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Cannabis flower trade to be reined in - but no chance for marijuana to go back on narcotics list

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Seems reasonable, although we have to see the impacts.


"Controlled Herbs" is definitely a new "category".



Saw some comments on Thai social media regarding a "Cannabis Card" allowing one to purchase flower at certified outlets. That seems like it introduces too much control?



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4 hours ago, webfact said:

New rules will mean that this part of the plant that contains by far the major amount of THF will be considered a controlled herb.

So if it does not contain THF (what ever this is) it's ok ? ..........LOL

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, redwood1 said:

The only solution is to make the plant 100% legal or 100% illegal...

The "plant" is 100% legal.


Flower is now a "controlled herb". I'm not sure there are any other "controlled herbs", so this is new ground? Some "controls" are defined now, more will be either with edicts or legislation or both.


Extracts of the plant (flower, obviously) greater than 0.2 % THC are illegal. That includes shatter, budder, crumble, (vape) oil, hash (possibly), live resin, wax, distillate, isolate, crystalline, terp sap, RSO. Many of these variants are sold here, imported, although there are some home-made vape oil carts.


3 minutes ago, samuttodd said:

Wissanu Krea-ngam  said that what they plan to do is regulate it like alcohol.


Sales will be allowed from 11:30- 2:30   and from 5pm- midnight.  



I think that he meant more than sales hours, but I could be wrong. Production checks, licensing, age verification systems, tax. But I do not infer that cannabis will be regulated EXACTLY like alcohol, more like similarly regulated.


Assuming those hours are not changed/eliminated  - something mentioned as a legislative possibility - then yes, I could see cannabis shops sales hours being limited. Most don't open much before noon anyway.



2 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

Now the new "grey" category has been introduced so it can be interpreted however the RTP want.


Rivers of tea money to follow.

What is this "new grey catgeory"?


The Police have been instructed to maintain a hands-off approach to cannabis "enforcement". I've not heard of any slippage on this front, and I think we would have heard about shake-downs.


(Yes, I can see the sidewalk police shaking down cannabis carts, but that's not much of a "river".)


When Anutin said "Let the law handle it" yesterday, I think he meant passing legislation.





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What about all those free seeds and plants to any Thai that wanted to attempt growing it? Each plant will make flower so this would make everyone doing it a criminal as well. I do not see this as being the final decision. Too much of the population has already registered to grow as well os getting 2 free plants anytime they want. 


https://www.insider.com/thailand-gives-away-a-million-marijuana-plants-but-says-dont-get-high-2022-6#:~:text=Thailand has legalized the use of cannabis and is giving,condone the drugs recreational use.


https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/over-150000-people-in-thailand-register-for-cannabis-planting-as-crop-is-legalised#:~:text=Over 150%2C000 people in Thailand,is legalised | The Straits Times




I do not see how they can criminalize or change the laws after doing this knowing they just gave away over a million reasons to make someone a criminal for following their law. 

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Ok my sources who buy from are saying nothing has changed. After the law passes next year worst case scenario we have to buy in person or can still buy online but might have to send a copy of passport. Until then they are saying business as usual. 

6 minutes ago, n00dle said:

What a non story. Only speculation, no information provided. 


The cat will not go back in the bag. Want to control rhe sales? Then issue sales liscences that require strict tax accounting. 

Because they not changing anything they’re just merely appeasing the opposition. 

5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

How’s about this: leave buds unrestricted as is, but ban edibles and extracts where THC levels are not known (where often unsuspecting folk can get caught out)?

Anything processed can be lab tested and a certificate of strength issued


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