provided you get the condos at a good price. He lives in one and any rental return is secondary to the capital gains.

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

Personally, I don't think that the 90 day report treats me like a criminal. It take 20 minutes from my life every 3 months as I prefer to do it at their office. 


As for storing our data, do you not think the IO in the field would not welcome the opportunity to store the documents on line, as it would be much easier and less work for them? They have most probably sent the message up the line to head office, but to change the rules/law would have to be done at parliamentary level, and there is no money in it for them.


Expats like us on the forum who have been here a long time realise that shouting, screaming and complaining get you nowhere , and NO they have not lost their bolos, but simply accept that there are things we can change and things that we cannot change, and we have learned the difference.


Did it ever occur to you that what you are ranting on about had been covered time and time again through ages past. Those people who are wise have learned from the experience, and those who have not learned?


Well, you can read about them on the forum any day.



Thai's never question their superiors and only bow down to them


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1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

too $$$$ for me! i get mine for 10-30!    lol   big size western brands   soft cotton!

Read carefully, wholesale price is much cheaper than 39 and cheap for even your budget.


These are clothes that were destined for US markets, very high quality.



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52 minutes ago, KIngsofisaan said:

Read carefully, wholesale price is much cheaper than 39 and cheap for even your budget.


These are clothes that were destined for US markets, very high quality.



There is no way I belive this is good or high quality clothes! Sorry it is not possible 

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3 hours ago, Hummin said:

There is no way I belive this is good or high quality clothes! Sorry it is not possible 

Where exactly do you think all the clothes for the US market are made?


Do you know Izod, GAP, H&M to name a few brands are made in Cambodia? What do you think happens to the clothes that did not make the contract delivery date on time? Order canceled, products flow out into the local market.


You don't appear to know a damn thing about this, never been there to see with your own eyes, yet there is no way you believe?


Do you have any idea what all those wagons and carts of full of with people dragging them into Thailand from Cambodia?


No way you believe!


My god man. Drive on over there and educate yourself.


Gigantic market with all kinds of famous name brands.




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They are a bunch of bitter expats who want to blame all their problems on Thailand.  These people would be unhappy no matter where they go.  Of course that doesn't stop them from constantly threatening to go somewhere else, as if anyone will miss them if they do.

Edited by shdmn
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I recently befriended a fellow contract engineer here at work.  he does software, I do system test on the project.  He lived in Thailand for 9 years.  He blew through all his money.  he made a few bucks on line, bought and sold two condos to string things along.  But now at age 56 he has nothing.  I mean absolutely nothing.  He is not bitter though.  A bit mad at himself for sure.  he gave it a go and missed the mark.  He is lucky he did not burn out totally and become too much of an alcoholic and can still function and make money back home in the USA.  He does not make too much, but certainly can save now. Just a caution to try and strike a balance with things.  

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10 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

But now at age 56 he has nothing.  I mean absolutely nothing. 

doesn't have a job?  his health?  intelligence? experience? has zero baht to his name?


I think people just like to say others have absolutely nothing.    Doesn't sound like a friend.

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1 minute ago, Iamfalang said:

doesn't have a job?  his health?  intelligence? experience? has zero baht to his name?


I think people just like to say others have absolutely nothing.    Doesn't sound like a friend.

so this is an example of a hater.

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