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Man who stole weed from neighbor dies after attack - initially police won't prosecute saying owner had right to defend property


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25 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

So you think the penalty for a person trying to pinch a few plants / vegetables is for them to be beaten up so bad that they slowly die over seversl days? 


Maybe you should go and live in some strict Muslim country. 

NO ... I think someone who doesn't want to live should be able to die on their own terms, as HE DID.


If that's another criminal off the streets, then its a ... WIN WIN

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2 hours ago, DavisH said:

You can't just kill someone in Thailand that enters (unarmed), into your property. There is no "srand your ground" law here. This is the law. Deadly force could be used if the intruder was armed with a gun. 

Or he was found with a knife in his hand, after he was dead, self defence.

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

With your logic I would be able to do anything I wanted to someone that I found on my property? 


I could keep them chained up and torture them to death over several months... Because they didn't have my permission to be on my land?. 




Dumb is your reply, why do people always go to the extreme, I made it short and sweet, but you couldn't fathom what I was on about, and that's ok, you don't get it, I get it, next !

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So as to avoid prosecution and conviction if you are inclined to maim or " off '  an intruder, I suggest the following.

1. On no accounts tell all and sundry that you would kill anyone who entered your home. 

2. Use a  weapon which is an ordinarily  household implement, a meat cleaver eg if you have one in the kitchen. Maybe a golf club!!  Back in blighty iron fire pokers used to be standard!!!  Clearly, in terror you just grabbed whatever was to hand.

3  On no account make an admission of guilt. I recommend " I dunno what happened, I was terrified and fearing for my life.  I just defended myself."


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I would do the same,  my home is not open for people to come and take what they want that's why I keep a base ball bat handy. If I was living in America I'd own a gun. Purely for protection. I have no sympathy for people trespassing on some ones property. 

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15 hours ago, mikebell said:

Or the vicious homeowner has 'friends' in high places.  How can anyone be allowed to beat someone up & not face prosecution!  Banana Republic.

Let's not forget that the person who was "beaten up" should not have been there in the first place! He was there to steal marijuana plants, so what is the homeowner supposed to do? 

A. Tell the burglar "Please stop doing that"

B. Tell the burglar "Please stop doing that or I am going to phone the police".

C. Phone the police and say "I have a burglar in my house and he is trying to steal my marijuana plants. Will you please come and tell him to stop?"

D. All of the above, and ask the burglar to stay put until the police arrive.

E. React as any normal homeowner would do, and try to protect his home and property in the most appropriate way at the time e.g. Grab hold of the guy, give him a hiding, throw him out of the front door and say "Don't ever come back, or it'll be worse for you next time!"


I had a friend in the UK (Nanny State) who lived in a flat above his Off Licence ,and heard noises from his shop in the early hours of the morning. He found a burglar in the shop and "gave him a good hiding" and phoned a friend of his who was a Detective Sergeant in the Police, who advised him to give a statement saying that he saw something flash in the burglar's hand, he thought it was a knife, and he was just trying to defend himself.


The way I look at it is that in both cases - the one in Thailand and the one in the UK - there is somebody who has broken into your property, "with ill intent", and you should have a right to defend it and yourself in order to control the situation, because to wait for the police to arrive could be catastrophic. .


Edited by sambum
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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Dumb is your reply, why do people always go to the extreme, I made it short and sweet, but you couldn't fathom what I was on about, and that's ok, you don't get it, I get it, next !

Wait.... Whaaaat???? 


You think my view of... not using excessive force upon an intruder onto your land is.......


MORE EXTREME..... than your view of.......


allowing your wife to attack and maybe kill someone with a  machete.... Because.....everyone has the right to defend their property?  Haha ????


You are right.  I don't get it!

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I'm sorry, but if the guy you're beating up is already at the point where he can't walk or run but has to CRAWL away from you and you're still kicking him then this is excessive force and that's punishable in most countries. 

Edited by pacovl46
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18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I have to disagree with you, as I believe the blame lay solely on the intruder, I mean you know that you wouldn't risk going onto a neighbours property at night or any other property for that matter.


It's called trespassing and the intruder was out to steal, regardless if it was ganja, his intention was clear, a good beating should have made him learn a lesson, in my days, the cops would do it.


The fact that he refused medical treatment when it was to be administered, shows to me that he is incapable of accepting things for what they are and has a problem mentally.


He is lucky my wife didn't catch him in our yard as she wields a manchette pretty well and won't think twice about using it.


As for the relatives, well to me, it shows that they are only after money as they can't see past their own noses, the guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time and unfortunately got a beating which medical treatment could have sorted, however he refused it, so there is no manslaughter case to be answered and no compensation to be made in my opinion.


Everyone has a right to defend their property and this sends a clear message and is within his rights in my opinion.

I'd be worrying about my wife, if I were you!

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13 hours ago, Nsp64 said:

Police threatened the homeowner with a month in jail but reduced it to a 500 baht fine . Now why doi you think they did that?

Now they are warning the relatives of the thief to leave it alone .

The whole thing stinks of bribery .

It wasn't the homeowner who was threatened with 1 month of jail and eventually fined 500 baht.  It was the thief!


"He was apprehended by local officials and taken to the Wang Sam Mo police who fined him 500 baht for fighting and let him go though he was initially told he'd have to spend a month in jail.


He went home and no one knew that he was coughing up blood after he was badly bruised. He couldn't walk and stopped eating."

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12 hours ago, paul1804 said:

firstly stealing & then refusing medical help.

He did not refuse medical help. I read he refused forced feeding. Sufficient force to evict him from the property was all that was required, grievous bodily harm was not needed. Handing out the right to kill every kid who climbs your wall to get their ball back is taking it too far.

Looks like a great anti-weed argument this thread!

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12 hours ago, firemans35 said:

Seems after reading comments for both sides what we should be asking discussing is if the crime of stealing from someone justifies the punishment received.

Take it a step back... does a person have the right to prosecute, convict and exact punishment on a trespasser? Sufficient force to protect ones property and family is no argument. This was some drugged up fool stealing leaves from your garden... like the local kids scrumping apples!

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

On 23rd November he went to hospital and was admitted for several days but left after refusing to be fed via a nasal tube.

In this case the police are correct..

he died after being admitted to hospital and refusing treatment.

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16 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

perhaps you would like a leg up to our daughters bedroom window where they are sleeping, maybe the keys to our car, no, raping my wife, then our daughters, then killing us all and taking off with our car, hmmm, would you like that with one lump of sugar or two.

Did you wake up in Los Angeles rather than Udon Thani perhaps?

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

So you don't have any problems with a drug addict entering your house with intent to steal your property and you would be happy to try and subdue this person and wait for the police to arrive sometime within the next day or two, that's if they actually got around to it. 

Do you actually live in Thailand and understand how things actual work or don't work? 

Yes I live in Thailand, since approx. 20 years. The question is not if I live in Thailand. The big question is if you understand what I posted and can take that to you without twisting it to something it is not meant to be.

When did I say that I have no problem with drug addict entering my home?
When did I say I would be happy to subdue him?

Also, you know that it does not take 1 or 2 days for the police to come. If you don´t, you do not live in Thailand or own very poor knowledge. 

This is what I have been opposing:

The need and approval of member on this forum to use deadly force on a person already on the ground.

If a person is already on the ground, you really do not need to do much for him to stay until police comes. I my world it would be ok with a quick and precise punch on the chin to put him to sleep. He wouldn´t die of that, but kicking a person already down on the ground is out of the question.

Now, you can try to read and understand before twisting the information to your advantage.

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