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Brit left with one leg shorter than other after botched surgery in Thailand


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12 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

I don't see any mention of whether he had any insurance, and no mention of how or why his accident occurred. 

Go *fund* yourself


You rarely will when they beg for money ????

Edited by KhunLA
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My ex-girlfriend had a scar on her lip from a motorbike accident when she was a teenager. After the accident she went to the hospital and the doctor scolded her for driving recklessly, apparently he was sick and tired of patching of stupid kids driving like maniacs. GF attributes the scar to the doctor trying to teach her a lesson...


Not saying that's what happened here but I wonder if the doctors in these mega tourists destinations like Koh Samui are fed up seeing farangs all smashed up from drunk driving and doing other reckless things.

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3 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

And Thailand wants to shine as an international centre of exvellence for medical tourism?!. Seriously?


Check out the other horrific post from a member here of yet another botched surgery.


Yes, there are cases here of good surgery - but Thailand does seem to have more than its fair share of rubbish surgeons.

A BIG issue is that there is no true legal comeback


"but Thailand does seem to have more than its fair share of rubbish surgeons."....  I agree. So, this fool is going to undergo an additional surgery at the hands of these fools. This is not worthy of a GFM request. He messed up and can't expect sympathy for HIS foolishness.

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He is alive and can walk. Its not botched surgery.  That´s what the hospital should do, not cosmetic work. Perhaps they should have taken his leg off and saved themselves this hassle. Some people are never grateful


As for the shorter leg, that is easily solved for $10




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4 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Suspicious story to play on public sympathy. The leg may be 3 cm shorter, but that doesn't mean surgery was "botched", it could be just the way it healed. Your leg will never be the same after that kind of accident. I didn't see anything in the story that would indicate fault on the part of the surgeon. Maybe it WAS the surgeon's fault, but there's not enough info in the story. 

Regardless of assigning fault, before surgery you sign a waiver indemnifying the hospital and its staff, down to the tea lady, against any claims. Otherwise, they won't operate!

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A few major points missing from the story.


1. Who says the operation was botched? It is very standard in any country after major surgery for shattered bones that they are not going to fit exactly as they used to be. It's a human body not a jigsaw. No evidence of botched surgery.


2. No mention of the accident, whose fault or is that purposely because if that was to come out people would be less inclined to donate.


3. No mention of health insurance for similar reasons, was he insured or not. ?


His sisters comments seem a bit lame and address nothing apart from her hero worship of her brother and his dreams and ambitions.


We all want to follow our dreams and ambitions but practicalities must be considered. OK, So he did well at a junior level in the UK, That looks to be a few years ago now to me, and hopes and dreams of climbing to the top in Muay Thai are somewhat a distant dream now, even without the motorbike accident.


He seems to me like many, they want to come out to Thailand but haven't achieved the status of teaching degrees, retirement or marriage, so the next step is Education visas or Muay Thai visas.


They save a bit of cash from their 9-5 jobs in the UK and then head off out to Thailand with these kind of ideas ill prepared for what life will throw at them and then want the old ' chestnut ' Go Fund Me as a bailout.


I could understand Go fund me if this was some very poor African kid showing exceptional talent living in a mud hut in Ethiopia, but it isn't. It's a begging exercise and a personal refusal to accept the reality of the situation, from a guy that doesn't want to go home and get a job like the rest of us had to.

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My own opinion... for whatever that's worth... is that the 3cms lost had nothing to do with the doctors who treated him but due to the accident itself and what was left of that leg after the accident.. Sounds like they did the best they could with what they had to work with... He's damn lucky he didn't lose the leg and maybe his life... Move on Mate... You're darn lucky to be alive and you only lost 3cm in a leg... Tuff break ... Bad luck? Stuff happens.... 

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3 hours ago, Surasak said:

You may think that is funny? Have you ever had to  walk in surgical footwear? It ain't funny, I can vouch for that.

Wearing surgical footwear has to be a lot easier to walk with than if the doctors were not able to save the leg and removed it.

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2 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

My grandfather had one leg shorter than the other, from WW1. He had special shoes. Not a big deal. Sure he could no long compete in Muay Thai but...

There are amputees competing so surely he could with a slightly short leg.

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It's a tragic story. However it makes me angry as well:

There is a guy who got an accident. Obviously is was his fault because he did not claim there was somebody else involved. So instead of say thank you and be grateful to the Docs who put everything together he's complaining. About what? That he is a bit dumb - for me he seems not to be the brightest candle on the cake.....likes to beat other persons and like them to feel pain....is not my cup of tea anyway - to complain about the Docs and the hospital not having done their job? He's still alive, isn't he? He can even learn an ordinary job  where you don't need much brain? And now he/his sister find somebody/obviously many to donate money..... to what purpose actually? To fill his pockets? Or give donations to a stupid biker who could not handle his bike? It is definitely not clear for me why this bloke is begging for money?

Maybe somebody can explain??

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Happened to a friend of mine many years ago after a motorcycle accident in the Canary Islands.  Spanish surgeons done a quick fix which resulted in his one leg being about 2" shorter than the other.  When he returned to the UK, they had to re-break his leg in several places and re-set with plates basically along the whole length of his leg which reduced it to 1/2".  He suffers a lot in the cold weather these days due to the amount of metal in his leg.  

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7 hours ago, JensenZ said:

I'm sure my friend would have gone back to the UK had he known the best surgeons in Thailand were going to mess up his leg. By the time he had it checked out in the UK, it was beyond repair, and that was an assessment by UK surgeons.

I understand that. It was after botched surgery in Khon kaen that the Aussie guy was advised to seek help in Goa (India) as opposed to Australia. The Surgery was brilliant.

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9 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

And Thailand wants to shine as an international centre of exvellence for medical tourism?!. Seriously?


Check out the other horrific post from a member here of yet another botched surgery.


Yes, there are cases here of good surgery - but Thailand does seem to have more than its fair share of rubbish surgeons.

A BIG issue is that there is no true legal comeback


The big part of this is a lot of unknown.  Having had 2 surgeries here tht were successful on my spine the level of the hospital is not stated.  Could he afford a good hospital.

Also most surgeons do not care if you are a Thai fighter unless you are really good and people push for you.


No matter what I think his fighting career is done.


My other question is why does he not go home adn get the surgery paid for by the government

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8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

It is a result of having a National Health Service that many Brits do not think seriously of health and accident issues and adequate health insurance coverage for holidays in places that do not. When the UK was in the EU that coverage went far and wide. Sounds like this guy needs to get himself home.....

US guys understand it better....

You might have a point there.


Maybe growing up in the UK with almost semi religious NHS leads them to just always expect it to be free, which of course in itself is a myth, nothing in this world is free, someone is always paying the bills.


But often they seem almost bemused and confused when overseas and the sh*^t hits the fan that someone actually asks them to pay, and then it's always Gofundme, which is basically no different to a beggar in a Skytrain station with a begging bowl

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GO to China, they have experience in stretching legs.

Chinese women do it to become more western.

They cut the bone and then construction on leg to make it longer, by stretching.

Once saw it in docu on tv.

It also can go wrong, woman's leg didnt go in the right way. Doc said "ok we do it again".

Amazing i still remember that, as it is many years ago.

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Another DRUNK DRIVING loser chaver, would bet money on it. Lowlifes from the UK are drawn to Thailand.


"Connor McBride" couldn't be more Irish if you tried, most certainly was drinking and driving. Also what a loser to pursue "Muay Thai" as a penniless alcoholic. Wannabe Connor McGregor


Also flyweight fighting is not fun to watch. Just a couple of shrimpy twig-boys having a game of slap-ass, wow, what an amazing spectacle!

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