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Move Forward Party’s Thai PM Candidate Pita Fails First Round of Voting


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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I overheard someone saying the entire UTN party as well as the Democrats and Anutins party voted No. The opposition, even if Pita does become PM can make the government a lame duck especially with the senate behind them.

I understand that whilst the Senate holds the effective veto over tha appointment of a Prime Minister it does not have a role in the decisions of the House of Representatives once the government is formed. So the MFP/Pheu Thai coalition could function.


Giving the appointed Senate a role in the everyday role of parliament would have been too contentious and obvious a "fix" when the current constitution was being "eased" into place.


Mind you, that may well be revisited. I suspect that before "fresh elections" are held the "long term caretaker government" will be busy sorting out the new Senate and it's powers. That is why I anticipate they will engineer a years delay to "resolve the constitutional crisis". Prayut has of course left politics, but there remains the somnolent elder statesman, with (literally) plenty of time on his hands (wrists) to guide the nation!

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9 hours ago, shocky2012 said:

Thai people truly deserve better. That's a sad day but I'm sure Pita will comeback stronger.

The people or the country don’t come into it as far as the junta is concerned, it’s about protecting the big bank account.

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The people had spoken they wanted  change and were looking forward to a young dynamic Prime minister Pita to lead them forward ???? ????

Unfortunately they have the old school in the Senate not wanting change ????

See what happens next week but think things are not looking good ???? 


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The names of those who abstained should be made public they are nothing short of a bunch of cowards . This was always going to be a stitch up they don’t want democracy in Thailand the military want to keep control and if the millions of voters decide to do nothing about it they will be in control for years to come . I can see huge demonstrations taking place maybe on the 19 July when the next vote takes place the only other option is to allow the current government to continue as caretakers but for the coalition to oppose all new laws this would bring them to there knees and a new election would have to be held let’s not forget these dinosaurs of unelected senators come to an end in May of next year which is only 10 months away 

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10 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Minority institutions must be protected. Democracy is non-existant when 250 junta planted senators determine the future direction of Thailand and not the person voted in by a huge majority of the Thai population. The people of Thailand spoke and spoke definitively. These junta henchmen should be locked up and stripped of all assets. Just discraceful. What a joke. 

I concur. 

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8 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

only 674 parliamentarians were present at the time of voting.

So from 749 were 75 not present?

Were they all sick, or did they have something better to do? Unbelievable what an attitude towards serving one's country.


And 199 - 75 = 124 real abstentions? Who sits in Parliament should be able to make decisions. Yes or no. Abstaining from voting for a particular PM or not, that's really weak.


Yes unbelievable. One of the most important days for Thailand and 10% can't even be bothered to turn up !

What happens now if Pita loses the 2nd vote? Does Thailand continue with no Government. If the Senators appoint a PM from a minority Party it will fail at the first lower house vote.

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34 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

The names of those who abstained should be made public they are nothing short of a bunch of cowards . This was always going to be a stitch up they don’t want democracy in Thailand the military want to keep control and if the millions of voters decide to do nothing about it they will be in control for years to come . I can see huge demonstrations taking place maybe on the 19 July when the next vote takes place the only other option is to allow the current government to continue as caretakers but for the coalition to oppose all new laws this would bring them to there knees and a new election would have to be held let’s not forget these dinosaurs of unelected senators come to an end in May of next year which is only 10 months away 


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63 absence MP"s why are they not obliged to come if they don't show up the lost their votes. That means that 749 - 63= 686 MP's have the righ to vote and of these people Pita needs 50% +1= 344 votes...Ridiculious that it is possible not to show up by such an important election. Or fire these MP's immediately, as they show that they are not worthy to fulfill their job.. And 200 abstains ..... to scared to take a responsibility for yes or no

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10 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Do you live here? If you do then why does it make no difference? Maybe another coup is in the offing? Does that make a difference? Maybe Thailand could actually grow up and move forwards not backwards. Would that make a difference? Simply buying beer 24/7 (as yoyu can in Lao) would that make a difference? Maybe you should have said "me" and not "us".

So what difference is it going to make to us, pray tell. The problems that Thailand faces at the moment are mostly caused by external events, problems that every country suffers from. China, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, supply chain disruption, internal debt, lack of discretionary money etc. Don't be so naive as to think that corruption will suddenly cease in Thailand if Pita takes the reigns or that the establishment will lose its power and sunny uplands will bloom, it could even get worse, money is as shy as a deer on an open plain and Thailands fat cats could send their money and head quarters elsewhere as has happened in the West. Democracy is a flowery word, like love, or equality and they all fall prey to pragmatism. In America government policies are made by big company lobbyists not the people, in the UK it is similar with the added civil service and wealthy establishment, in mainland Europe it is no different, a government is there to give a face that people can blame without harming the roots of true power.

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 Democracy: government by the people. especially : rule of the majority. b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

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11 hours ago, mark131v said:

Shameful state of affairs, the people spoke the dinosaurs gave it a good stiff ignoring!


I truly hope the common people want it bad enough as something has got to change and the hi-so's are making a mockery of the populace, if not now, when? I foresee an asteroid on the horizon let's hope it's not too destructive...

pfff asteroid? really? back home protests are not in any more. you expect thais to protest? ya giv them too much credit.


@Bangkok Barry

The people do not choose the PM in the world's longest established democracy, the UK, either. They vote for a Party, and the few members of the winning Party are able to vote for who they want among candidates for PM

thanks for that... i think most people forget that fact

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199 abstentions is very simply not acceptable.  A few, okay.  But not 199.

If they are afraid to vote, then resign a get someone in there who will.  27% is disgustingly representative of Prayut’s “Thaism”.   Or, you must accept getting hosed.

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6 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The people do not choose the PM in the world's longest established democracy, the UK, either. They vote for a Party, and the few members of the winning Party are able to vote for who they want among candidates for PM, if - if - the post is available because of a resignation. But the Party MPs still have the final word. Happened only last year, when the Party chose Liz Truss even though she wasn't the  first choice of the Party members.

Yes but the UK can get rid of them, not like this backward mob. There's the difference 

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3 hours ago, Tom H said:

PheuThai guy or even Anutin will likely get 375.

PheuThai first.





There seems to be a lot of confusion over the 112 amendment lobby and the Pita for PM lobby. They're not the same thing at all, but in the minds of the old crocs, they seem to be. Pita as PM is by no means a guarantee 112 will be amended, or even tabled. It's absurd to think that. Sure, it's a stated aim of the MFP, but they would still be a million miles from getting it through a massively anti reformist parliament.


Not sure PT could get to 375 without MFP. They only have 141 MPs. But yes, probably a much better chance without 112. Same goes for MFP but Pita has ruled out ditching their stance on 112. One chart I saw, PT would only be able to muster 299 votes, if they went it alone with their candidate without MFP. No other party comes near.


PT doesn't support amending 112, yet they support Pita for PM. That seems a possible way through for the other anti-112 amenders. There would have to be an extremely lengthy debate on any amendments to 112, even if it got that far. Can't see MFP forcing it through on a parliamentary vote. So why are the non reformers so scared?




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11 hours ago, mark131v said:

No mate they should not be locked up they should be strung up as deterrent to the next lot... 

You should take a look at the person behind the scene pulling the strings, it was quite obvious when the man in Dubai before the election set the date for his return. Also now you can expect after the dust settles his man sorry, lady, will be able to issue a "get put of jail free" card. What drives politics in Thailand ? its not democracy its $$$$

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