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Paetongtarn in Dubai to meet Thaksin


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44 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Do your own investigation into the purge on drugs. 

And Thaksin was never charged with anything like that at all.


I am sure that the coup government that illegally deposed him would have loved to have charged Thaksin with that.


But they didn't.


Did your investigation show why he was not charged with that alleged crime?

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34 minutes ago, bannork said:

No charges because the establishment supported the judicial killings. Here's Wan Nor, the current House Speaker, giving carte blanche to the killings 


If you think Thaksin was the driving force behind the drug war then you are utterly clueless on the topic.


Ditto Tak Bai.

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32 minutes ago, bannork said:

The report into the killings ( see below) was suppressed, no doubt because the authorities didn't want to investigate their own.

http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/read.php?newsid=30057578). In August 2007, the military-installed government of General Surayud Chalanont appointed a special committee to investigate the extrajudicial killings during the 2003 war on drugs. The committee's report - which has never been made public - said that of 2,819 people killed between February and April 2003, more than 1400 were unrelated to drug dealing or had no apparent reason for their killings. Human Rights Watch, ‘Thailand: Prosecute Anti-Drugs Police Identified in Abuses,' February 7, 2008 (online at

So the coup installed junta that overthrew Thaksin did not charge Thaksin with any crimes in relation to the drug war and suppressed the findings of their investigation.


Do you think your constant drivel about Thaksin being the devil incarnate is based on facts or personal bias in spite of the facts?

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12 minutes ago, bannork said:

I know you're upset your hero didn't come home as you predicted on his birthday, but now his daughter has been to see him,  who knows? Perhaps she told him how much it's going to cost to come back, how many watches to buy all round.

Thaksin is a heartless blastard, 99 red shirts died at Ratchaprasong, many spent years in jail, their families suffering and what does he do?

Shakes hands and joins with the coup leaders and its backers, the arch enemies of Pheu Thai.

All so he can come back himself.

Pass the sick bag, Alice  


What is the number one argument all the closeted pro junta losers made in supporting coups and juntas in Thailand over the past 20 years?

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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It seems he is so blind that he needs someone to take his hand to guide him to the doctor.

With deteriorating health like that he should definitely stay in the desert and avoid travel and any stress.

Maybe he can convince his daughter to say with him, just in case he needs to see a doctor again.

It's so sad... 

I give it as 50\50 he becomes Prime Minister of Thailand  by the end of the calendar year. Thaksin would be considered a young man in American politics 

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4 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

What is the number one argument all the closeted pro junta losers made in supporting coups and juntas in Thailand over the past 20 years?

20 years? That's too easy......

How 'bout the last 70-80 years. 

Much more appropriate.




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29 minutes ago, bannork said:

Jim, Thaksin is joining the junta boys. Are you happy he doesn't care about the coups and the lives lost of his supporters?


Thaksin is the pathetic excuse used, for 20 years, to support coup after coup by people who should know better.

Cowards too timid to own their political views built a straw man out of Thaksin.

Whatever nonsense these numpties ascribed to Thaksin as justification for supporting the vile anti democracy side they conveniently overlook that their beloved tyrants are all guilty of a hundred times more than Thaksin ever was/is.

They won’t charge Thaksin for the drug war as they know, should the truth come out, it is them who are the guilty parties. They won’t charge Thaksin for Tak Bai as they know, should the truth come out, it is them who are the guilty parties.


Thaksin isn’t the devil, he is more likely than not one of the cleanest and least corrupt PM’s Thailand has ever had.


Westerners who have supported the overthrowing of elected governments, unelected regimes and anti democratic constitution rewrites are fooling no one but themselves if they think anyone with an IQ above 2 buys their cowardly “but, but Thaksin” nonsense.

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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

And Thaksin was never charged with anything like that at all.


I am sure that the coup government that illegally deposed him would have loved to have charged Thaksin with that.


But they didn't.


Did your investigation show why he was not charged with that alleged crime?

Why would someone in his right mind investigate whether someone was not charged? 

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5 hours ago, bannork said:

Jeez Jim, you can be annoying with your own clueless remarks. 

Of course it's assumed all round that no action was taken against Thaksin and his extra judicial killings because he thought he had the go ahead from a speech made by a higher authority on his birthday a few months earlier, complaining about the scourge and wide availability of drugs. 

The speech of course made no mention of the methods that Thaksin and the authorities  employed 

The tactics that Thaksin used were those of a police state. Authorities using state approved violence and murder and for that Thaksin should be in jail 



 "a small price to pay"

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Somehow I think the days of the Shinawatras are over.

But then again, maybe that is wishful thinking on my side. 

Yes, it is a tough to peg down because so much cannot be reported nor commented on in country. Does Thaksin have an Ace up his sleeve now that he did not have previously? I think he could very well have. The Machiavelli of Thailand, Prem, is no longer around so hard to say what will happen.

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3 hours ago, pegman said:

Yes, it is a tough to peg down because so much cannot be reported nor commented on in country. Does Thaksin have an Ace up his sleeve now that he did not have previously? I think he could very well have. The Machiavelli of Thailand, Prem, is no longer around so hard to say what will happen.

Maybe he thinks he has an Ace up his sleeve which will protect him. But then again, the person who put that Ace in that position can change his mind. And he can change it from one minute to the next with dramatic consequences. Even Thaksin should be able to realize that. For that reason alone, I think he will not come to Thailand. Because he could end up in jail now or anytime in the future (on short notice).

Will the coward take that risk? 

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

to meet her father Thaksin on Tuesday, to take him to an eye doctor


13 hours ago, scorecard said:

Years back it was reported several times (with pics) that he had his old Thai GF with him in Dubai. Regardless of that I'm guessing he has several personal staff in Dubai.


Then why does he needs his daughter to travel so far to take him to the doctor?


Does he have dementia? 


Or, if he's coming back to LOS soon there's several world class eye hospitals / specialists here in LOS.


They are all just lying , as they always do ... the only politician who does not seem to be a liar , is Pita and some more MFP members .

It seem that being a professional liar is a quality indissociable to a normal ( Thai ) politician .

All the promises given before elections hardly ever realize after ...

It is part of the game ... I hope that the electorate will , one day , wake up and confront them with their lies and broken promises .

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15 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

No it doesn’t.


Please provide some info or links about the charges laid against Thaksin for thousands of extra judicial killings.


If they charged him for things such as tax avoidance and abuse of power, then surely they wouldn’t have overlooked mass murder would they?

For the junta mass murder is less important than tax avoidance.

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12 hours ago, billd766 said:

Why is it a joke?


I have to see one doctor in September about one problem, and a different doctor in a different hospital about a different problem. If you don't listen to your doctor, your life can get difficult very quickly.


I, like you have no idea why he went for an eye exam but at his age (74) having an eye problem can complicate your life very much.


I didn't start wearing glasses until I was 50, my first wife in the UK started wearing them at 11 years old.


I admire his daughter for travelling to Dubai even if all she does for Thaksin is simply be there.






There are two main types of eye doctors: ophthalmologists and optometrists.


Confused about which is which and who does what? Here's a look at how they're different.


Keep in mind that these professionals can work together and that a team approach can be the best option for eye care. 




There are none so blind as those that will not see. It was a ruse. She was there to get orders regarding the manipulation of Thai politicians and the democratic system. That's if there is, was, or ever will be one in Thailand. Politicians? A nest of vipers.

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