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Nancy Pelosi's husband 'violently assaulted' at San Francisco home, suspect in custody


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CNN did a good job of summarizing where the suspect's self-professed MAGA political views had been prior to the attack on Pelosi. There's no disputing all of that since it's his own posts and his own words, even though he had held long since discarded different liberalish views MANY years prior.



"DePape’s posts on Facebook from last year endorse a litany of right-wing falsehoods. He posted multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen, linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly, and shared videos questioning the January 6, 2021 attack. CNN reviewed the posts before the social media company took the page down, and several of DePape’s relatives confirmed the page belonged to him."




The San Francisco Chronicle also did a good job of summarizing his political conversion history:


"More than a decade ago, DePape joined a coalition of nudist activists who swarmed San Francisco streets in 2012, protesting restrictions on public nudity that the Board of Supervisors approved that year."


"But later, he seemed to go through a political metamorphosis, recasting himself as an evangelist for alt-right conspiracy theories.


He published multiple blogs laced with statements about the QAnon mass delusion, whose adherents believe former President Donald Trump stands against an alliance of Satan-worshipping Democratic pedophiles."


The cited article then goes on into more details of the guy's MAGA type obsessions... but this forum's quoting policy prevents me to quoting any more here...


And by the way,,. The Chronicle article also says the suspect lately had been living in Richmond, a different Bay Area community, and not the Berkeley commune place with buses and such where he reportedly had hung out in the past.






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1 minute ago, EVENKEEL said:

Try reading the official report linked above. They don't sinc.

I did:


"According to the complaint, minutes after the 911 call, two police officers responded to the Pelosi residence where they encountered Paul Pelosi and DePape struggling over a hammer."


Just because added detail is not contained in every report does not mean they don't sinc.


So what do you believe was my question?

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21 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Did you read it? How did the cops gain entry? Doesn't say in that official report. 

You haven't read well. 

"e. DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived 
and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it.
Pelosi grabbed onto 
DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go “through” Pelosi.”

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41 minutes ago, candide said:

Better than media relating the content, the orginal complaint and affidavit document is accessible here



From the above document:


"According to the complaint, minutes after the 911 call, two police officers responded to the Pelosi residence where they encountered Paul Pelosi and DePape struggling over a hammer.


Officers told the men to drop the hammer, and DePape allegedly gained control of the hammer and swung it, striking Pelosi in the head.


 As set forth in the complaint, once DePape was restrained, officers secured a roll of tape, white rope, a second hammer, a pair of rubber and cloth gloves, and zip ties from the crime scene, where officers also observed a broken glass door to the back porch."


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39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

You on the other hand have reached all your conclusions based on the statement of one police chief.


Its not based on the conclusions of just one police chief though is it. Another example of your misinformation. There have been multiple witness statements from all sides. All are in unison with the facts presented.

I haven't seen multiple witness statements from all sides. Which witnesses provided official statements? Often statements from immediately after the event are amended, retracted, reported on incorrectly, proved to be false.


In any case, no doubt many more statements to come. Bodycam footage, CCTV footage, 911 calls.


Wanting to review all the evidence before reaching a conclusion is perfectly logical. I believe in due process and look forward to all the facts emerging in due course. 

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4 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:



According to the affidavit, the hammer attack occurred as police were closing in on DePape.


“DEPAPE stated that they went downstairs to the front door. The police arrived and knocked on the door, and Pelosi ran over and opened it. Pelosi grabbed onto DEPAPE’s hammer, which was in DEPAPE’s hand. At this point in the interview, DEPAPE repeated that DEPAPE did not plan to surrender and that he would go ‘through’ Pelosi,” the documents said.



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Just now, Bkk Brian said:

Self defense is a strange phenomina to you? Do you know just how close the attacker was to Pelosi when this occured?

There's a difference between self defence and trying to take on an intruder with a hammer, who is half your age, one on one -  just after you let the cops in.


Why didn't he simply keep walking out of the property after opening the door? Or at least move behind the cops. If he'd just opened the door to the cops then the cops would be right next to him, so even if the attacker was also right next to him (meaning they are all in close proximity) it would be strange for Pelosi and the attacker to then proceed to battle it out "Mano a Mano" while the cops stood by and watched. It would have been a free for all with the attacker being quickly overpowered by a combination of the cops and Pelosi. 


See what I mean about many unanswered questions now? Many things don't add up IMO and I for one am interested in knowing what actually happened. Looking forward to the bodycam footage.

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14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Why would Pelosi grab the hammer himself when he'd just opened the door to cops?


Surely he'd let them do it. 


"Thanks for coming Officer, now you wait right there while I disarm this man 40 years my junior, I'll let you know when I'm done". Sounds an unusual course of action.

Do people under stress always react in the most rational way?

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14 minutes ago, billd766 said:

It has already been presented and assessed, and a verdict reached by the social? media and they have determined that Paul Pelosi is guilty of beating himself over the head with a hammer, and that David DePape was just an innocent bystander let into the house by the third person.


Further it is a cover up, expressly ordered by President Biden, aka the Great Satan and election stealer in chief, himself.  ???? ????

Another funny thing if Paul Pelosi had hired a male sex worker in San Francisco of all places these MAGA  conspiracy loony tunes believe one of the richest men in the city would have hired that guy of all people who looks like something the cat dragged in. 

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2 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

Excellent video, it just about sums up most of my concerns about this topic.


The fact that Elon Musk, the richest man who also owns one of the largest social media platforms, in the world is supporting conspiracy theories is troubling.

Yeah he's horrible. But he is a billionaire and a technical genius so we're stuck with him.

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1 hour ago, pomchop said:

There are millions of people who still seem to think that the election was rigged and the assualt on the capitol was just an ordinary tourist day but yet refuse to believe the facts presented by the SFO police who were there and saw the attack on pelosi first hand.....of course there are hundreds of hours of high def video and audio of the capitol coup crew as well as court cases, recounts, investigations out the ying yang showing A.  the election was not rigged and B the attack on the capitol was a violent insurrection....but in pelosi case they need more evidence even though in the rigged election and coup attempt no amount of evidence seems to convince them of what happened.....strange  and sad what some will believe even when the evidence is overwhelming .....

But it also seems there are millions of people who seem to think that conflating two separate issues is useful.   

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16 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You said, "Conflating two separate issues", and I will reply that they have a common thread linking them which is plain for all right minded people to see, but not of course for the orange man/MAGA supporters.


An obsession grasped by the desperate party more like. 

Edited by nauseus
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