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Dogs attack yet again: Neighbor's four Pit Bulls savage gran, 76


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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Neighbors have CCTV evidence that they have given to police to prosecute the case.


They want the dogs moved out of the estate fearing it is only a matter of time before they strike again.

The owner has promised to pay full compensation to the victim.

Failure to secure dogs yet again.

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29 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I have always said the problem is with the owners, not the breed. 


You don't need to train human aggression out of them. They were bred to be non aggressive to humans. You do have to socialize them with other dogs, like many breeds.


We know nothing about these dogs in question. From the photo, they are not even PitBulls but this thread wouldn't have any posts unless PitBull was in the title. We know nothing about how they were raised or kept. Whether they were hit daily by the owner, kept in cages, not fed etc.

True..... but then there is the fact that PitBull type breeds attack more and kill more people than any other breed by a long shot... 


The main article article is somewhat inflammatory... other articles quote ‘PitBull mixes’... which suggests they were not pure-bred Bull Terrier breads. 


The implication is still ‘PitBull’ breed, mix or otherwise, its yet another attack damning for the reputation of the breed.... 

Its like mass gun shootings in the USA...  everyone on the ‘outside’ just thinks... 'Oh, no, again... its madness that this is allowed to continue’....   and the pro-gun folk blame anything but the fact so many people have guns !!...  then there is a shooting in the UK and the pro-gun people try and argue that because it happens elsewhere banning guns won’t reduce the degree of mass shootings in the US...  utter madness...


And here... we have the arguement... they may not have been 100% PitBull bred and we don’t know what the story is or how they were treated.....  The reality is, this wasn’t a Collie, Labrador or Poodle that attacked... it was yet another PitBull exacting a savage facial attack on an old lady who’s only mistake was walking down the road past a partially open gate....  


Nope... There is no polishing this.... perhaps the news is bias against PitBulls - Why is that ?... perhaps we who comment negatively are all Bias against PitBulls, but why is that ?...   The simple answer is that its because PitBull type breeds attack and kill more than any other domesticated animal to such a degree to suggest that such an animal may never truly be domesticated....  for the same reason pets such as Serval Cats should never be kept as pets... 






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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Put the beast down. All dogs should have one chance. If they savagely attack a human even once, put them down, immediately. Within a day. We should not be made to suffer at the paws and foul mouths of vicious beasts. 


And penalize the owner in a way that sends a strong message. If you cannot control your beast, you will pay an enormous price for this transgression. 

And taking it to the temple to say "sorry" is not an acceptable admission of remorse!

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Have they just used a random photo here? Because this dog doesn't even remotely resemble a PitBull. Looks like your average manky Thai soi dog.




Here's my Pitbull (a Red Nose American PitBull Terrier) for comparison. And yes, he's great with people. ????



Personally I think he looks a bit grumpy..................I wonder what's on his mind.

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Can we just save time and copy & paste the comments one of the many other ‘pit bull attack’ threads here and save the predicable... 

- Its not the dogs fault

- PittBull is not a breed

- My Pittie’s are loving

- Grand must have done something to trigger the dogs

- They were just defending their territory

- Pittbulls are not dangerous when trained well

- Its the owners fault for not training them

- The press is bias against PittBull breeds


....and on and on with numerous flawed arguments defending the indefensible and counter punches stating stats, facts and the utterly obvious...



Copy and paste your post too......

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1 hour ago, swm59nj said:

I like dogs. Not necessarily pit bulls though.  I personally would not own one.  But dogs that viciously attack a person need to be destroyed.  Such as in this case. Where the dogs are in a pack following each other’s behavior.  The owner will pay compensation.  But unfortunately that will not take away the mental and physical anguish the victim will have.  
I commend the man that came to her aid and got her to the hospital.  If he wasn’t there,  this woman might not be alive today. 

I too like dogs but in Australia we have Dingo's which are from Thailand which is against the law to own as a pet. Pit bulls are not Dingo's so what about a special license for pit bulls and only allowing one to anyone mad enough to want to own one. 

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19 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

My bad, I should have posted one when he's smiling. Awwww. so cute ????



Nice dog.


I've had 3 for years, great dogs, can't be arsed commenting tho coz there's too many haters / self proclaimed 'know it alls'

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3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Here's my Pitbull (a Red Nose American PitBull Terrier) for comparison. And yes, he's great with people. ????



That's what these parents thought too.


"The family dogs who mauled two Tennessee toddlers to death Wednesday and left their mother with severe injuries had never been aggressive, a friend told Fox News Digital."

"Kirstie Jane Bennard, 30, was seriously wounded when she tried to pull the family's two pit bulls off 5-month-old Hollace Dean and 2-year-old Lilly Jane at their home in rural Shelby County outside Memphis."


"I can promise you those children were her world, and if there was any inkling of danger, she would have never had those dogs near her kids," the shattered mom's best friend, Kelsey Canfield, told Fox News Digital. "Those children were everything to them, and they just have a really long journey ahead."


"The family had the pets, Cheech and Mia, for more than eight years without a violent incident, Canfield said."



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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Can we just save time and copy & paste the comments one of the many other ‘pit bull attack’ threads here and save the predicable... 

- Its not the dogs fault

- PittBull is not a breed

- My Pittie’s are loving

- Grand must have done something to trigger the dogs

- They were just defending their territory

- Pittbulls are not dangerous when trained well

- Its the owners fault for not training them

- The press is bias against PittBull breeds


....and on and on with numerous flawed arguments defending the indefensible and counter punches stating stats, facts and the utterly obvious...



Yes, as tedious as people convincing you that motorbikes are safe 'as i am really careful and ride top notch!'

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1 minute ago, sungod said:

Yes, as tedious as people convincing you that motorbikes are safe 'as i am really careful and ride top notch!'

My motorcycle doesn’t get ‘triggered’ and rip off a grannies face... 


Now, if you want the motorcycle debate it can be had in a motorcycle thread where no one says motorcycling is safe... The argument I have always presented is that for those of us who are careful and follow the rules it is much safer than the stats suggest which are contributed to by reckless fools speeding at night while drunk...   That is perhaps too difficult for you to understand ?


Your comment is wholly irrelevant to this thread !!!... 

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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

That is perhaps too difficult for you to understand

Very easy to understand, its you who seem to be having a problem understanding well trained and socialized dogs are not the issue here, selective thinking its called.


My devil dog hasn't bitten anyone in 12 years, but hey he's a time bomb right?

Edited by sungod
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That dog looked like a mixed breed with some blue heeler behind the fence, definitely not the offending dogs if they were pitbulls. Having been attacked by a pack of dogs when I was young I can attest that the experience is scary, painful and mentally damaging. Luckily I stayed on my feet so it was only my legs that got chewed up.

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2 minutes ago, sungod said:

Very easy to understand, its you who seem to be having a problem understanding well trained and socialized dogs are not the issue here, selective thinking its called.


My devil dog hasn't bitten anyone in 12 years, but hey he's a time bomb right?

WRONG - I have no problem with socialised dogs...   I have a problem with a breed that IF it is not well trained and well socialised it becomes a danger to society. 


It is not the good breeders and owners I (and people like me) have issue with... It is the fact that children and adults are getting viciously attacked too many times by those dogs which have irresponsible owners.


IF those same irresponsible owners had *golden retrievers those dogs wouldn’t fall back on an instinct and attack, maim and kill people to the same extent (yes, it has happened, but not in anywhere near the same numbers) 

*or other less powerful dogs (other dogs not on dangers dogs lists in developed nations) .


There is more ownership of Golden retreivers than PitBulls, so why is it that there are more vicious life changing and deadly PitBull attacks ??... is that the more PitBull owners are careless? (of course not) or is it that when any owner is careless and doesn’t look after or train their animal that a dogs nature takes over and if that dog is also extremely powerful and bred to develop specific ‘attack / fighting’ traits and instincts then that is what will surface.... 





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11 minutes ago, sungod said:

My devil dog hasn't bitten anyone in 12 years, but hey he's a time bomb right?

I’d never say ‘devil’ dog.. that is you playing the victim card to try and elevate your position in this discussion due to a lack of viable argument to present.... 


TimeBomb...  again, inflammatory sentiment... 


You discuss your dog and bring emotion to the discussion and get hurt because we are offending your sensitivities and discussing your dog.... 


This debate is not about YOUR dog...  Your dog is probably wonderful because you and others like you have done a wonderful job of loving, training and looking after your dog. 


This debate is about the dog, or numerous dogs around Thailand (and other areas of the world) which go unloved, untrained unlooked after...   


... That dog down the road... the one locked in the cage, has never been trained - its a poodle... one day it escapes... its not really a threat is it.. but...  and there in lies the argument and crux of the debate.


It not your PitBill breed thats the problem... Its everyone else’s






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Question to the owners of PitBull type breeds...  actually, any dog ??


The postman accidentally leaves you gate open...  there are kids playing in the street - Your dog sees the gap and darts out...  (I know I know, your dog would never do that right ? - yet in so many dog attacks this is exactly what happened)....  


You hear the commotion and noise outside... kids screaming...  you run out and see the kids playing with the dog, the dog playfully barking and bounding around with them... 


Did you... 



A) Have a sense of utter relief that your dog didn’t attack.


B) Not even worry about it, you knew your dog was 100% safe.

Edited by richard_smith237
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