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NY grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump, sources tell CNN


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1 minute ago, jerrymahoney said:

In the context of jury selection, "peers" is mostly a matter of geography. Whatever crimes Mr. Trump is eventually charged with, they took place in New York City at the Trump offices; not in western Kansas where many counties voted 90% for Trump in 2020.

Trump is trying to move his trial to more republican Staten Island. Chances: Snowball in Hell. Seems a little desperate.


I come from Staten Island, more love for him there, but the population is mostly civil service and cops, due to the residency requirements for those jobs.


You know, big government, teat-sucking RINO's.

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As long as I'm killing time waiting for my cab to the airport, let me ask (again) about one of life's great mysteries:


Why do brits and commonwealth types care so much about US politics?


The last brit controversy I felt the need to have an opinion on was Oasis versus Blur (I voted Oasis, but I was a heavy drinker back then).


I've long given up on asking "why do you turkeys voting for Christmas love someone who wouldn't deign to spit on your chav self and would take away your healthcare in a heartbeat?".


Always radio-silence on that one.

Edited by LaosLover
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Why didn't man of principle, Shaman-head, plead innocent?


Rightie response: "He was forced to plead guilty, forced, I tell you".


Outrage when this happens to a black kid caught with a spliff: "HANG HIM!!!!".


The charges against the Shaman are certainly google-able. Rightie amnesia and helplessness again predictably descends like red mist.

Edited by LaosLover
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Maybe they could give him a bigger cell and let him cook is own meals like in Goodfella's.


Milania on the subject of conjugal visits: "I'm uh, a little busy".


Ivanka: "I support my Dad and love the American people. I'm a little busy too. And I'm his preferred sex provider. Don't they let them have hand lotion in prison?".

Edited by LaosLover
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1 hour ago, LaosLover said:

As long as I'm killing time waiting for my cab to the airport, let me ask (again) about one of life's great mysteries:


Why do brits and commonwealth types care so much about US politics?


The last brit controversy I felt the need to have an opinion on was Oasis versus Blur (I voted Oasis, but I was a heavy drinker back then).


I've long given up on asking "why do you turkeys voting for Christmas love someone who wouldn't deign to spit on your chav self and would take away your healthcare in a heartbeat?".


Always radio-silence on that one.

Couldn't get the plaudits for Oasis. Blur, Pulp, Supergrass so much better from that era.


As an Australian I suppose we see many similarities with the United States way of life, big open spaces, and can see little sprouts of right wing Trumpism popping up here and there.

Of course Murdoch is an Australian and he has influenced his newspapers, with some success though not so much recently, to turn voters to the right. There is an Australian version of Fox News being Sky News in Australia that has failed to gain much traction. Australian politics has it's own issues but generally it is relatively civil and sensible and it is harder to get away with telling a lie without being held to account. Think the UK could be similar.

Of course much of our entertainment and news comes from the US. 

So what the big dog America does is always of interest, and one can wonder as to if it can happen in the US, can it happen in Australia.

I actually think Australians in general are a bit more down to earth and level headed politically, and seeing what is happening in the US may have actually helped the Labour party in Australia point out the games the right plays, albeit in a much less extreme way than in the US. 

Edited by Fat is a type of crazy
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Waiting for the Trump fanatics to try and compare his payoff of Stormy to Clinton's Paula Jones payment.  When they do try to use it here's the article disproving that Bill did the same as Trump. Just trying to get ahead of the fan boys.....


https://www-verifythis-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/government-verify/bill-clinton-paula-jones-not-hush-money-but-public-settlement-trump-indictment/536-72d4a595-853a-40bd-acd9-b646c9950f80?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16804079873377&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.verifythis.com%2Farticle%2Fnews%2Fverify%2Fgovernment-verify%2Fbill-clinton-paula-jones-not-hush-money-but-public-settlement-trump-indictment%2F536-72d4a595-853a-40bd-acd9-b646c9950f80


No, Bill Clinton did not pay Paula Jones ‘hush money.’ It was a public settlement.

Some have drawn comparisons between former president Donald Trump’s alleged hush money payments and a settlement Bill Clinton paid in 1998
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On 3/31/2023 at 11:05 AM, Jingthing said:

My understanding and this has of course never been tested is that if elected president while in prison, he would be let out as long as he is president.


Since this is all new territory, I'm curious as to where you acquired that understanding.   


Do you have any links you can share?

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4 hours ago, LaosLover said:

As long as I'm killing time waiting for my cab to the airport, let me ask (again) about one of life's great mysteries:


Why do brits and commonwealth types care so much about US politics?


The last brit controversy I felt the need to have an opinion on was Oasis versus Blur (I voted Oasis, but I was a heavy drinker back then).


I've long given up on asking "why do you turkeys voting for Christmas love someone who wouldn't deign to spit on your chav self and would take away your healthcare in a heartbeat?".


Always radio-silence on that one.

It’s a good question, here’s my take.


Rightwing pro-Trump propaganda is accessible to English language speakers, added to which the UK has a well established and dominant rightwing press supplemented by US cable networks, particularly FOX. Also on the mix are non US/UK propaganda outlets ‘Russia Today’ being the most prominent.


Keep in mind much of the rightwing pro-Trump propaganda is disseminated online via social media, immediately accessible to English language speakers,


And then there’s the actual Trump supporters themselves. Take a look at US home grown MAGA Supporters, no need to denigrate these people more than Trump already does, but realize the UK has its fair share too.


Trump’s only offering is to make people who’ve retreated to fear and hatred feel good about themselves, that’s a message that hits home wherever there’s a bigot stroking their self affirming grievances.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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What i always wonder about is that do people who vote Trump actually like him or is it a case of he is a republican so its the only choice for me even though i know the guy is a huge liar.


I mean I cant imagine people really supporting Trump with all his lies. So I am just trying to find an alternative explanation.


Just like in Thailand people who hate Thaksin go for Prayut as there is nothing better and the other way around.

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

What i always wonder about is that do people who vote Trump actually like him or is it a case of he is a republican so its the only choice for me even though i know the guy is a huge liar.


I mean I cant imagine people really supporting Trump with all his lies. So I am just trying to find an alternative explanation.

I have been wondering that myself for quite some time, as it is absolutely beyond my comprehension how anybody could vote for someone who is a proven liar, and has been convicted of stealing from a charity, as well as committing adultery despite proclaiming that he is "God-fearing" or similar – – all of which have been proven without a doubt.


I've always maintained that I would vote for a candidate who represented my party/political viewpoints, but I draw the line when that particular candidate turns out to be a crook/a POS and has committed other unsavoury actions.


So why do people support a person like this, and getting back to the main point of the OP's post, I would love to hear an explanation! 

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9 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I have been wondering that myself for quite some time, as it is absolutely beyond my comprehension how anybody could vote for someone who is a proven liar, and has been convicted of stealing from a charity, as well as committing adultery despite proclaiming that he is "God-fearing" or similar – – all of which have been proven without a doubt.


I've always maintained that I would vote for a candidate who represented my party/political viewpoints, but I draw the line when that particular candidate turns out to be a crook/a POS and has committed other unsavoury actions.


So why do people support a person like this, and getting back to the main point of the OP's post, I would love to hear an explanation! 

I believe a lot of people hated Hillary so they ended op voting for Trump.

A country like the USA should come up with a few great candidates

to choose from and not only two so people end up voting for the one they hate the least.

If you look at the way the voting system is designed then you will see it is totally flawed.

Where are the good people?There must be a few?

You will probably not get an answer from a Trumpeteer,you need some one who can actually think in order to answer your question.

Edited by jvs
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35 minutes ago, robblok said:

What i always wonder about is that do people who vote Trump actually like him or is it a case of he is a republican so its the only choice for me even though i know the guy is a huge liar.


I mean I cant imagine people really supporting Trump with all his lies. So I am just trying to find an alternative explanation.


Just like in Thailand people who hate Thaksin go for Prayut as there is nothing better and the other way around.

I used to think that Trump Kool-Aid was the sole reason why supporters believe and hang on his every word.


But now I realise I was wrong, there is an another.


During the pandemic the stable genius in praising the amazing powers of sunlight, suggested putting it inside body.


Obviously he was part of a successful implementation.


For as far as his followers are concerned the sun does shine out of his a**.

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7 hours ago, LaosLover said:

Tucker said at all levels people do this. I disagree. So I'm guessing your answer is no, you never heard of this happening. Hey, me neither.


He also said that there's no way Biden could have gotten more votes than "crowd surfer superstar Obama".


No record of Obama ever having crowd surfed. It doesn't even make sense; would his secret service detail allow it? 


Tucker makes stuff up whole cloth. His low info audience loves it. They're happy to check their brains at the door to enjoy the bracing oomph of a bit of made up in the shower righteous indignation.

How does anyone take a man like Carlson seriously? I know what he does is not a news show, but still. He conjures stuff like a master spin meister.


Here is a real one with 600x the wisdom and intelligence of Carlson:




Edited by spidermike007
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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

How does anyone take a man like Carlson seriously? I know what he does it not a news show, but still. He conjures stuff like a master spinmeister.




He's certainly aged a bit in this pic!!!!

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