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Thai opposition in disarray as Move Forward Party rejects leadership role


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3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Pita won the election, he and his party won more votes (significantly) and seats than any other party. He formed a coalition which had a clear parliamentary majority, and, in terms of the popular vote, the backing of some 60%+ of the electorate.


The power brokers of the political establishment blocked his route to Prime Minister by using the Election Commission and the courts to spin a ludicrous interpretation of a ridiculous law. They used a "paid for senate" which they appointed and which answered only to them to bypass his parliamentary majority, and then devoted their energies to splitting the coalition.


Nearly four months after the election the government which was so comprehensively rejected in the election is still in place. Yes a "new government" is being formed, itself far removed from what the electorate voted for, and even when that is to actually take power is lost in a swirling mist of "in due course, when everything is approved, sometime next week"!


Meanwhile Prayut is still making the decisions, Wissanu is still liberally shoveling his bull<deleted> over the media, the election, and the electorate have been ignored.


Pita has an attitude problem? Who can possibly blame him for wanting to stay outside of the charade? Let the Democrats bask in the limelight of the "official opposition", they are used to being ignored, and already have the white comic opera dress uniforms in their lockers!

That right there is post of the year!!

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The guy couldnt play his role any more perfectly. 

Meanwhile in other news,

Next election will get a bit more ugly with rumours that an old lady might slap another person on the wrist in protest and a street corner might suffer slowing down in traffic. 

Btw,  have I told my Confucious / election joke yet? 

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