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Prayut quits politics


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18 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Let's re-collect Prayut's failures.

- massive corruption like the medical glove procurement scandal which caused losses estimated at over 100 B Baht of taxpayer's money and the procurement of ATKs

- Failures in handling the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in the widespread closure of many businesses and an economic meltdown

- Budget mismanagement with record high borrowing

- Restrictions of righst and liberties of the people through use of LM laws against peaceful protesters. Heavy handed brute means against student protests

- Failure to solve economic problems, supported the rich busineeses while ignoring the grievances of the poor and lacking direction in economic recovery

- Education reform failures, pushing the Thai educational system to rock bottom among ASEAN countries

- Failure to tackle illegal narcotis and other serious crimes

I even agree mostly...specially on the Covid....and the people are still scared...that is a more lasting damage than the waste of money.

But on the last point: The Kratom and Marijuana was a unexpected smart move. Not far reaching enough but much more than ever expected And for sure reduced crime.

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9 minutes ago, bradiston said:

A disciplined, patriarchal system? Like Myanmar, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, China? Chaotic degeneracy of 'liberal democracy'? Where do you get this stuff? I guess you are from the latter. Do you resent your upbringing? Your survival chances? The opportunities open to you? The privileges? Hard to see how life could be any easier under a degenerate liberal democracy, but you still yearn for an authoritarian regime. Why? Because it doesn't apply to you and you have no experience of it. Just neo colonialism. Extraordinary arrogance to suggest prescribing a political system for "some countries". Name them!


China, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam does well without democracy.

While some democracies don't do well. It is not democracy all wonderful and every dictatorship is a fail....

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6 minutes ago, h90 said:

China, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam does well without democracy.

While some democracies don't do well. It is not democracy all wonderful and every dictatorship is a fail....

You mean do well as in economically?

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Good riddance…he held back the nation for his own furtherance for far too long. The change to the Constitution his Government made must be reversed. No doubt his increased personal wealth will be investigated…NOT!!

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37 minutes ago, bradiston said:

You mean do well as in economically?

do well as in economic means people have good food, good education, good medical care, have a car, have a house with air condition, have safety....doing well as in economically means doing well in everything. And good economic always creates more freedom as well (looking at China I have some doubts at the moment....but long term they are now more free than in the past)

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

of coarse not .....   that's why it needs a PM with power & authority to stop political in house fighting, protests, and general anarchy

Of course Thailand is more than ready.


What Thailand does NOT need and NEVER did is military coups, nor did it ever need generals believing that they know best.

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7 hours ago, keithkarmann said:

Are you for real? Do you really think there will be an honest declaration?

He refused to make a declaration of his assets when he assumed the position of PM so there is no record to compare.


All together now ....


???? Freeze a jolly good fe-eh-low ????........Oh, sorry, that's in another topic.



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42 minutes ago, bradiston said:

So that leaves Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. The Saudis have untold wealth through untold oil revenue. They treat migrant workers like their personal slaves. But great news, women can now attend football matches, drive a car, and get a passport without permission from their male guardian. They can travel unaccompanied too. All this in the last 5 years! Yes, they've sports washed their whole patriarchal, royal family dominated system. Can they speak freely? Is there still a religious police there? But as you say, every room has AC, so what's not to like?


I'm not sure the same can be said of Vietnam, or Laos, or Cambodia, all one party dictatorships, or what you'd call patriarchies I guess. And decadent liberal democracies? This is Kremlin talk. Do you feel an affinity with that gang of thieves?

Migrant worker: that is a plus.....I am sure the Saudis like slaves.

I didn't know that they went that far for the women rights.....I had the opportunity to meet a few Saudis at an holiday in Malaysia....from my impression they fully agree with that. You mix here religion/culture and politics. They most probably would have the religious police without the royal system....And I can't see how the locked in women would be better off if they would be locked in poor and without AC....if tomorrow there is no royal family they still won't wave the rainbow flag.

The wording "decadent liberal democracies" is not my wording that was a user before. My point is only that a dictatorship can be as good or better than a democracy in some cases.....Or that some democracies can be worse than some dictatorships......I guess in Venezuela they voted themself in a mess....In USA with the 2 party system....do I vote for Biden or for Trump....that doesn't sound like much of a democratic choice....

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3 hours ago, Almer said:

He has to fill in a wealth statement and there are some who will go through it, watch man take note. 

Like he will declare everything.... right?

I'm sure nothing will be in his name.. 

Edited by hotchilli
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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Outgoing Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha announced on Tuesday that he will leave politics and resign as a member of United Thai Nation Party.

It's always possible that his successor, whomever that may be, could make things worse. Would everyone prefer Anutin? Prawit? Does Pita look all that competent in light of the "media shares" fiasco? My only interest in Thai politics is the hope that whoever is in charge just leaves Immigration alone and doesn't change anything. Otherwise, I just want a safe trip to Foodland and back and an easy walk around the village.

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12 minutes ago, h90 said:

Migrant worker: that is a plus.....I am sure the Saudis like slaves.

I didn't know that they went that far for the women rights.....I had the opportunity to meet a few Saudis at an holiday in Malaysia....from my impression they fully agree with that. You mix here religion/culture and politics. They most probably would have the religious police without the royal system....And I can't see how the locked in women would be better off if they would be locked in poor and without AC....if tomorrow there is no royal family they still won't wave the rainbow flag.

The wording "decadent liberal democracies" is not my wording that was a user before. My point is only that a dictatorship can be as good or better than a democracy in some cases.....Or that some democracies can be worse than some dictatorships......I guess in Venezuela they voted themself in a mess....In USA with the 2 party system....do I vote for Biden or for Trump....that doesn't sound like much of a democratic choice....

Point taken. Democracy is not a one size fits all system. And re your last point, and I'm not an American, I believe many would agree with you, including many Americans, 2 party systems can bring a country to its knees. But at least in a democracy you can speak out against the system. With a broken democracy, if it still supports democratic ideals, it's still possible to fight for your beliefs without being put up against a wall and shot. I don't see that in any dictatorship. There's a trend nowadays, and it manifests itself here on AN, to castigate what goes by the name of western liberal democracy, as woke, leftist, degenerate rubbish. But when you lift the lid on the critics and denigrators of WLD, you find a putrefied mess of right wing conspiracy theories, hate, anger, bitterness and violence. I don't find arguments from that sector very convincing. I certainly wouldn't wish to put the future of my country, or my future, in their hands.

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35 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Like he will declare everything.... right?

I'm sure nothing will be in his name.. 

He has the anti graft laws changed to non disclosure for him. Even if he want to declare in the spirit of transparency, the agency that has the legal power is the crooked NACC. 

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This could not happen soon enough. For a man who pretended to take the position of PM reluctantly, you sure got a thirst for power and money.


What should have been asked of you previously, especially during covid was:

1. How can you demonstrate to us, that you are up for the task of leadership? What have you done for us lately?
2. What are you doing to prove that you can and will protect us?
3. Instead of contact tracing us, how about we trace you, and make sure you are doing your job? How about you report to us daily, and let us know how you are handling and containing this epidemic that happened on your watch? Stop talking, and start working, and doing your jobs.
4. Why did you not prevent this? How did you allow these corrupt officials to let infected people in? Why did you not post 100,000 soldiers on the Burmese border, when infections were spiking there, and low here? What else are these guys doing? I thought they were supposed to serve and protect the nation. What are they doing, on a daily basis? And how are they justified, if they cannot protect us?
5. Why are you not making the vaccines more of a priority? Why isn't the army sacrificing some of its huge budget for the people?  Why are you guys choosing the lowest quality vaccine on the planet?
6. What are you planning on offering the people in the way of assistance, so they can survive this disaster you helped create?
7. Can you demonstrate to us why you think Anutin, who has no background whatsoever in the filed of health, is up for the task of tackling this emergency?
8. And why are you shutting down so many businesses, yet you allowed ground zero to remain open to people coming and going since this latest outbreak happened, only closing the province down yesterday? Why such bad decisions, and such extreme incompetence? How do you justify that? How do you explain that? Thousands of cases emanated from Samut province. You knew that would happen. 
9. How about a compulsory level of competence and experience, for all future administration appointments to key positions?
10. Why have you been so hard on foreigners, making it so incredibly difficult to fly in, yet so lax on the borders?
11. Why should we allow you to remain in power? What have you done lately to deserve that power? 
12. Are you deliberately destroying the tourism industry, in order to rebuild it, without it's nightlife? A purer image, more akin to your fake Quaker image?
13. Why is nobody in a position of power being arrested? Why aren't heads rolling?

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9 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Point taken. Democracy is not a one size fits all system. And re your last point, and I'm not an American, I believe many would agree with you, including many Americans, 2 party systems can bring a country to its knees. But at least in a democracy you can speak out against the system. With a broken democracy, if it still supports democratic ideals, it's still possible to fight for your beliefs without being put up against a wall and shot. I don't see that in any dictatorship. There's a trend nowadays, and it manifests itself here on AN, to castigate what goes by the name of western liberal democracy, as woke, leftist, degenerate rubbish. But when you lift the lid on the critics and denigrators of WLD, you find a putrefied mess of right wing conspiracy theories, hate, anger, bitterness and violence. I don't find arguments from that sector very convincing. I certainly wouldn't wish to put the future of my country, or my future, in their hands.

Well the current trend is that you can less and less speak out in the broken democracies. But I agree there is still more chance of a change.

Yes you have the crazy left.....and the other side is not a balanced common sense, but some crazy bitter right. And I am ready to hear out every conspiracy theory......and if it is the flat earth....some of the crazy conspiracy theories were at the end right.....but the bigger problem is the nonsense conspiracy theories, that are just complete irrelevant even if they are true....And yes as you say the hate on both sides is disturbing...

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3 hours ago, bradiston said:

And decadent liberal democracies? This is Kremlin talk. Do you feel an affinity with that gang of thieves?

It was my phrase. It's realism. (And since you mention it, Russia is managing its society rather better than the US in which everybody hates each other and mass murderers run amok). Give the people too much freedom and you get chaos and degeneracy - in any society. There's always need for discipline - some countries fall apart without it. My point is that Thailand has ticked along quite well under Prayut so don't rejoice that he's going. The country has been fairly stable. It could be a whole lot worse.


Westerners egocentrically think that because they have grown up with liberal democracy (after centuries of hard work developing it) then so should the rest of the world quite suddenly - and they try and impose in on everyone else. The result in many countries is a hornet's nest because their societies are not adapted to it. I have little confidence that Thailand will run any better under liberal democracy - sure there are more checks and balances (in theory), but that doesn't prevent eternal chaos and instability.   

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11 hours ago, hotchilli said:

They should investigate his estate value before the coup and what he is worth now?

That would make an interesting story

It would, but very unlikely to happen. 

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6 hours ago, h90 said:

China, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam does well without democracy.

While some democracies don't do well. It is not democracy all wonderful and every dictatorship is a fail....



China has a million Uyghur people in concentration camps, they harvest human organs and have created an all encompassing dystopian surveillance state.


Are you nuts?

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