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Is this being racist?

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In Holland part of the Christmas festivities used to involve a street parade featuring a popular folklore character called "Black Peter"   He was one of santa's helpers, he was portrayed as having a black face due to his imaginary work requiring him to enter peoples houses in the traditional christmas way ie "down the chimney"   so he was covered in soot as one might expect.


Obviously this charming tradition could not be allowed to continue


Only the most twisted of minds could connect this to racism, and I would be very surprised to hear of any black people being involved in that decision  


Like wise  the word "blackboard"  has also been  "identified as Racist"  and its use discouraged,   Another "enlightened" soul in the UK put forward the possibility that Covid 19 was a "racist virus",    How can people not see how ridiculous it all is.  

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Best of all there was a popular  TV   sit com in the UK called "love thy neighbour" I would imagine most people have heard of it, surprisingly it is banned .  I say surprisingly because the very essence of the program was to highlight how ridiculous the racist attitude of the main character was  He was never portrayed in a positive light and always ended up being shown up as a narrow minded bigot. 

No other TV program at the time was pouring scorn on racists , often the best way of attacking bad attitudes is to laugh at the perpetrators .   Yet years later it was "banned" despite it having been discontinued and pretty much forgotten about.

Yet another example of misguided and ignorant wokism 


Edited by Bday Prang
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Methinks you use the word wokies way too much. It's a culture wars attack word that's been coopted by right wing people trying to defend all sorts of social ills.


I don't know the UK history of minstrel shows but I know in the US black people hated it as demeaning.


When blacks put on blackface it was not because they liked it but because it was work.




When commenting on threads such as this one,  I may well have used the word "Woke" and various derivations of it quite frequently, I do not use it, as you suggest, in order to defend social ills. I use it , unapologetically ,in keeping with its modern day sarcastic connotation,  to pour scorn on predominately white, left wing  middle class misguided social justice warrior zealots who imagine they see racism and prejudice every where they look  , people who take offence at the drop of a hat, normally on behalf of others who they have "identified" as "victims" !  People who for some reason hate their own culture and countries and will take any opportunity to virtue signal to others of the same persuasion. 


The black and white minstrel show In the UK was not banned due complaints from any black people that I know ' as I said in a previous post my grand parents watched and enjoyed it with their black friends occasionally and they all enjoyed the renditions of the popular songs,  The show its self was consigned to the archives  and pretty much forgotten about long before those who took offence from it  were even born,   In effect,  there was no point actually just banning  it  It had to be resurrected first, and then banned   that was  the most effective  way for the wokies to be seen to be doing the "right" thing whilst at the same time demonising  people like my grandparents who innocently enjoyed it


I was a little surprised at your last sentence, I'm far from an expert on the show and maybe I am displaying my ignorance but I always thought that the actors that appeared in the show were actually white people "blacked up" and that was the reason for all the offence taken. You imply that they were actually black, if that was the case there was no reason for them to "black up" at all, and If only they had performed without the white make up around their lips it would have just been black people performing covers of songs made famous previously by other black people no different to  and no more controversial than say "soul train"

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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

To this day it is not uncommon for kids (and some adults) to point at and giggle amongst themselves when encountering a "ferang"   Am I offended  ? No   Strangely I don't hear any wokies taking offence on my behalf either. 

Wokies think that other races can't be racist against white people, pathetic really.

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On 8/22/2022 at 2:35 PM, ThailandRyan said:

The guy needs management to tell him to do his job and stop having personal conversations unless it is during break times.  Then the affected party can tell him to go pound sand and only discuss work items with him from now on.  Comments such as he made are out of line in any work place nowadays.  Now I will await the PC crowd to jump all over .....

Why would the "PC Crowd" jump all over this. You are as PC as it gets. 

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35 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Wokies think that other races can't be racist against white people, pathetic really.

Its not  pathetic ,   its far more sinister than that 


The Uk is one of the least racist countries in the world I can't wait to read the responses to that statement, 


You  mentioned in a previous post that racism is not illegal in Thailand and I don't disagree with you,  I wonder how the guy in the OP would justify sacking his subordinate for breaking a non-existent law  that existed only  in his own imagination to an employment tribunal lol   It would be a bit like sacking me in the UK for not having a work permit

Edited by Bday Prang
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9 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

The Uk is one of the least racist countries in the world I can't wait to read the responses to that statement, 

I can think of one large country where they wouldn't let black people vote(in my lifetime!). Of course things like that, and slavery, has led to extreme racism. 

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i the UK not so long ago the london police had a stop and search initiative specifically aimed at reducing the appalling amount knife crime in the capital. 


Quite a few black kids were caught with knives prompting the usual allegations  of racism against the police.


 The purpose of the initiative was to remove knives from the streets and lessen the number of victims of stabbings 


The overwhelming majority of knife crime in London is described by the police as "black on black"  


All the victims of black on black  stabbings are by essence essentially black


The wokies argued it was racist      Go figure that one out

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14 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It was a horrible programme .

Would you appreciate it if every Saturday night on prime time Thai TV numerous Thais dressed up in Scottish kilts with red hair and White faces and putting on Scottish accents whilst tossing the caber and drinking beer and dancing around and then the Thai kids doing the same in School teasing Felangs ?

Not the same at all. If they had a show of Thais dressed as punks or hippies(for example), or some other type of music predominantly done by 'farangs', I wouldn't mind. 


There was a Thai soap where the lead girl blackened her face, it was very popular. 


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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Wokies think that other races can't be racist against white people, pathetic really.

I believe all forms of racism are deplorable including any which targets white people, I also believe using name calling ie “wokies” as a weapon is deplorable. It’s a pity some resort to this tactic

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6 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

My grandmother loved that show too,  It was very popular, It was not banned or even criticised at the time , the series ended as it had run its course. The "ban" occured 40+ years later and not after complaints from black people. But as a result of wokies desperately looking for anything they could take offense at on behalf of others


2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Best of all there was a popular  TV   sit com in the UK called "love thy neighbour" I would imagine most people have heard of it, surprisingly it is banned .  I say surprisingly because the very essence of the program was to highlight how ridiculous the racist attitude of the main character was  He was never portrayed in a positive light and always ended up being shown up as a narrow minded bigot. 

No other TV program at the time was pouring scorn on racists , often the best way of attacking bad attitudes is to laugh at the perpetrators .   Yet years later it was "banned" despite it having been discontinued and pretty much forgotten about.

Yet another example of misguided and ignorant wokism 


In Australia there was a show called Hey Hey It's Saturday and they did a skit with Black Face on which Harry Connick Jr was a judge. He protested and noted he is from Louisiana and there was a long history of making fun of black people with black face. The guy who did it was Sri Lankan and meant no harm as I am sure the people in the Minstrels show did not. But I don't think you have to be woke to see the problem with blackface in the United States.

On the other hand I agree on Love Thy Neighbour. You nailed it. I saw Jim Jeffries, who is normally excellent, do a bit criticising the show and I felt he missed the point.

Having said that if you wanted to be a little bit woke there is a kind of subtle inference that the racism is all a bit of fun so I can see it might get a bit of heat from those who are not used to seeing such interactions. The term Nig Nog too was .. well.. a bit strong shall we say. It was actually still on television in Australia in the last ten years or so. 

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3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The word 'golliwog', 'nig nog' etc was used on prime time TV in the 70s, so it must have been deemed acceptable.



Totally agree with you. Now there is no such thing as comedy because some one may be offended. We have gone from having a life to having a load of idiots trying to find fault with everything.

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2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The word 'golliwog', 'nig nog' etc was used on prime time TV in the 70s, so it must have been deemed acceptable.



Yes, but woke mob time travel space says that wasn't acceptable. You sir are a racist!


It's not colored people - it's people of color donchaknownow damnit!

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Racism is natural, complexed and stored in our dna memery for reasons. Our anchestors being invaded, exploited, and foreigners coming with diseases is a few obviously reasons. Written history as we have read and learned sometimes of people colouring the history in their own views, as well propaganda we daily read and see in news. Some is better to handle irrationale thoughts better than others, and see where it is logical to point fingers at others behaviours and cultures when needed. 

right now, how much do we love russians? Im been back in Europe the last months, and with higher prices on absolutely everything, and Putin being blamed, russians have a long way to fix their reputation for the future. 

When it comes to different ethnic people with attributes formed by adopting to different climate, it is more about social skills what to say, and not to say, especially when it comes to lack of language understanding, you should know how easy it is to step wrong. 

Some got it, some do not

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What I think? Germans are known to be like that. Other than that and starting about nazi's and stuff? I think one has a pathetic life if this is what keeps one busy at the job, where you are supposed to be busy with the actual job.

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39 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

Slavery was also deemed acceptable at one time, what’s your point

You could say there was never an ability to say 'Slavery is a thing of it's time' and somehow that meant that those who took slaves get a pass. 

Shows like  'Love Thy  Neighbour' had good intentions and showed life how it was and pointed out the idiocy of racism. To a young audience though it might somewhat shocking to them to see that type of interaction and might seem racist and barbaric and they might not get what life was like - where name calling and life in general was taken less seriously by most for good or bad.    


Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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47 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

The term Nig Nog too was .. well.. a bit strong shall we say. It was actually still on television in Australia in the last ten years or so. 

All racial terms become derogatory over time. But at the time, it was OK for my gran to say 'golliwog' or 'negro', Thai people to say 'jek' for Chinese people. Both are now not OK, and the words for Indians, 'Kaek' has become derogatory, as has 'farang'.

 I am a 'sweaty sock'.  I take no offense to 'fat <deleted>' in Austin Powers or Ewan Mcteagle


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54 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The word 'golliwog', 'nig nog' etc was used on prime time TV in the 70s, so it must have been deemed acceptable.



Older men lusting after their younger female  neighbour .

Racial abuse .

Threats of violence

Homophobic abuse  

"Comedy" written by two White men born in the 1930's

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3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

All racial terms become derogatory over time. But at the time, it was OK for my gran to say 'golliwog' or 'negro', Thai people to say 'jek' for Chinese people. Both are now not OK, and the words for Indians, 'Kaek' has become derogatory, as has 'farang'.

 I am a 'sweaty sock'.  I take no offense to 'fat <deleted>' in Austin Powers or Ewan Mcteagle


And you would see the funny side to it if you were walking around London wearing a kilt and people were shouting out to you " You <deleted> poof" and then threatening to attack you and chasing you down the street ?

   What a laugh that would be 

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16 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Older men lusting after their younger female  neighbour .

Racial abuse .

Threats of violence

Homophobic abuse  

"Comedy" written by two White men born in the 1930's

I don't recall some of those plot lines in Love Thy Neighbour.

I know being an Asean Now member it's hard to imagine older men lusting after younger women.  The comedies of that time such as Benny Hill made fun of the man. Sure there was a bit of sexism in there too that wasn't ideal but most people got the picture that it's just a bit of p i s s taking and yes people like to watch shows with pretty girls - then and now. 

If there were threats of violence in the show I am sure they did not advocate it and the message was 'Racism and Violence are bad OK'.

There was some homophobic stuff in that time which did have a touch of malice - even members of Monty Python said they regret some skits as they were a bit much - but again gays were relatively hidden and maybe over the top gay characters such as Mr Humphries in 'Are you being Served' humanised gays and probably led to more acceptance.

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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8 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

I don't need to look it up , I can speak and read Thai , I know exactly what it means,  However I have not chosen to play the part of an offended victim of racism / stereotyping     "Sticks and stones " is the phrase that springs to mind.  I learnt that when I was about 4 years old  Maybe the perpetually offended "community" should just be told to grow up a little

Well that's okay then. Not what you implied in your comment though '...endearment...' but in your case I don't think it's a racist remark anyway since you wrote that it was what your wife called you. How nice? Yes, 'sticks and stones', 'water off a duck's back' etc. are appropriate. I too learned early because I had thick curly auburn hair when I was young...don't think they were called 'racist' remarks way back then, though.????

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