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Nord Stream leaks: Sabotage to blame, says EU


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48 minutes ago, internationalism said:

That is clear threat to existence of nord stream. 

"there will be no longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it…I promise you we will be able to do that."

That is not declaration from german chancellor to close those pipes. Temporarily or permanently.


As Sweden stated they are not going to disclose their details (as discussed above already), now similarly russia is not that obliged to disclose details of their investigation.

Russia called british embassador about those blasts. So it is not trivial for them, they claim they have solid proof, and they done so after over a month investigation. They did not do so in haste, on impuls - as Polish foreign ministry calling russian ambassador for a night time visit just hours after missile blast a few days ago.


Those articles point to UK connection.

 Liz Truss personal phone was hacked by russia. That lasted for all summer. She changed her phone just 1 day before becoming the PM.



also some details here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11377157/Russia-claims-Britain-ordinated-Nord-Stream-explosions.html


Yep, it worked.


Nord Stream 2: MEPs and US pressure Germany to stop Russia pipeline

Members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate halt on the infrastructure project, which is 95% completed.


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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Do you understand that you are crediting the Russian government with committing truthfulness? Right through Feb 23 they denied that they were going to invade Ukraine. Then, when they invaded Ukraine they claimed it was for the purpose of denazification. This is a country where calling the invasion of Ukraine a war can get you 15 years in prison. Why would anybody believe what Russia says?

based on trump clear statement that he will shut nord stream by whatever means, by daily mail revelations about Truss hacked phone and incriminating her in conspiring in clandestine operations I do think that russia had enough data to pin it on the UK. 

Russia, as well as Germany, should be allowed to enter blast zone with or after swedes. Even if it's now, some 2 months after the blast. Their own initial investigation is already finished. That would increase chance of transparency by swedish investigators. That is important for this investigation to be internationally monitored, as germany and russia were the main losers, not sweden itself.

Why not set up an international commission?

Many governments won't trust Sweden, as they have recently applied for NATO membership. They are part in a military conflict, not neutral as before the war. Even more so disgruntled population of countries directly affected by winter freeze.

Just exactly as ukrainian army was allowed to enter missile blast in poland, to conduct their own investigation to contradict findings of polish investigators.

Do you see double standards here?


I did no believe war would happen, I have based my trust on zelensky multiple public statements - there would be no war. I have believed he was going to follow minsk 2 agreement thus preventing conflict. That he had back channels to russia as well as intelligence reports. That is exactly what the majority ukrainian citizens were thinking - there would be no war.


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18 minutes ago, internationalism said:

based on trump clear statement that he will shut nord stream by whatever means, by daily mail revelations about Truss hacked phone and incriminating her in conspiring in clandestine operations I do think that russia had enough data to pin it on the UK. 

Russia, as well as Germany, should be allowed to enter blast zone with or after swedes. Even if it's now, some 2 months after the blast. Their own initial investigation is already finished. That would increase chance of transparency by swedish investigators. That is important for this investigation to be internationally monitored, as germany and russia were the main losers, not sweden itself.

Why not set up an international commission?

Many governments won't trust Sweden, as they have recently applied for NATO membership. They are part in a military conflict, not neutral as before the war. Even more so disgruntled population of countries directly affected by winter freeze.

Just exactly as ukrainian army was allowed to enter missile blast in poland, to conduct their own investigation to contradict findings of polish investigators.

Do you see double standards here?


I did no believe war would happen, I have based my trust on zelensky multiple public statements - there would be no war. I have believed he was going to follow minsk 2 agreement thus preventing conflict. That he had back channels to russia as well as intelligence reports. That is exactly what the majority ukrainian citizens were thinking - there would be no war.


I don't see a reason why Russia should destroy the pipeline. They need it to make money. And hopefully one day they will find out who really did it. 


Regarding Zelensky - Putin and Zelensky is the worst combination that could happen to the Ukraine...

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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yep, it worked.


Nord Stream 2: MEPs and US pressure Germany to stop Russia pipeline

Members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate halt on the infrastructure project, which is 95% completed.


date of your article is 27.01, but Biden threat was made after that vote, on 7th February.

So Biden was uncertain of future for nord stream and made plans then.

That way europe, and especially germany, was betrayed by the USA and is forced now to buy american controlled overpriced fuels. 


On the day war has started, Biden made another statement on nord stream. It's clear those pipes have strategic importance to the usa. 

"Since Russia began deploying troops to the Ukrainian border, the United States has worked closely with our Allies and partners to deliver a strong, unified response. As I said when I met with Chancellor Scholz earlier this month, Germany has been a leader in that effort, and we have closely coordinated our efforts to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia further invaded Ukraine.

Yesterday, after further close consultations between our two governments, Germany announced that it would halt certification of the pipeline. Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers. These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate."



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2 minutes ago, internationalism said:

date of your article is 27.01, but Biden threat was made after that vote, on 7th February.

So Biden was uncertain of future for nord stream and made plans then.

That way europe, and especially germany, was betrayed by the USA and is forced now to buy american controlled overpriced fuels. 


On the day war has started, Biden made another statement on nord stream. It's clear those pipes have strategic importance to the usa. 

"Since Russia began deploying troops to the Ukrainian border, the United States has worked closely with our Allies and partners to deliver a strong, unified response. As I said when I met with Chancellor Scholz earlier this month, Germany has been a leader in that effort, and we have closely coordinated our efforts to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia further invaded Ukraine.

Yesterday, after further close consultations between our two governments, Germany announced that it would halt certification of the pipeline. Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers. These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate."



And the US did take further steps after the Nordstream 2 was stopped. Steps that did not consist of sabotage of the pipelines. Nothing in what Biden said that in any way proves US responsibility for the sabotage.

Edited by placeholder
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6 minutes ago, internationalism said:

date of your article is 27.01, but Biden threat was made after that vote, on 7th February.

So Biden was uncertain of future for nord stream and made plans then.

That way europe, and especially germany, was betrayed by the USA and is forced now to buy american controlled overpriced fuels. 


On the day war has started, Biden made another statement on nord stream. It's clear those pipes have strategic importance to the usa. 

"Since Russia began deploying troops to the Ukrainian border, the United States has worked closely with our Allies and partners to deliver a strong, unified response. As I said when I met with Chancellor Scholz earlier this month, Germany has been a leader in that effort, and we have closely coordinated our efforts to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia further invaded Ukraine.

Yesterday, after further close consultations between our two governments, Germany announced that it would halt certification of the pipeline. Today, I have directed my administration to impose sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers. These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate."



Yes I know, what point are you trying to make, this is all very well documented and had been for for many months. Why not wait like everyone else for the investigation instead of your baseless accusssations?


White House imposes sanctions on Nord Stream 2 pipeline company and CEO

President Joe Biden is expected to announce the sanctions as soon as Wednesday against the company Nord Stream 2 AG and its German chief executive officer.


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3 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

I don't see a reason why Russia should destroy the pipeline. They need it to make money. And hopefully one day they will find out who really did it. 

Strange that Russia has not been invited to the investigation. Or has it been changed? 


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8 minutes ago, Saanim said:

Strange that Russia has not been invited to the investigation. Or has it been changed? 


Its doing its own:

A journey to the site of the Nord Stream explosions

Later, we discovered the Russian offshore vessel we had spotted was part of a separate investigation Moscow had begun into the Baltic explosions.


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there are 4 separate and non-cooperating commissions - swedish, danish, german and russian.

Only russians made conclusion. That even without access to blast site.

Poland and ukrainian still blame russia. They made this statement shortly after blasts, without any investigation or giving any proof.

Radek Sikorski, former polish minister of foreign affairs and minister of defence, tweeted just after blasts: "Thank you, USA", with a picture of sea above the pipe. He is a polish hawk, married to the equally howkish american journalist. Hardcore on russia, short of provoking russia into balistic nukes in west ukraine. He is polish nationalist, rusofob, he served in afghanistan with mujahedeens back in the 1980ties against russia there.


The usa want's to send their own divers, as soon as they are allowed by the local authorities. 

Swedish and Danish police are patrolling those waters and not allowing anybody within zone.

There might be some debris on seashores, but nobody claims anything.

There should be an international commission under UN, rather than partisan run shows.

Russia, the UK (as implicated by russia), ukraine, poland, germany, denmark and sweden should be invited. 


Problem with war sabotage, as is the case, is that they can classified for long, some 25 years.

In case of diplomatic involvement (Truss case), it might be longer or never. Chelsea Manning, assange are behind bars, snowden was forced to run. There won't be more american whistle blowers for decade.


So what is heard now from sweden might be everything we will ever know from them. They have already warned about it earlier. They might share with the usa, because they need their expertise. But they don't want co-operation from germany.


this winter will be crucial for survival of many european governments, partially thanks to nord stream 

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27 minutes ago, internationalism said:

there are 4 separate and non-cooperating commissions - swedish, danish, german and russian.

Only russians made conclusion. That even without access to blast site.

Poland and ukrainian still blame russia. They made this statement shortly after blasts, without any investigation or giving any proof.

Radek Sikorski, former polish minister of foreign affairs and minister of defence, tweeted just after blasts: "Thank you, USA", with a picture of sea above the pipe. He is a polish hawk, married to the equally howkish american journalist. Hardcore on russia, short of provoking russia into balistic nukes in west ukraine. He is polish nationalist, rusofob, he served in afghanistan with mujahedeens back in the 1980ties against russia there.


The usa want's to send their own divers, as soon as they are allowed by the local authorities. 

Swedish and Danish police are patrolling those waters and not allowing anybody within zone.

There might be some debris on seashores, but nobody claims anything.

There should be an international commission under UN, rather than partisan run shows.

Russia, the UK (as implicated by russia), ukraine, poland, germany, denmark and sweden should be invited. 


Problem with war sabotage, as is the case, is that they can classified for long, some 25 years.

In case of diplomatic involvement (Truss case), it might be longer or never. Chelsea Manning, assange are behind bars, snowden was forced to run. There won't be more american whistle blowers for decade.


So what is heard now from sweden might be everything we will ever know from them. They have already warned about it earlier. They might share with the usa, because they need their expertise. But they don't want co-operation from germany.

this winter will be crucial for survival of many european governments, partially thanks to nord stream 

this winter will be crucial for survival of many european governments, partially thanks to nord stream 


Germany turned off Nord Stream 2 and even if it had not been blown they would not have given it certification. They also have enough gas for this winter.


In October 2022, the average gas storage filling level among member states was over 92%. The agreed minimum EU target for the end of 2022 is 85%.


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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

,Pretty simple. Russia was violating its contract by not sending gas. It could have been subject to enormous fines. But the sabotage of the pipeline means it can claim force majeur and so be absolved of liability.

What you and @placeholder say makes sense. If I remember correctly there were delivery problems before the damage already. 

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23 minutes ago, internationalism said:

so swedish prime minister blames the Pentagon and CIA for blowing those 2 pipes.


“It was a gross sabotage”, Sweden’s new PM accuses Biden of the attacks on the Nord Stream  

Sweden has become the first European country to blame Biden for sabotaging the pipeline. Swedish officials acknowledged on Friday that the mysterious blasts in September that rendered the largest-capacity natural gas pipelines from Russia to Europe unusable were the result of “gross sabotage,” saying that explosive traces had been discovered as part of the ongoing investigation. According to the Swedish Security Service and prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist, their inspection of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea discovered “extensive damage” and a number of “foreign items,” some of which had identifiable “explosive residue.”

“US military and CIA sabotaged the pipelines.”  The Security Service statement said, “The investigation is extensive and complex and will eventually show whether anyone can be suspected of, and later prosecuted for this.”

The findings by Swedish Security Service affirm Flightradar24 data, according to which US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter spent hours hovering above the vicinity of the ruptured natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm on September 1, 2, and 3."




B.S. There are no quotes to the Swedish Prime Minister blaming the Pentagon and CIA.


The article that has been rehashed is from 29th Sept 

It’s official. US military and CIA sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines in a joint operation



That article also has no source quotes from any official whatsoever except Putin ????


Oh and you may want to look at your reading list in future. TFI Media:

TFI Media is one of the most loved content platforms in India. Today team TFI creates over 600 professionally researched Opinion/Analysis pieces and over 250 engaging videos every month. From in-depth analyses to scathing satires,

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31 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

B.S. There are no quotes to the Swedish Prime Minister blaming the Pentagon and CIA.


The article that has been rehashed is from 29th Sept 

It’s official. US military and CIA sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines in a joint operation



That article also has no source quotes from any official whatsoever except Putin ????


Oh and you may want to look at your reading list in future. TFI Media:

TFI Media is one of the most loved content platforms in India. Today team TFI creates over 600 professionally researched Opinion/Analysis pieces and over 250 engaging videos every month. From in-depth analyses to scathing satires,

yes, I have deleted that post and link minutes after posting and not finding out any confirmation in the other world agencies for more details. It took you long to reply

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3 minutes ago, internationalism said:

yes, I have deleted that post and link minutes after posting and not finding out any confirmation in the other world agencies for more details. It took you long to reply

It took you long to reply


Whats the matter with you? Look at the time stamp of your edit and my post.................jeez

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16 hours ago, internationalism said:

there are 4 separate and non-cooperating commissions - swedish, danish, german and russian.

Only russians made conclusion. That even without access to blast site.

Wasn't it originally meant that a joint investigation will be provided? 

Anyway, sometimes strange situations happen at investigations, as it had happened few times before. However, the recent missile dropping to Poland, wasn't it Ukraine team investigating?  

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I think there was never an idea of joint investigation.

Sweden defends their stance by "national security" excuse. 

Any commission findings would have to be publicly disclosed - sooner or later.

With tens of people involved in multi-country commission there would be a risk of press leak or whistle blower, if they tried to keep sensitive information secret.

It would be much easier to classify information if run investigation by each country on their own.


"It's a highly sensitive issue. The prosecutor leading the Swedish investigation has already said his country is not interested in signing up to a so-called Joint Investigation Team under the auspices of Eurojust, the EU agency set up to solve cross-border crime.

A spokesman for the Swedish prosecutor’s office said the decision related to “secrecy linked to national security” and declined to comment on the progress of Sweden's investigation. A spokesman for the Swedish security service said the country was “cooperating with both Germany and Denmark in this matter.” 


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15 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

What you and @placeholder say makes sense. If I remember correctly there were delivery problems before the damage already. 

nord stream 1 was closed from 31.08, almost a month before blowing. The first 3 days were scheduled after that they said simens is not able to fix a pumping turbin, due to sanctions.

So they were not paying any penalties. No any court claims before and since then.

They lost e1.6bln in leaked gas from both pipes. Repair of them would cost billions (construction of NS2 was $11bln) - if at all they will be allowed to open again. 

The day after blows, a brand new norway-poland pipe called "Baltic" was opened. Is it just coincidence? 

Poland closed it's direct pipe from russia, but was taking gas from NS1 through germany at premium price.

There were treats from poland several years ago, during construction of NS2 they were trying to block operations. There were also hostile operations of american helicopters from gdansk airbase. Jeffrey Sachs mentioned it in his Bloomberg TV and berliner zeitung interviews.




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14 hours ago, internationalism said:

nord stream 1 was closed from 31.08, almost a month before blowing. The first 3 days were scheduled after that they said simens is not able to fix a pumping turbin, due to sanctions.

So they were not paying any penalties. No any court claims before and since then.

They lost e1.6bln in leaked gas from both pipes. Repair of them would cost billions (construction of NS2 was $11bln) - if at all they will be allowed to open again. 

The day after blows, a brand new norway-poland pipe called "Baltic" was opened. Is it just coincidence? 

Poland closed it's direct pipe from russia, but was taking gas from NS1 through germany at premium price.

There were treats from poland several years ago, during construction of NS2 they were trying to block operations. There were also hostile operations of american helicopters from gdansk airbase. Jeffrey Sachs mentioned it in his Bloomberg TV and berliner zeitung interviews.




Repairs won't cost billions,

Call AllSeas, they're the company that built NS 1 and 2  https://allseas.com/equipment/solitaire/

The water in the pipe will have to be pushed out by pig and then they can bring in the Solitaire and pickup the pipe off the seafloor.

It'll cost many millions but really isn't that hard to do.

Edited by kwonitoy
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16 hours ago, internationalism said:

nord stream 1 was closed from 31.08, almost a month before blowing. The first 3 days were scheduled after that they said simens is not able to fix a pumping turbin, due to sanctions.

So they were not paying any penalties. No any court claims before and since then.

They lost e1.6bln in leaked gas from both pipes. Repair of them would cost billions (construction of NS2 was $11bln) - if at all they will be allowed to open again. 

The day after blows, a brand new norway-poland pipe called "Baltic" was opened. Is it just coincidence? 

Poland closed it's direct pipe from russia, but was taking gas from NS1 through germany at premium price.

There were treats from poland several years ago, during construction of NS2 they were trying to block operations. There were also hostile operations of american helicopters from gdansk airbase. Jeffrey Sachs mentioned it in his Bloomberg TV and berliner zeitung interviews.




No suits were brought because still only a short time had elapsed. So Russia at least had semi-plausible reasons.  But had it gone on much longer, the excuses would have seen as transparently fake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Germany and Norway want Nato to protect subsea infrastructure after Nord Stream explosions

The leaders of Germany and Norway said on Wednesday they would jointly ask Nato to coordinate the protection of Europe's subsea infrastructure in light of the suspected attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipeline network.

“Pipelines, telephone cables, internet connections are lifelines for our states and must be especially protected,” he said.

In an emailed statement, Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said he welcomed Germany and Norway’s proposal.


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What a highly reputable source to quote!

A South African Publication with 8 million readers per month!

Can you come up with something more substantial please!


Its website describes it as “a unique blend of news, information, analysis and opinion delivered from our newsrooms in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa”.

Daily Maverick is privately owned. The publication is funded predominately via philanthropy, commercial revenue, and reader support, the latter derived from Maverick Insider, the membership programme!



Daily Maverick - Wikipedia

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6 minutes ago, DezLez said:

What a highly reputable source to quote!

A South African Publication with 8 million readers per month!

Can you come up with something more substantial please!


Its website describes it as “a unique blend of news, information, analysis and opinion delivered from our newsrooms in Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa”.

Daily Maverick is privately owned. The publication is funded predominately via philanthropy, commercial revenue, and reader support, the latter derived from Maverick Insider, the membership programme!



Daily Maverick - Wikipedia

Its a Reuters syndicated article but Reuters has a paywall on so I provided that as an alternative


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6 minutes ago, DezLez said:

So why did you not link to this article in the first place?

It gives more credence to your previous post where I disparaged/questioned the source!


Ps; Nothing to do with paywalls etc. I read the "thing"!

Because I assumed when someone read the article from Daily Maverick then they would also read the title.




As for Reuters being paywalled, of course it is if you read over the limit.




Back to topic now or would you like to discuss more on this?

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16 minutes ago, DezLez said:

You still have not explained why you quoted such an unknown source, in the first place, and not Reuters, for example, as you subsequently did!



Who cares. But he did explain, and I appreciate a link without paywall.

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