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A Recent Report from Soi Cowboy - ? what do you fellows closer to the scene think ?

Mark mark

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… Yes I have a story about an American called Geoff I think ? ... Who I met in the Nana Hotel Swimming Pool, … while taking my 6 Year old to his Favorite Swimming hole Last week end !!! (On the 18th I think)


... A story ? from this guy, on his first trip to Thailand, after Years of just Going to the Philippines, went Doan to Cowboy, and Had his Pocket picked of 10,000 B so he said .. Like in the first 2 Hrs. by the sound of it, … and then was Over Charged up to 6,000 B for Company or ladies Drinks from our Finest, for the next 2 !!! ... So he says Right ???


So now he says that he is going back to the Philippines, and NOT coming back ??? …


I do not know where to Put a post like this ?  … But I do think that it is Important.


Like I lived in there in Yipsong for many years in the 80’s … before the accidentally on Purpose Slum fires started to break out !!! … But I never have been Cheated there, or in Cowboy like that !!! ... like 16,000B in a Night !!! Vaarrrrr !!! As the Germans would say !!!


Well, … Not until much Minorly, say 3 Years ago just pre Pandemic where I was there with another silly American Guy a Nice Guy, But who was moving around with Multiple seats chasing ladies once again, … as you do ??? (Except not me as I have anxiety Right !!! Har Har …never got that one in to the Councilor Right ???) … So any way, they just made up Duplicate bills, for everywhere he sat, and then charged him for the Lot !!! ... and well Argue ??? .. With those Obvious, Good Honest Bar Cheats People ? !!! ??? ... Well I thought to myself that Cowboy WAS starting to go down then !!! ???  ... 


But this guy in the Nana Pool last week end ??? I am sure that he was genuine !!! ... But Well, I forgot to ask him which Bar it was !!! ??? …  But well, I could not say it here anyway cold I ??? ... But I bet the Locals will know which one it is any way ??? … I would think ???


Like this should be stopped I think ? Like it does just Hurt Innocent people AND Ruin Thailand’s Reputation I think ???  … Though I think if he had just said "Tourist Police" and dug in, ??? ... It might have turned out a lot different, ???  ... But well ? a Rich American ???  (And an Ex Service man also.) …. ... Like they obviously know how to pick their targets quite well, Don't they !!! ??? … He just took the loss, ... and in true Nice, but well Good Old Boy fission ??? ... Said that he will never come back. ???


Any Ideas on this one Fellas !!! ??? 

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42 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Any ideas? Yes, better to use less !!!! ??? and normal use of capitals.

Probably easier to fix the !!!'s and ???'s also, than the Random Capitals !!! Woops ! ... ... as I think that I do only use them for words that I think are, Important. ?

Edited by Mark mark
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5 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

Well its named cowboy street for a reason and hopefully they are waiting for a load of Indians ????

Yes Cowboy was a Black American service man from the Vietnam War I think ? ... who started the first bar there ... "Cowboys" I think. ... I met him once. ... He was rude to his Bar Staff ? the day that I met him any way, ... but well he had been in Thailand, and That Line of work for a very VERY LONG time when I met him. ... Several Wives I think ? and a daughter running "Bams" (Probably Prams) bar I think and an Ex running the Old Milano was it ??? .... (And I had Just Arrived) ...

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13 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Wow, that was hard to read. 

Sorry. I WILL fix this in the future ! (I hope !!!) ... Still Yes ! It HAS been a while now already that I have writen like this on TV and now AN. ... But well, never Say Never.

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I go to Cowboy sometimes. It's a good people watching spot and can be quite entertaining. I've been doing so for over a decade. 


Never had serious issues like this. I've had girls buy themselves 2 drinks when I told them to get one, but that's about it. Nothing serious. When I tell them to take it off the bill, they sheepishly do.


I heard Patpong is worse, but I rarely go there so couldn't confirm. Never had issues there on the occasions I've been though...

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8 minutes ago, Denim said:

American monk on a bender maybe ?

No, Just a Good Old Middle aged American Ex-military guy ... he said ... And a very Nice Fellow !!! ... He just kept on Saying "God Dam, ... an Australian who Like Joe Biden" ! ... and then repeating it at the next break in the conversation. ... And who does not vote for either side of Politics over there ... And yes I did like him quite a bit.


... Though well, he did not get to may points for common sense in Cowboy that Night so it seems !!! 

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6 minutes ago, bobbin said:

Are you saying that you are Australian?


OMG.. there goes the slack I was going to cut you for being a non-native English speaker..



No Mate ! Just a quite Recalcitrant Australian, who got a U for English in Matriculation, Like Unacceptable !!! .... with a comment of "We just threw your paper in to the rubbish bin" attached ...But I got an A+ for Geography, ... so I was able to go on to Uni and eventually !!! ... Graduate as a Surveyor, for free ... and well devote the rest of my Life ! ? To getting those Bastards that threw my English Paper in the bin, Back !!! .... Right ?

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Well you know what should happen here, and with all Due respect, … The Bar owners in Cowboy should get together, and using Insider Information from You Good fellows ? … Find out which bar ? or Bars ? are doing this ! … and then send them a message ... To STOP it ! or else. … Like with the Potential of them being driven out of the street ? Indicated ? ... as this large scale Theft, and Cheating, WILL damage ALL of their Images I think ? ... in the end ??? 


… Like I took a Vietnamese, Vietnamese Bus from Saigon (Ho Chee Min City now) up to Hanoi once, and well had a Vietnamese Refugee family on board, now settled in Western Canada, but just back for a Holiday. Like very Nice People actually, and the Son told me about their Boat Escape from there, in the monsoon Season and High Seas ! ... Which WAS just such a Really Great feat of Intelligence, Tenacity, and never really giving up ! … and cooperation and Skills also.  … But well another good story for another Day I think, .. 


But they made it to Malaysia, …  and then their re settlement in Canada ! … And he said that their Whole community was just so SO grateful for the Canadians saving them from the refugee camp ! That they they all worked together and Supported the Canadians, un flinchingly, for saving them !!! 


… But then when the Vietnamese Government started the "Orderly Departure Scheme" ? (Only a scheme, for the rich to buy their way out I think ???) ???  … Then the street boys who were coming over to Canada, Like RICH and well Pampered “Rich Boys” started to act up, and commit Crimes, as they had never had to look after themselves in Vietnam, with their rich families, ... like they now did have to in the west. Like taxes Morgaes Loans for a Car ! Etc. ...


… So well the Original hard working, and mostly Boat People community, had a meeting he said !!! And they sent a message to the "Orderly Departure" Newly arrived, small time Punk Gangsters, ... That, They, had better clean up their act !!! … or they could go back to Vietnam and F' around over there Like, ... Or Else !!! ... ... And This boy told me, that it was a successful message, as the new Street Boys then DID calm down ! And started cooperating with their community AND the Canadians ! ...so he said ???


Like there was a 22 or less ? year old Girl there, and the Bus was crowded, … so well Good luck for me, as she happily sat on my Lap for a lot of the way ! (Like I was Young back then, … and well also, … Always go on the busses with all Vietnamese on them, and NOT babbling Sevatical students there. Right ???) ...


… And the next afternoon we stopped in a nowhere ? One Horse Village on the Highway !!! … and she got out !!! …. and met her Mother Face to Face !!! … for the first Time in 12 Years !!! ... Like Well Like Varrrrrr ... I thought !!! … This had to be the best Buss ride that I have ever Had ! I thought. ...


Like Gee we Humans have just done some Really Criminal things to each other !!! Haven't we !!!


... And well I never thought that it would happen in Good Old Soi Cowboy !!! Right ??? ... But well it seems like the Brave New (Corrupt ?) World, … has got there now also. ... ??? Possibly ?


... Yes, Like a bit of Local Peer Group pressure, might be good to be exerted here I think ???


Yes ???


… And I have better sign off now, ... or I will mess my Own Thread up.


… And Thanks Fellows.


Mark mark

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