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So ...your on the downhill run

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11 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

better to burn out than fade away...going out in a blaze of glory! reminds me of the grandpas having heart attacks at the love motels in LOS

Such is the goal ever promoted by our ace ANF Life Coaches, usually old fat guys on meds: a short but happy life ending with a smile on one's face during a bonk. In practice, as seen in the Health forum, it seldom seems to work out that way. The "glory" seems gets lost in the fight against the debilitating symptoms of early chronic disease. 

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6 hours ago, habuspasha said:

Just retired and about to turn 82, I hope to move to TH and settle in with my 41 yr old GF for 3-6 months a year.  Looking for a villa near the  sea to start life, stage 3.  Hope I'm not delusional.  Certainly feels better to plan for upswing rather than decline.


Geez Louise, I hope you loved your work!

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15 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

better to burn out than fade away...going out in a blaze of glory! reminds me of the grandpas having heart attacks at the love motels in LOS

'Course you may mean, instead of deserting the field like a simp to go lie with a skirt, going out in a blaze of glory fighting, as in "do not go gentle." Competing in one's sport, for example. George Sheehan, the running guru, wrote


A man, Peguy is telling us, is responsible for his own death. It should be in character. Done in one’s own style. I have seen death plain in a September surf, and it was all wrong for me, and I escaped. And I have seen death symbolically in a marathon and know certainly that is the way I must end: finally coming to a stop and falling apart like the wonderful one-horse shay.

     --Running And Being


And so he competed almost to the end, when prostate cancer got him.


Or defying mortality amid the weights and machines at the gym. Jack LaLanne worked out vigorously the day before he died at age 96.


The gym is a temple where you can go and pray for one more day.

     --Naval @naval

Edited by BigStar
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I've travelled loads round the world happy to stay in Thailand for the foreseeable future.


One thing i notice with older folk is they like talking about themselves, today 85 year old, looks good for age, within 5 minutes told me his recent history without me asking

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Almost everyday, I give the powers that be a thanks. I have been lucky, I have had high blood pressure and high cholesterol since my 40's. I have never taken any medication other than a pain killer from time to time. I'm 76 now, still do construction and climb on roofs 6 months out of the year. I enjoy the work. The other 6 months, I am here, puttering in my garden, riding my bike. Its enough for me. I hope to go out with a bang, or better yet to die in my sleep. Until then, enjoy the yellows and the reds.

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

I've travelled loads round the world happy to stay in Thailand for the foreseeable future.


One thing i notice with older folk is they like talking about themselves, today 85 year old, looks good for age, within 5 minutes told me his recent history without me asking

Your time will come..............:sorry:

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11 hours ago, habuspasha said:

Just retired and about to turn 82, I hope to move to TH and settle in with my 41 yr old GF for 3-6 months a year.  Looking for a villa near the  sea to start life, stage 3.  Hope I'm not delusional.  Certainly feels better to plan for upswing rather than decline.

Yeah goodie you, keep thinking young is the secret IMHO. 

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1 hour ago, Reginald Prewster said:

My Father died with 93 my mother is 96 now.. Grandfather was 91 and Granny 89...


Both had a Garden growing veggies and even the muscles failed from time to time we had a sense of humor.

When my father took the watering can (full off course) he sometimes crash-landed in his veggies and I complained once: "Why you dickhead don't use 2 cans half full to keep a better balance?"

His response: "Don't make me piss*ng on your coffin young lad!"


Turned 60 last year I bought a Farm (17 rai) as my retirement project and I expect that I will sit in the shade under every tree I planted... 

If not, then I at least didn't give myself up and lost hope... 

So you have 30 years or more enjoy. ????

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On 4/9/2023 at 7:59 AM, GinBoy2 said:

I kinda agree with @OneMoreFarang


I travelled a lot for work, I've lived in multiple countries and spent more time away from home that I care to think about.


I tried full time retirement, that didn't work for me, so I went back to work.


But, I don't like to be away from home anymore.


I have to go to Atlanta next week for a training course, and I hate it.


I'm happy being at home with Mrs G and the cats, don't need much more nowadays

If you're not in Thailand, you could always volunteer at a cathouse, sorry, cat shelter. 

Volunteers need a special visa here, and it's a real mission to get it. 

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On 4/9/2023 at 7:32 AM, zzaa09 said:

Speak for yourself.

Shouldn't assume that most everyone is in the same boat as you.



You're a depressing soul and nearly all of your OPs and posts reflect as such.

You're not going to die? Of course we are all in the same boat. Even if you make it past 83, you're probably not healthy enough to really enjoy life anyway.


Facing reality does not mean you're depressed or depressing. 

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On 4/9/2023 at 7:54 AM, Denim said:

Here we go again , happy as can be.


The OP should follow his mates advice :



 " go to the Phillipines mate & have a bloody good time whilst you got the chance !


Talks the talk , time to walk the walk.


Having spent a lot of time in both countries... if you can't "have a bloody good time" in Thailand, you're not going to have fun in Philippines. In fact, Thailand is a much better place to be and I have no desire to go back.

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16 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

So you have 30 years or more enjoy. ????

I fear this might happen hence the farm...

How much will be a steak in about 20 years, if we see that the average age of a farmer increased to 60 years in just a decade?


60 now I am fit as a sneaker but climbing wind turbines paid it's tribute.

I have for July an appointment for a hip joint replacement, seems I follow my parents and grandparents the same way.

They had all kind of Android stuff in their bones but taught me that's for the better. 

To be agile and mobile is the point so for me and my wife (48) the right moment to start the next step... 

(beside looking forward when the young lady at the airport security grabs my <deleted> to find the hidden gun)


One thing I realize now already is:

I grew up very countryside (quiet) and 21 years I loved Pattaya, but the last few years it started pissing me off, I wanted my tranquil and peace again...

The farm is in the middle of nowhere but to Khon Kaen it's only 32 Kilometers which makes me feeling safe. 

(Brilliant hospitals) 

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On 4/9/2023 at 12:17 PM, georgegeorgia said:


Why hoard your money at that age ,go out and spend it ,don't you think so instead of hoarding it 

That's fine if you have loadsacash, but for the rest of us, dentists cost, drs cost, rent costs, food costs etc.

If we had a guaranteed get out painlessly pill I'd probably head back to LOS and finish up by exiting through the chimney, but I don't have one of them, so I'll continue to hoard the cash.

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21 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I've travelled loads round the world happy to stay in Thailand for the foreseeable future.


One thing i notice with older folk is they like talking about themselves, today 85 year old, looks good for age, within 5 minutes told me his recent history without me asking

I'm the most interesting person I know, so why wouldn't I talk about myself?

That's actually true, as I had a far more interesting life than anyone I know.

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On 4/9/2023 at 10:47 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

I think enjoying quiet life is just fine.

One doesn't have to travel a lot or go to as many bars as possible to enjoy life.

I am not yet that old and now I enjoy coffee with a friend. And afternoon teatime with another friend. And maybe on some days a few drinks with people who I like to see.


I don't travel and discover the world. I am happy where I am. What's the point of being just another tourist looking at the pyramids and buying overpriced souvenirs made in China? 


It's up to each individual what they like. 

Yes I agree

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Well, I am 83 and not quite ready to check out.  Recently I moved to a condo in Jomtien and after observing the locals, the first thing that came to mind was that all the senior citizens in the area appeared to be having their lives rejuvenated.  Many seniors walking, jogging, swimming, riding scooters (both electric and the old-style using foot and leg power).  Seems few here are wasting time in their rocking chairs.  I have been fully retired since my late 60's but various things keep me busy, sometimes too busy.  I do miss it but what will likely be my last SCUBA diving trip was in May last year.  From about mid-October until early March I am busy volunteering with the VFW doing administrative work for the annual charity golf tournament.  I design the posters and registration forms each year, many 1-meter by 3-meter banners that are put on the course advertising our many sponsors products or services.  I have written, sent and replied to 100's of emails to sponsors, teams and players each of the last 7 years.  Over the months leading to the tournament, I log in all the teams, players personal data, keep track of payments made and so much more.  I use a fairly complex Excel spreadsheet that I developed specifically for this starting 7 years ago.  Each year I have found and changed things in the spreadsheet to make my job easier.  It is now about as easy to use as intend to make it.  About 5 years ago I started to learn CAD (computer aided design).  For my purposes I only needed the 2D versions.  Mostly my designs were of accessories to be used with underwater camera systems.  I would make custom mounting trays for various cameras and lighting systems.  I would take my design on a memory stick to a local CNC shop where they would cut it from high grade stainless steel.  Very satisfying to see the final product.  I could go on, but I have the weeks laundry done and it is hung out to dry.  I have other things to do, places to go and people to see at the local coffee shop.  Enjoy your lives, I do!  

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On 4/9/2023 at 9:42 AM, HuskerDo2 said:
  On 4/9/2023 at 9:33 AM, Moonlover said:

I don't have time to respond to this boring rubbish. I'm too busy enjoying my day. (again)


P. S. See my sign off signature.


On 4/9/2023 at 9:42 AM, HuskerDo2 said:

"I don't have time to respond to this boring rubbish."..... and yet you did.

I had 5 minutes to spare whilst finishing my morning coffee and very good it was too. Made with loving care. ???? (ditto this morning)

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