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Coming Soon to the AN ChatGPT System - You will be amazed!


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So, in the future Asean News will no longer need moderators, because AI will write posts with built-in censorship parameters and select News items according to a rule set. He who sets the rules determines what is "appropriate reading" for membership. A most benevolent authority...

Do you really think your membership is interested in watching AI bantering with AI? Are we that mindless in your opinion?

Maybe the membership should also be replaced entirely with AI, like this you can make it a closed loop and control all input/output. 

The next step is creating AI money, because that's what your advertisers will pay you with.

Good Luck

(ChatGPT wrote this little snippet, because I was too dumbed down for the task...)


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8 minutes ago, loong said:

Posts indicating that the poster is using real intelligence will not be tolerated and will be deleted without notice.

Why have most posts not been deleted in the past as I have seen little sign of any intelligence (apart from mine of course) on this site either real or artificial.  ????


Ps;  I do hope this whole thread is just an April Fool thread!


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18 minutes ago, loong said:

This post has been deleted by ChatGBT moderator!

Please note new guidelines for posting and adhere strictly to them.

Posts indicating that the poster is using real intelligence will not be tolerated and will be deleted without notice.

Don't forget that we know who you are and you WILL be punished.

It's ChatGPT



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3 hours ago, Muhendis said:

If this AI thing is not a joke then it would be good to remember that any computer program is only as good as the people that program it.

Yepper, reminds what I leant many years ago when I was first learning to program:


'Garbage In = Garbage Out'

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8 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Isn't this similar to the automated phone answer systems that have people tearing their hair out in frustration? No human interaction, no-one to contact in the case of an inadequate answer? The world continues to go into reverse.



Or the "Live chat" you can have on a bank or airline website which NEVER provides anything other than standard one or 2 line autogenerated "answers" to the most regularly (moronic) asked questions  

But 99% never anything exactly related to.your query !

Pathetic !

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So, that will mean on more than one occasion the thread I am reading I know a bit about it, and not all the facts are correct, so will the facts now be more correct, I not going to hold my breath. 



In my world of working with dairy cattle this is known as AI, Artificial Insemination.

Screenshot 2023-04-01 204332.png

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