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Amazing Thailand: Termites blamed for murder suicide


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Amazing Thailand indeed!

Whatever you do, don not blame or deal with the issues at hand, such as jealousy, bad behaviour, societal problems, maybe alcohol or something 'realistic.' Blame spirits in a termite mound! ????????????????


It's just like crazy things being blamed for road traffic accidents, and so many other things in this fine land. ????

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38 minutes ago, 2long said:

Amazing Thailand indeed!

Whatever you do, don not blame or deal with the issues at hand, such as jealousy, bad behaviour, societal problems, maybe alcohol or something 'realistic.' Blame spirits in a termite mound! ????????????????


It's just like crazy things being blamed for road traffic accidents, and so many other things in this fine land. ????

Its like we don't take care and responsibility of our own actions and deeds, its all the faults of the spirits right?...

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17 minutes ago, JustAnotherFarang said:

Will this bloody superstitious nonsense ever stop.... Im crossing my fingers hoping that it will

Now now, don't discount the influence of superstition and it's evolved institution of religion when it comes to the development of human society.  Before there was Love and Logic, these institutions invoked one of the strongest reasons to behave and organize society, penalty in the "afterlife" for your behavior while alive.  Basically a form of fear you could not verify.  Given that, for most developed societies today, there is no longer a reason for the parochial institutional control of faith [save to get off easy for bad/selfish behavior by a enunciating number of hail Mary's (or it's equivalent depending on religion) and a bit extra in the passed plate], you can't deny the affect in the early days that eventually drove us to here, the most dominant species on the planet (about 3x too dominate in numbers BTW, nature will correct that).  For less developed societies, the cultural hangover persists.

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1 hour ago, DrPhibes said:

Now now, don't discount the influence of superstition and it's evolved institution of religion when it comes to the development of human society.  Before there was Love and Logic, these institutions invoked one of the strongest reasons to behave and organize society, penalty in the "afterlife" for your behavior while alive.  Basically a form of fear you could not verify.  Given that, for most developed societies today, there is no longer a reason for the parochial institutional control of faith [save to get off easy for bad/selfish behavior by a enunciating number of hail Mary's (or it's equivalent depending on religion) and a bit extra in the passed plate], you can't deny the affect in the early days that eventually drove us to here, the most dominant species on the planet (about 3x too dominate in numbers BTW, nature will correct that).  For less developed societies, the cultural hangover persists.

I think the humour went right over your head ????


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5 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

What a load of bolo...........baloney, a healthy dose ( perhaps a full can ) of Chaindrite spray & a liberal dosing of Chaindrite powder will soon sort that lot out.

But the monks can't make money from that, to help run their business. Which every temple is, of course. Chanting for sale to all and for anything. New car? Ceremony. New house? Call the monks in to drone on in a language that people can sit for hours listening to while not understanding a word.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He has claimed that if you have a termite mound in your house you need to hire them to organize a special ceremony to offer prayers and have it removed. 


Not following this path could mean trouble for the inhabitants.

What has He been smoking/Taking?

Why in Satan's name would Anyone believe this ?

Are people That Stupid ?

No wonder that this country is in a Mess.

Next he will tell people that pigs can fly and that are pink Elephants flying around too.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Monk Phra Khru Wichan Thammasoto, the abbot of the local temple in Buriram, NE Thailand, advised against raising termites in your house.

"Raising termites"... Wow, I never would have thought to do that. Are they part of the 'green' diet the climate alarmist are pushing or an old practice here? Maybe Nicole Kidman will be sampling them in her next commercial.

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The lack of emotional development does not appear to have been a factor. Looking within for the source of the problem was not considered, since the termites are to blame. All this, coming from the spiritual advisor, who is supposed to encourage introspection, based upon the teachings of Buddhism. Blame the termites. Blame anything. Just don't take responsibility. 

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5 hours ago, JustAnotherFarang said:

I think the humour went right over your head ????


No, that was obvious.  But it did get me ruminating about how things have come together to make us, us and the statistical improbabilities or where ideas flourish from that shape human history.  Did you ever watch The Ascent of Man or Connections or original Cosmos series?  You might wanna.

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Will the Termites get bail ? and then go underground ?

 I have seen a good YouTube vid of pouring molten aluminium down inside, and then removing the mound to revel an amazing 'sculpture' of inside. Putting that in the Temple would get loads of cash for those monks.

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