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Best ways to pull yourself out of a slump?

bob smith

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3 minutes ago, Bill97 said:



Go to sleep.  When you wake up go back to sleep.  Repeat until you wake up being very sure that you need to go the airport and fly far away.  Get out of bed and do that immediately.

why should i fly away? a wise man once told me that running from your problems never solves anything. 


you knorrr?

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Start cleansing your mind and your body.


Gym plus healthy eating and plenty of water for your body.


read the classics in philosophy and literature for your mind.


You need to begin identifying yourself with positive and healthy things.


It might be good to relocate to a place where drinking and mongering is not as prevalent.

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1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

Having seen threads and posts by the OP I'd say both actually apply.

Well I don't really care anymore with people like OP posting there problems it's obvious they need help and is what they need to find.

Mai Pen Rai. ????

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This guy seems to have some idea of pulling himself out of a slump.:

But joking aside: I think alcohol is the wrong way to go. It is a depressant.


Look at your normal day and what you do? Has it become routine? Propping up a bar? Or plonked in front of the tv all day, glass in hand?


Try a change of scenery.  Even a long weekend away can do wonders. Find some form of exercise that you enjoy and doesn't seem a chore. Keep yourself occupied so you don't have time to dwell on things.









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19 minutes ago, bogs smith said:

why should i fly away? a wise man once told me that running from your problems never solves anything. 


you knorrr?

What problems?

Drinking? Stop drinking

Junk food? Eat better


You seem to be depressed because you created it. Simply create a new reality.


Go have a cold shower. Do the exercise i gave you for 10 minutes. Go to bed. Get up have a cold shower. Do exercise for 10 minutes. Then go walk 45 minutes. Buy some yoghurt go home. Cold shower. Repeat exercise. Do this daily until your mind isnt in a rut anymore.

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46 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

Surely smashing a bottle of jack and a pair of sluzza's too often will negate the "slowly" part of your post !!

I guess he means Jack Daniels bourbon which is not something I like..

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The classic advise, pull yourself together and start waking up early in the morning, and go for a walk, then hit the gym, swim, read a book, early in bed, quality sleep, and repeat the same next day! Eat healthy and stop drinking or taking  drugs! 


After 90 days you have established a new life and new routines. Short applausen ????

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9 hours ago, bogs smith said:

thanks for the 1 or 2 geunine com,ments and special thanks to the nasty, vitriolic comments as well.


you really do know how to make a person feel welcome.

Have you given thought that Thailand is maybe the wrong place for you?

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I doubt anyone can help a depressed person especially one they don't know


But if your sincere in all your recent messed up mental state posts then really you should

A- Seek professional help

B- Get out of Thailand


There are some folks who should never have come to Thailand

They just cannot handle it & it's form of freedom or lack of limits

They just implode eventually


Really hope you find help before you join the flying club that helps so many expats exit Thailand

via a condo railing


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10 hours ago, proton said:

Tramdol, real whisky, not that American muck and a morlam concert ????

Tramdol works well.  But after a while on it.  Trying to come off and you will feel the wrath of hell. Last resort and make sure you can keep being prescribed it in your home country.  Australia stopped pescribing tramadol in most cases. 

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16 hours ago, bignok said:

Energy flows where your focus goes. Focus on feeling sad you feel sad. Focus on feeling good you feel good.


Shoulders back

Smile 2 mins

Think of a great beach or something

Say Im happy, im healthy, im fit and well

Long deep breaths


Repeat 5 times a day. After 25 days you will believe it.



For motivating songs, Ivor Cutler's "I'm Happy" takes some beating.

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Get a job ...or find something that keeps you busy ,lay off the booze,

I wish I had time to be bored or go into a slump , just too busy ,have so

much to do nnd I am supposed to be retired , 

regards worgeordie

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