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Water purification machines, do you trust them?

Don Chance

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I heard they are 40% faulty with bacteria in an old news article.  I notice that the tap water smells a bit like chlorine here. So i am thinking that the water machine might be ok?  The one i see on the corner looks rather old, it is from of laundry coin mart that looks really old too, complete with the old lady who runs it. Should i take a chance? I need about 6 liters a day.

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I got the 20 L clear blue water tank. It was 50 baht for the bottle and 50 for the water. It is not clear if he will refund the 50 when i leave and return the bottle.

My arms really are sore now carrying the thing all the way home . Worst part is that the first gulp tasted like plastic. That clear blue is not food grade.  I had a bad experience with these refillable jugs in India because people just use them for other things like transporting diesel fuel and then return them.

Better stick with 7-11 or get a filter system.

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The nature of filters in water machines, especially RO filters, is that as time goes on their ability to filter out impurities improves, whilst at the same time the flow rate through the filter decreases as it gets more clogged up.


At some point, the flow rate is so poor that it's more economical to change the filter.


The only filter type I would trust for drinking water is RO (reverse osmosis).

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On 1/28/2023 at 1:39 PM, CharlieH said:

No ! There is no incentive whatsoever to spend money for most to change the filter.

I would NEVER use one when you can buy bottled water so cheaply.


Makro 6ltr 29 bht !

Local supplier do a 20ltr bottle for around 20 bht.

I use a machine near me for domestic  use ie cooking, I see the guy clean and service it daily.. 4 baht for 6 litres.

As for drinking water I buy it from a shop.

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I have one with 3 different filters and a UV light. We have been drinking using this device for 6 years now. You have to maintain the filters regularly, every 6 months or so. No smell nor any after taste and haven't had to buy water since then and for 7000 bht I believe this is money well spent. The brand is 'Clarte'. Easy to install and maintain. Make sure if you buy one that it has a UV light. I use a UV light on my fish pond connected after all my water filters and all the hoses are dirty with algae except the one connected to the UV light going into the fish tank. UV lights rock and are worth the investment.


Just read what @n8sail said after the fact and what he says about home water filters is spot on.

Edited by Pouatchee
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Had a 5 filter (inc ultra violet filter) fitted in the house over 20 years and it has worked fine provided you changed filters At recommended intervals. As to the 1b a litre ones, I’d steer well clear and buy bottled water in 7/11 it’s so cheap. 

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We went down to the local machine and filled a bottle just before our filter service guy came to do our house system. Our toilet water tested cleaner than the machine water. Maybe good for cooking but I’ll stick with our system. 16 years and still going strong. I’m sure some machines are better than others but it’s just a risk I’m not willing to take. 

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Or 'PURE' 2 stage didn't do much.

... "2-pipe 2-stage pure water filter, economical price (1 year warranty)
• Filters 99.99% of germs with a 0.3 micron fine
filter • Filters odor, color, chlorine and carcinogenic substances"


1) 0.3 micron polyethylene filter (PE Filter)

2) Active Carbon Filter (AC Filter)


PPM pen measured about 170ppm going in 

and measured about 170ppm coming out ????????????????


Tasted fine, no chlorine test/smell, when somedays it was very strong if unfiltered.


We use it now, to filter the rain water.  Taste & looks better.  PPM always <10

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I bite the bullet and buy the large bottles of Aura brand water. It's a little dearer than other brands but we're only talking a few baht which is worth it. Second choice is Minere brand. These are both mineral water which is worth consumuing in a hot country like Thailand. If you spend much time outside and sweat a lot you lose minerals and electrolytes. Mineral water helps to replenish lost minerals and electrolytes.

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I used a mom n pop corner shop machine for a year before moving into my home with my big 4 litre bottles - I asked my well educated Thai condo manager back then where close by was a safe machine to grab my water from.

Water was perfect every time.

If you have a car then you can go fill up a bunch of large bottles and store in dark cool place so you always have a supply.

Drink art least 3 to 4 litres of water a day here cause its hot n you will dehydrate much faster than you would in Europe.


We have a 'Purensafe' German, built-in 6 stage home system throughout the house which is computer monitored and checked so guaranteed to be impossible to get any, any contamination in the water.

The system has failsafes beyond belief so if at any stage the system drops below safety parameters it won't dispense a drop. Its even got a cool app that gives heads-up on performance which we can look at anytime, with service period and warnings if system is compromised. The pool has its own 4 stage system. 

Cost a penny but the water is delicious to drink. It tastes even better when we carbonate it! 

We see it as a good investment in health and I imagine as the years pass and the worlds water gets harder to get and dirtier if I want to see the house it will add to the appeal for any Westerners who might be in the market for a palace.

We have big underground tanks for rainwater catchment, so we take very little from the mains.

Its wonderful to just turn on the tap clean your teeth, wash your face, shower without having to make sure no water enters your mouth or if anything is going to enter through your eyes into your body (yes there are such gremlins! which can mess ya' up big-time apart from the rather mild Cryptosporidium & Giardia, stuff like Ecoli bacteria and other nasty micro-organisms.   

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