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Thai wife being bullied by family

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38 minutes ago, thefarangteacher said:

I am a farang married to a Thai. Throughout our several years of marriage, her family has made passive-aggressive comments about her marriage (“make sure you get the farang to build a house for you before he leaves you”) and has asked me for money through her (which I have always declined to give). Today a relative made a snarky comment about my wife on social media, about how some family members refuse to help out and are deserving of shame, etc. What bothers my wife is this standard, where the farang is expected to do significantly more financial heavy-lifting for the family due to a stereotype in the Thai culture about farangs having lots of money (I am not old and this stereotype does not apply to me). It is also apparent to her that this standard is not applied to the rest of the Thai husbands in the extended family. She feels she is at a breaking point and doesn’t know what to do. Any farang husbands or Thai wives have advice for my wife? Tl;dr Thai wife is having unfair expectations out on her by her family due to stereotypes in Thai culture.

You've got to share age and what you've done so far in regards to taking care of ole lady. I see you're a teacher, probably explains your financial position unless you work at an International school.

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It seems there are mostly two options:

a) she gets pressure, and she goes right away to you and gives you pressure.

b) she gets pressure, and she manages it herself without telling you, or maybe she tells you just sometimes.


I don't think there is option c in real life in Thailand.

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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

The following is a general reply, but maybe still helpful.

When men hear about a problem, then they want to present a solution.

When women talk about a problem, they want mostly moral support and are not necessary looking for a solution.

With this in mind it is probably the best that you listen to her and tell her something like "I understand you are under a lot of pressure from your family" etc. Hold her hand and make her feel better.

Presenting possible solutions is probably not what she expects.

I know this is very general, but often it is true. 



You’re absolutely right. However this is a case where she does want a solution. Hence why she suggested I ask other foreigners with Thai wives if and how they deal with this problem. 

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1 hour ago, thefarangteacher said:

(“make sure you get the farang to build a house for you before he leaves you”)

why does she think you will leave her?


prejudice based on perception that foreigners are not committed? past experience from a previous farang boyfriend? 


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