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Thailand could face a “lost year” if no government formed soon


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The last 9 years have been an absolute disaster so another year would make it any worse as for saying the economy would suffer it has since the junta took charge yet somehow they manage to keep the Thai baht strong I can only conclude it’s called currency manipulation I for one would not be to worried to see the current caretaker government carry on until all the unelected senators are shown the door after that a vote if no confidence could take place and a new GE  the good folk of Thailand could then turn out and vote for the party that has just been deprived of there win as this time there won’t be any of these unelected senators to stand in there way 

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21 hours ago, Lucky Bones said:

Really? A lost year, as in singular?

Kids have already lost 2+ years.

Schooling from home doesn't wash.

A generation is about to go down the gurgler.

I doubt if Thailand has lost anything.

The status quo has been maintained and the Bloke at the top thinks this is good.

Strange country but I love it.????????

Strange country but lovely people. after 25+ years, I'v sure learned what inertia means.

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12 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Typically in the UK the General Election is held on a Thursday, Prime Minister appointed by sovereign on Friday early afternoon, cabinet appointed over the weekend and new government in place and up and running by Tuesday

Funny.  There's another thread with some guy saying what a "sh*****" the UK is and how Thailand is so much better.


I wonder what he thinks about this... ????

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1 hour ago, crazykopite said:

The last 9 years have been an absolute disaster so another year would make it any worse as for saying the economy would suffer it has since the junta took charge yet somehow they manage to keep the Thai baht strong I can only conclude it’s called currency manipulation I for one would not be to worried to see the current caretaker government carry on until all the unelected senators are shown the door after that a vote if no confidence could take place and a new GE  the good folk of Thailand could then turn out and vote for the party that has just been deprived of there win as this time there won’t be any of these unelected senators to stand in there way 

Thailand will still face having to deal with those political parties who have the instincts of snakes.

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Oh no! 


What will the Thai people do without a government selected for them by the military dictatorship?


I have ???? % confidence the military will tell the Thai people who the people want for their leader.????

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13 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Typically in the UK the General Election is held on a Thursday, Prime Minister appointed by sovereign on Friday early afternoon, cabinet appointed over the weekend and new government in place and up and running by Tuesday

That’s still only a few days to implement a new Government, which is pretty damn efficient and ensures continuity of political stability. 

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

Funny.  There's another thread with some guy saying what a "sh*****" the UK is and how Thailand is so much better.


I wonder what he thinks about this... ????

Is that guy the head of a military dictatorship, by any chance? ????

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5 hours ago, Villapete said:

In the UK the shortest 'political' distance between 2 points is a straight line, but it went through a long and painful journey to get there; civil war, protests, strikes, an so on. If the Thai people want the same I think they are just going to have to do a lot more than they are now to get it. Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen. Sad as it is, no one wants to send their kids in defenceless against live ammunition which, if push comes to shove, is highly probable, Unfortuately, Thailand in nestled in a region where abuse of liberties, freedoms and people are common (Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao...). The big players on the world stage make the right noises about democracy whilst at the same time selling military hardware to these states; therefore, I think the Thai people are on their own with it. It is now just a matter of how much they want it. I don't think it will change much, and that is not a criticism of Thais, I just think at the end of the day, they will have to pay a high price for a western style democracy. 

a people get the government they deserve, so no sympathy


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2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

The last 9 years have been an absolute disaster so another year would make it any worse as for saying the economy would suffer it has since the junta took charge yet somehow they manage to keep the Thai baht strong I can only conclude it’s called currency manipulation I for one would not be to worried to see the current caretaker government carry on until all the unelected senators are shown the door after that a vote if no confidence could take place and a new GE  the good folk of Thailand could then turn out and vote for the party that has just been deprived of there win as this time there won’t be any of these unelected senators to stand in there way 

doubt that the senators will willingly go gently into the goodnight next May.

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3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Do you actually know where the military hardware is sourced from? I doubt very much that it comes from democratic states. In this region, it's likely to be from China and Russia.

Thailand has just purchased a fair amount of equipment from US (Strykers I believe). There is a lot info on google detailing purchases from US and other UN member states by Thailand for decades. There are also a few reports detailing how companies based in UN member states are still supplying Myanmar with lethal military equipment. 


I am not an expert on the issue, but I would be happy to PM the links that I have. A few google searches will probably show you the same info that I have. I am not saying these are facts, but they look far from being conspiracy theories. I hope that helps. Peter

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

“Lost year” is a term coined to refer to a long period of sluggish economic growth and declining investment.

Only one main group to blame - the "anti" senators!  Those that are business men, I hope it hits their pockets!!

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1 hour ago, Villapete said:

Thailand has just purchased a fair amount of equipment from US (Strykers I believe). There is a lot info on google detailing purchases from US and other UN member states by Thailand for decades. There are also a few reports detailing how companies based in UN member states are still supplying Myanmar with lethal military equipment. 


I am not an expert on the issue, but I would be happy to PM the links that I have. A few google searches will probably show you the same info that I have. I am not saying these are facts, but they look far from being conspiracy theories. I hope that helps. Peter


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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Funny.  There's another thread with some guy saying what a "sh*****" the UK is and how Thailand is so much better.


I wonder what he thinks about this... ????

Well, the Conservative Party have been in power for some 13 years, and could be viewed as having rather "run out of steam".


Do bear in mind though that much of the internet commentary on British party politics owes much to the " it's not fair, it should be our turn by now" tendency, which rather ignored the fact that last time the Tories ( Conservative Party) won by a large majority.

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15 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Typically in the UK the General Election is held on a Thursday, Prime Minister appointed by sovereign on Friday early afternoon, cabinet appointed over the weekend and new government in place and up and running by Tuesday

And performing badly by Wednesday.????

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16 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Typically in the UK the General Election is held on a Thursday, Prime Minister appointed by sovereign on Friday early afternoon, cabinet appointed over the weekend and new government in place and up and running by Tuesday

If it wasn't for soldiers, guns and tanks, Thailand would probably be similar to the UK with the General Elections.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Let us refer to the lost year as a continuation of the Prayuth Decimation. The people do not deserve this. The government thieves and cons do richly deserve this, for denying the will of the people. 

Thank you, Lenin.


I guess I'm the only one around who thinks that Thailand has been ticking along nicely (especially in the public transport sector) and that a bunch of lefties in charge is not going to change anything for the better.


In any case, a year without anyone particular in charge might be quite an interesting experiment.

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On 7/31/2023 at 7:28 AM, scorecard said:

To me it's good news ... which requires all expenses to be justified and approved in each new budget period. 


Years back I took over the regional director position of a major manufacting and markting company regional operation, several Asian countries.


Quickly I noticed payments going out to all sorts of recipients, in Thailand and in Indonesia.


I asked the Thai Acct. to explain what was in place.


She was so proud the 'system' she had invented (and copied by our Jakarta acct.) meant that support items under 100,000Baht did not need the directors signature. This had been all approved by a previous director who had a poor performance record.


I decided to 'kill many birds' with one stone:


- I set a date for outgoing payments review, all snr. managers must attend, no excuses for non attendance.

- I told the accountant to list all the payments for all suppliers etc for the last 6 months.

- We started the meeting and I indicated I wanted comments from all on every payment :

-- Was it directly connected to creating value?

-- Was it directly connected to turning value into revenue?

-- Was it a critical support expense?


There were many arguments to categorize the firrt 4 or 5 items (payments already made on the list), plus I deliberately confused the argument by saying:

--- Why are we using an outside provider, we have a specific dept., already in place for this item and their modern resources seem to be well underused, or

--- When was the last time the supply chain team did a search for an alternative supplier, good quality, lower price?


After half a day I instructed the Marketing diector to continue the 'review' until t was completed.


Then I sat at the back of the room and took notes. WHy because I was checking whether the snr. managers in the room were satisfactory. Ultimately I ordered immediate early retirement fo 20% of the snr. managers and I deliberately replaced them with rexperienced people from outside the company and gave each new snr. 60 days to share a detailed review how they were managing their department: what they had changed and why (and I encouraged change), and what hey had not changed and why.


Before I left the room at the end of the day I announced 'From today no payments can be processed without my signature'.


Within 90 days our expenditure totals went down 35%.


Surprised you got your head through the door on exiting ????????????

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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

Well, the Conservative Party have been in power for some 13 years, and could be viewed as having rather "run out of steam".


Do bear in mind though that much of the internet commentary on British party politics owes much to the " it's not fair, it should be our turn by now" tendency, which rather ignored the fact that last time the Tories ( Conservative Party) won by a large majority.

Also bear in mind most commentary is put forward by recipients of a frozen State Pension. Very green grapes spring to mind.

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1 hour ago, Toby1947 said:

Surprised you got your head through the door on exiting ????????????

Silly comment.


It was my job.


It was well established the company was not being managed / controlled and obvious costs of operations were wellabove respected benchmarks, and obvious the existing CEO was less than capable.


I did my job.


If you owned a company in this state would you ignore it or take some action to get your company into a more professional operation with capable management and reduced costs?




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8 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Do you actually know where the military hardware is sourced from? I doubt very much that it comes from democratic states. In this region, it's likely to be from China and Russia.

I think that for Thailand military hardware is sourced from whoever they can buy it from that offers the highest 'commission'.


It doesn't seem to matter whether it fits in with the existing equipment or even if it is really needed, so long as the "commission" is good.

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5 hours ago, malibukid said:

a people get the government they deserve, so no sympathy


Not true at all.


In Thailand the people can vote for who they like, but under the current mob of dinosaurs, they get the government that is chosen for them by the same dinosaurs.

3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Wrong post. Sorry






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16 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I think that for Thailand military hardware is sourced from whoever they can buy it from that offers the highest 'commission'.


It doesn't seem to matter whether it fits in with the existing equipment or even if it is really needed, so long as the "commission" is good.

And engines are optional :smile:

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3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Well, the Conservative Party have been in power for some 13 years, and could be viewed as having rather "run out of steam".


Do bear in mind though that much of the internet commentary on British party politics owes much to the " it's not fair, it should be our turn by now" tendency, which rather ignored the fact that last time the Tories ( Conservative Party) won by a large majority.

IIRC it is called "Buggin's turn next"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buggins'_turn#:~:text=Buggins' turn or Buggins's turn,seniority saves so much trouble.


Buggins' turn or Buggins's turn is a humorous, disparaging British term for appointment to a position by rotation or seniority rather than by merit.

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