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Has Thailand got a Moral Backbone.


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On 7/26/2023 at 3:20 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Countries have interests, not friends.
I don't know who said it first.

Henry Kissinger.  The quote off the top of my head is, "The US has neither friends or enemies, just interests."  I've stated before that that statement regarding each country's "interests" applies to all countries, not just the United States, especially as they apply the each countries foreign policy objectives in the terms of 'power projection' -  economic, military, and ideological. 



Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, BarraMarra said:

I live in the UK there are no planes flying into England carrying Russians with there buckets and spades for the beach or in Greece or Spain there banned from flying in there too. 

The UK has not banned Russian tourists, nor has Greece or Spain.



Oh and i don't care where Saddam got his gas from all i know is he committed war crimes on his own people when he used them. Again nothing to do with this Topic.

Brilliant. You are the one who brought up the gassing!! Then when I tell you that we (the West......more specifically the US)  supplied him with the gas and twice vetoed a UN condemnation of the atrocity then suddenly it is irrelevant to the thread. You are a classic.

Anyway, irrelevant to the thread but I just had a lovely piece of gammon for dinner, and I suspect you might have had too.

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Different countries have different relations with other countries  That is just the way the world is. 
For example.  There are countries including some from Europe.  That have embassies in North Korea. 

Edited by swm59nj
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12 hours ago, Purdey said:

And in exactly the same words does America rail against communism and socialism. The number of countries America (for instance) has invaded  because it didn't like their politics goes on and on.

No offence but you don't seem to appreciate the desire of Thailand to maintain good relations with ALL sides.

Perhaps examine  why the Pentagon has no wish for America to acceed to the international court of justice. 

You misunderstood me. I can appreciate the stance Thailand is taking. Too many smaller countries are faced with this dilemma. Playing one side against another is a delicate and dangerous game,

That's unfortunate but the struggle against autocracy is ongoing.

The difference is that China and Russia wish for our total demise, are our enemy, and their destructive efforts should and must be resisted. Their enmity is a fact, not conjecture or even questionable, as you imply.

America helped China rise to become a global force. Nixon created an enemy by helping open China to the world. He falsely believed it would put China on a track to democracy. This was naive in the extreme, but America did not wish to destroy China as it does to us.

There is finally beginning a global recognition of the threat that China represents, and actions taken to defend against that threat. The sooner that happens the sooner a safer stable balance of power can be achieved. But it has to start by recognizing China very clearly as our enemy.

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13 hours ago, sirineou said:

This sounds suspiciously  like the  rhetoric that led to the Golf war to me.

You know, the Iraqis breaking in the hospital stealing the  incubators and throwing the babies on the floor, WMDs etc.

USA United States of Amnesia. 

Yea, yea, , save your breath, I know, this one is different. 

Yes, Putin is a good and noble man, and does not have any aggressive intentions. And the earth is flat. 

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On 7/26/2023 at 10:40 PM, CartagenaWarlock said:

Most countries are not condemning, It is only America and its vassal states in Europe. India and China do not give a damn to America's proxy war and America can't do anything about it because America and Europe need India and China to access their market. Thailand should maintain its neutral position to profit  from the situation as America is profiteering at the expense of Europe, its vassal states. 

Let me refresh your selective memory.

UN General Assembly condemning Russia's Invasion:

143 countries voted in the affirmative, including Thailand

 35 abstentions

   5 voted against it

Countries imposing sanctions apart from the US and its "vassals" Europe:

Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, Singapore among others


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So according to the PTA ( Phuket Tourism Authority ) 790 Thousand Russian tourists have arrived in little under Severn Months a whopping 1000% in the same time frame from last year. Coincidence now Russia has upped the age for conscription. There not Elites they have sold up in Russia and upped sticks to Phuket. All there money I presume will be have moved into Thai banks as most will not be returning to avoid being drafted to fight Putins war in Ukraine. How are the all able to obtain visa  requirements for long stays ? be interesting how many are leaving Phuket. Its only a matter of time they will supplement there income by owning bars and Restaurants.

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