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Go-go Bar Guards on Pattaya Walking Street Allegedly Attack Russian Man Who Refused to Pay His Bill


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1 hour ago, redwood1 said:

Look the guy can not speak English......He was overbilled I bet but could not have a conversation about the problem......So tried to do a runner...And got a beating....

Doesn't look the running type to me! And probably more a lover than a fighter ????

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8 minutes ago, TheFishman1 said:

What most people don’t realize is that these places are allowed to get away with these scams due to either or the police have a big interest in them or these establishments pay the police every month to do what they want when I first got here many years ago, I was sitting next to a gentleman from England and he told the bartender that one is Bill got the 6000 just stop giving drinks and he wanted to pay his bill when the bartender then gave him a bill for over 12,000 is instantly surrounded by all the cards at the bar it was made to Totally scam. TIT.

Got to 'gentleman from England'... nah! 

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1 hour ago, HappyExpat57 said:

And I've been a Walking Street patron for years, have NEVER had a problem. I do check my bin every time they refresh it with a new round of drinks, so maybe they know I'm keeping my eyes on it?

If you were very drunk, you might not have been so lucky. If you don't drink much, it's easy to keep tabs because you're not drinking much and your bill is small. I've been in a gogo with some Aussie friends (only 2) who ended up with a 10,000+ tab in a few hours and to be honest, I had no way to check it as drinks were coming in at a rapid rate.

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1 minute ago, JensenZ said:

If you were very drunk, you might not have been so lucky. If you don't drink much, it's easy to keep tabs because you're not drinking much and your bill is small. I've been in a gogo with some Aussie friends (only 2) who ended up with a 10,000+ tab in a few hours and to be honest, I had no way to check it as drinks were coming in at a rapid rate.

Well, if you allow yourself to get very drunk on Walking Street (or anywhere else, for that matter) then som nom na.

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Most likely he was stupid enough to order drinks he didn't know the cost of

And at 3:30 AM you can assume that the bill was more than small change.

Don't they have travel guides in Russian where they learn what the little container with the paper strip is for?

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13 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Well, if you allow yourself to get very drunk on Walking Street (or anywhere else, for that matter) then som nom na.

Yeah, the only problem with that theory is that these are tourists mainly, and don't expect that Walking Street can, under some circumstances, be a health risk. Most drunk tourists don't take a physical beating and at worst, end the night with empty wallets.

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25 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

It's FAR more likely that a couple of the girls were giving him some "intimate" attention and asking for drinks and he was agreeing. Like 99.99% of the guys who go to go-go bars do. (The other 00.01% being the jaded "repeat" tourists and expats who know the game.)
Then when he saw the bill and realized he was expected to pay for all those drinks, he balked.

Or he rang the bell, not knowing what it meant. And you know what a lot of people are like when they start drinking. After 3-4 beers their eyes start to glaze over and their self-control (and attitude) go right out the window.

And most of them hardly ever check their bills when they get another drink. Sheesh, I've seen guys hand their ATM card and PIN number to a waitress to get her to go get money from a nearby ATM because they were too lazy to go themselves (or were worried that the girl they were schmoozing would be on someone else's lap by the time they got back).

I've been going to go-go bars in Thailand since 1993 and I've spent a sh*tload of money in them over the years and only once did I ever have an issue with a drink or bill.
But then again, I kept track of my bills, was friendly with the staff and never got so drunk that I could barely stand or was puking in the streets. 
When I was making "war zone money", a 4,500 baht bar bill in a go-go was a "quiet" night.

And I drank Jack Daniels pretty much exclusively. Mostly so I could smell it when they brought me a fresh drink. Once, in the New Living Dolls go-go, my second or third drink arrived, I sniffed it, gave it a tiny sip, sniffed again. One of the dancers asked what was wrong and I told her I didn't think that was Jack Daniels.

She sniffed it, took the "bin" out of the cup, saw that it said "Jack coke" and went straight to the bar and had them make me a new one. Sure enough, she comes back, I take a sniff and there was that JD smell.

And in the last 30 years, that was the only time it ever happened.

I've gone to go-gos where the drinks were way above average price. Had a drink, looked at the bill, paid it and left. 

But a lot of people don't do that.

Remember the news article about the Thai woman bar "owner" (or manager) who got into an altercation with a customer who refused to pay for his beer because "it was more expensive than 7-11" ?

That is, seriously, what a lot of foreigners seem to think. That if they go into a go-go and buy a beer (or whatever) that it should be the same price as if they'd bought it from 7-11 or maybe at worst, from a beer bar.

And then they go off the handle because they think they are being ripped off. Especially if they are those kind who have control issues after a couple beers.

And you know more than a few of them can get quite belligerent. And more than a few of them are outright racists and the more they drink the more that shows.

I'd say that 99% of the problems that happen in the bars in Pattaya (and elsewhere) are because of something the "customer" has done, not something the bar or it's staff have done.

Think about it. If they were all padding bills and ripping off customers every single night in every single bar - like a lot of people here seem to think happens - they wouldn't be in business long and the news feeds would be overflowing with reports of customers being robbed and beaten.

But around here, someone propping up a bar stool hears a story that someone else is telling someone about how someone said that someone knew a guy that had a friend who said that he worked with a guy who claimed he'd been ripped off on a bar bill.

And then stool propper decides that ALL bars do that to ALL foreigners and he passes the story on to someone else (and so on and so on).

Next time you hear someone say "a friend of mine said he was ripped off" - ask them their friend's name. Make a bet with yourself that they won't remember his name. Or when it supposedly happened. Or what bar.

Here's an example. When I was working in a camp outside of Kabul (Afghanistan) between '03-'06, I started renting a place in Pattaya as I was tired of living in a hotel for a month at a time.
Someone would ask "where do you live" or whatever and I'd say Pattaya or Thailand.

Suddenly, someone would pipe up with "Oh yeah, I've heard about that place. A friend of mine went there once. Yeah, he said he rented a house right on the beach. Hired one woman to do the cleaning and laundry and another one to do the cooking and both were sleeping with him and he was only paying $75 a month for them and the rent !"

Seriously. I had THREE people tell me the exact same story in the span of maybe 1 1/2 years.

And when they finished their story I'd tell them that the Vietnam War ended like 30 years ago and they'd look at me with a dumb look on their faces. Until I explained that there was NO way anyone was doing all that for that little unless it was back when the war was going on.

Then ask them the name of their friend. Or how old he was. Naturally, they can't remember. Just that they'd "heard" the story somewhere.

Like the stories about how every bank in the country rips off every foreign customer the second they put any money in the bank.

Because there was ONE story about ONE foreigner who had his money ripped off by corrupt teller 20 years ago.

I have a friend who refused to open a Thai bank account because he'd heard stories (in the bars) about how people were always being ripped off and having their money stolen by corrupt bank staff.

And then I told him how much I had in the banks and how long it had been there and how not a satang had gone missing in over 20 years.

But because he'd heard someone in a bar telling a story about someone else (ect ect) he too thought it was a daily occurrence. (He did open an account and in the 4 or 5 years since has never had his money stolen by corrupt bank staff.)

You pay more attention to stories that involve other foreigners, especially if they are the same nationality. Those stories are the ones you are more likely to remember - and pass on to your friends and "bar mates". And they, because it involved a fellow countryman and was told to them by a fellow countryman (who would never lie or exaggerate of course), will pass it on to others (and so on and so on).

And 20 years from now people will hear those stories being told in bars by people who swear it happened to "a friend" of theirs. Whose name they can't recall of course.

That's a very long story to basically say you don't believe that bars rip people off. Let's be clear here, the average Joe who sits quietly with his beer looking at the ladies won't get ripped off. It's the party boys with lots of lady drinks with a full wad of drink receipts in his little cup that cop the "special" treatment. In fact, even you, totally sober, would find it hard to keep track. My "stories" are first hand, from me.

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2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

And I've been a Walking Street patron for years, have NEVER had a problem. I do check my bin every time they refresh it with a new round of drinks, so maybe they know I'm keeping my eyes on it?

Was at the first bar on the left as you walk into walking street. Paying for drinks as I went. As I was leaving they tried to give me a long bill for drinks I had not consumed. Local copper and tourist police outside were obviously in on it. Pommy tourist cop said if you don’t pay they will take you to the police station. I began recording and hopped into the back of the pickup and said let’s go. Pommy cop said, fair play was worth a try and let me go.

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4 minutes ago, Headgame said:

Never run a tab in any bar. Pay as you play. Not fool proof but almost. Enough blame to go around on this one.

This comment always comes up when we have such a topic. Rather impractical, wastes servers and cashiers time, makes tipping awkward and many other reasons.  Just keep an eye on your tab!

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4 hours ago, 2baht said:

The attacked tourist, Mr. Oleg Rusovsiannikov, 33, of Russian nationality

Is 33 too old to avoid conscription to Putin's war?

Who are the young Boys in Blue being interviewed at the Cop Shop?  (The last phrase suggests an establishment where one can buy cops.)

Anyone understand the questioning?

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1 hour ago, cardinalblue said:

This is not an issue of paying your bill but one of paying an unjust inflated bill…

How do you KNOW that? He could have been sitting buying drinks for girls. That´s a higher price, and he might have thought different and not ask. He might have not asked for price at all, and never thought it would be soo expensive. He might have been drinking more than he remember or the bill could be inflated.

However, it´s still an issue of paying bill or not. Just that in 3 possible circumstance he should pay the bill, and in call the tourist police himself or negotiate.

Edited by Gottfrid
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