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British man dead, second seriously injured after motorbike collision with a garbage truck


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3 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Lucky the two possibly drunk farang didn't kill a couple of  local kids.

Do we have a moral obligation  to report drunk drivers  before they hurt  themselves  or others? Should bars report possible drunk drivers to police when they are leaving the bar?

Is there  an argument for curtailing the motor cycle rent business especially  to foreigners often partying, drunk, drugged and on the  wrong  side of the road. Limit them to e scooters which  are still fun but less dangerous and less machismo

you do sprout some nonsense posts at times ... ????




Edited by steven100
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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Maybe what happened is you failed to indicate you were turning ,and this is why the

motorbike crashed into you.


Maybe , but exactly how fast would you need to be going not to notice a turning truck ? More likely the guy driving the bike was talking over his shoulder and did not see the truck turning. 


AS for drink driving, the state of the French man in the house opposite the other day driving his bike into the pillar of his house makes me think anything is possible with men and alcohol at 1 am

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10 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

we've said it 1 million times.  Please, motorbikes in Thailand are super, super, super dangerous; especially if you are old.    


If you must, then you must and then just take the best precautions you can.   I understand bicycles, because that's a little bit of exercise; however, also dangerous.


Luckily for me, the first time I got picked up on a motorbike we crashed after about three minutes.   Car cut us off, and I jumped off the back, no harm.   After that day, never got on another one.  That was 6 years ago.   Many people have been mad I won't get on one, whatever, it's my life.  


If there is a way you can avoid being on one, consider it................

I find walking along the street here is just as dangerous as driving my motorcycle.

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10 hours ago, vangrop said:

The rescue workers arrived at the scene to find a damaged motorbike near a garbage truck owned by the Koh Samui Municipality. Under the motorbike seat rescue staff stated they found cans and bottles of beer.


Here we go again. The 2 Farangs were obviously drunken so they are the culprits, Van driver innocent, Case closed no further investigation needed.

Is English not your native language? There were no such presumptions implied or stated  in the story. It was a clear and simple statement of facts, reported without any bias whatsoever. I read it several times. You have an overactive imagination and a persecution complex on behalf of your poor fellow maligned farangs. Are you one of the ones always complaining about the imaginary "racism" of Thai people? Any farang who lives in Thailand is lucky to be here, and anyone who whines and complains about it should self deport and spare the rest of us any further obnoxiousness. It's you who give the rest of us "farangs" a bad name. 

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Well after reading some of the absolute rubbishposted on here aas to how and why. 

I will point this out.

1 Large Municipal Truck, showing lights, moving slowly if at all , not in stealth mode but clearly visible to 99% of sober careful drivers

2. large motorbike being ridden by a farang and his mate .


Motorbike hits this clearly visible truck at a speed that has killed one and severely injured another , motorbike a probable write off.


Although you can spin the circumstances many ways, and as an ex-copper. The result is the same, someone was not paying attention and an accident has occurred .


You numpties work out who was to blame, I am going to have my morning coffee !!

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3 hours ago, Thunglom said:


And As said your premises were demonstrably wrong.

No real look at the evidence and just some ideas based on prejudice.

the evidence of the photo contradicts most of what you say.


now you are just talking nonsense trying to justify your original blunders you are trying to move the goal posts


"Possibly because one is dead and other seriously injured?


At 1 AM, they were on a main road away from the main population centres and carrying alcohol. What were the chances that they were drunk and speeding?" - you're trying to say they were drunk and speeding you are not postulating you're trying to say that's what happened with I would say LESS than a scant regard for logic.



 "Death and serious injury imply speed" - no they don't - again you make adssumptions


.If he had just turned into a side road then there wouldn't be the speed f"actor required to result in that outcome. You are now trying to back up a false premise you made earlier


If it was in any doubt you then say - “that's what I think happened.”


you language is quite clear in black and white. 



Waste of time trying to reason with people who lack basic reasoning skills in the first place. People who are not seeking to educate themselves will not learn. What we have here is a classic pseudo intellectual. 

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9 hours ago, Bobtheblob said:

Rip, but have to think why they searching under the seat and stating they found alcohol before tests have been conducted.

It's called police work. Standard procedure. The story was very short and contained very few facts, certainly not enough to justify some of the nonsense comments here. There is a lot that is not known or disclosed in the story. 

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8 hours ago, Thunglom said:

This amateur apportioning of blame needs to stop. 

It has nothing to do with road safety and is counter-productive. These comments are made by people who have no details of what happened but just love to make assumptions.

The issues here are not to blame people but to find out what happened and how it can be prevented from happening again.

There are a lot more factors that need to be taken into account than simplistically blaming a drunk for everything.

What about emergency services? were they quick and well equipped? did they receive car on the spot?

What was the road surface like? What about street lighting and vehicle lighting, what were the road and weather conditions,

Was the scene of the accident analysed by a trained crash crew? - where is the crash report.

In all likelihood we will never know, we'll just get a quick off-the-cuff hypothesis from the local cop who is trying to justify his job.

Until this attitude amongst the authorities, the public and expats changes there will be no improvement in road safety in Thailand.


That's not fair - you're using common sense, logic, and reason against a bunch of uninformed schlubs whose sense of self importance is tied to the loudness of their opinions, and not the validity thereof. 

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10 hours ago, vangrop said:

The rescue workers arrived at the scene to find a damaged motorbike near a garbage truck owned by the Koh Samui Municipality. Under the motorbike seat rescue staff stated they found cans and bottles of beer.


Here we go again. The 2 Farangs were obviously drunken so they are the culprits, Van driver innocent, Case closed no further investigation needed.

Not exactly correct. An autopsy will have to be carried out to determine the cause of death..mandatory for all foreign deaths in Thailand, excepting for death in hospital....blood will be tested. 

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To all of you armchair quarterbacks and self professed experts, it doesn't take much force to snap someone's neck or cause a fatal head injury if one is unprotected. It can be a matter of chance as to who survives an impact regardless of how fast or slow they might be traveling. People die just from falling and hitting their heads on sidewalks, causing fractures and cerebral hemorrhages. Happens all the time. And it's quite possible that a responsible person might take a trip to a 7-11 for a few beers and transport them without actually being roaring drunk - the intent might be to responsibly bring said beers home before consuming. The point is, there is insufficient information in the story to draw any conclusions whatsoever, and it serves no useful purpose to speculate. When the driver's toxicological report comes in and is made public, when the accident investigators have submitted their reports, then you can start having a few sensible conversations. 

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7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Possibly because one is dead and other seriously injured?


At 1 AM, they were on a main road away from the main population centres and carrying alcohol. What were the chances that they were drunk and speeding?

The chances of that possibly rate on a par with the chances they had been smoking cannabis or a combination of all 3 of those factors

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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

oh dear ... poor guy, what a terrible way to go ... killed by a garbage truck.

I wonder were they very drunk or speeding ...  garbage trucks usually have a flashing light or they are very well lit up. 


RIP ..

The truck driver said the accident happen when he was turning into a street. Now I am not saying who's fault it was ,as I was not there but as a biker for many years in Thailand I had many close calls with drivers indicating and turning at the same time. Little or no warning that they are tuning. RIP

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Might be some clues here ...


"CCTV however did capture the incident and was shared on social media."



If there were beers under the seat it sounds like a scooter, not something more sporty. 

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12 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

The truck driver said the accident happen when he was turning into a street. Now I am not saying who's fault it was ,as I was not there but as a biker for many years in Thailand I had many close calls with drivers indicating and turning at the same time. Little or no warning that they are tuning. RIP

Maneuver, signal, mirror.......

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I don't see anywhere where it says they ran into the back of the truck.  Perhaps they were passing a slow vehicle just as it was making a turn.

No way to know what happened for sure from one photo of the aftermath.

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12 hours ago, vangrop said:

The rescue workers arrived at the scene to find a damaged motorbike near a garbage truck owned by the Koh Samui Municipality. Under the motorbike seat rescue staff stated they found cans and bottles of beer.


Here we go again. The 2 Farangs were obviously drunken so they are the culprits, Van driver innocent, Case closed no further investigation needed.

They could be drunk and should be checked for it but if you hit something from behind in general your always to blame. Not sure why the garbage truck driver would be guilty ?

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11 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

we've said it 1 million times.  Please, motorbikes in Thailand are super, super, super dangerous; especially if you are old.    


If you must, then you must and then just take the best precautions you can.   I understand bicycles, because that's a little bit of exercise; however, also dangerous.


Luckily for me, the first time I got picked up on a motorbike we crashed after about three minutes.   Car cut us off, and I jumped off the back, no harm.   After that day, never got on another one.  That was 6 years ago.   Many people have been mad I won't get on one, whatever, it's my life.  


If there is a way you can avoid being on one, consider it................

especially if you are old!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant tell you what I think of you, I will receive a ban.

I have been riding big bikes since 1990

Is it dangerous for me?

or is it dangerous for inexperienced riders no matter what their age?

get a grip mate.............jeezzzzzzzz


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12 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

we've said it 1 million times.  Please, motorbikes in Thailand are super, super, super dangerous; especially if you are old.    


If you must, then you must and then just take the best precautions you can.   I understand bicycles, because that's a little bit of exercise; however, also dangerous.


Luckily for me, the first time I got picked up on a motorbike we crashed after about three minutes.   Car cut us off, and I jumped off the back, no harm.   After that day, never got on another one.  That was 6 years ago.   Many people have been mad I won't get on one, whatever, it's my life.  


If there is a way you can avoid being on one, consider it................

But you've only made 1474 posts! If I've said it once, I've said it a million times "don't exaggerate" ????????

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7 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

What is the rubbish lorry did not indicate it was turning...or nearly missed the turning and suddenly braked?


No one knows here ..as we were not there 


As for alcohol under the seat....so they had not drunk it !!!!!!  You can not get drink from having full bottles of unopened beer.  

Even if it suddenly stopped it can never be as fast as a motorbike. So the motorbikes are more likely to be at fault. Anyone sober would be able to outbreak a garbage truck (mass x speed ). So its more likely the motorbike drivers are at fault. They hit the truck not the other way around.


Its not as if garbage trucks are fast. So if they were keeping their distance and not going fast it would probably not be a problem.

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10 hours ago, Thunglom said:


There are a lot more factors that need to be taken into account than simplistically blaming a drunk for everything.



As a former first responder paramedic ambulance attendant, it is my opinion that you can blame a drunk for everything and you would be correct 90% of the time. 

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7 hours ago, Thunglom said:

I CAN say that the roads on Samui are very badly surfaced, marked and lit

I can say you have to be a complete *****, drunken, drugged or all together to hit a huge stinky flashy garbage truck in the back. 


But yeah, it's always easier to blame someone/something else. 

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2 hours ago, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

You numpties work out who was to blame, I am going to have my morning coffee !!

Motorbike crashes into back of truck @ 1 am


... nuff said

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It is simply incumbent upon us, as intelligent, thinking beings, to avoid stationary vehicles. It is part of natural selection. The way many drive on Samui, it is surprising there are not more deaths, though it has the highest rate of traffic deaths per capita in all of Thailand. And we all know where the nation stands. 

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