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How much alcohol is too much?


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20 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Is it OK to drink moderately everyday and what does moderately mean? Some say I have a couple glasses of wine with dinner, well depending on wine glass that could be almost a full bottle.


But for this discussion let's limit the alcohol to beer. Personally I don't like to drink before bed because even a few beers makes me sluggish the next morning. So, early afternoon I enjoy 3-4 small beers pretty much every day. I stopped for like a week and was missing it so I started back up.

I never go beyond 4 beers all day except for during Songkran parties.


Now, except for the calories I don't think 3-4 beers a day is hurtful, what say the tee totalers and experienced drinkers.


Well, technically speaking alcohol (ethanol) is a cytotoxin, which means it’s toxic to every cell of your body and what you feel when you’re drunk are actually symptoms of alcohol poisoning. 

Having said that, a couple of beers a day won’t kill you. On the other hand, if you stop drinking and you miss it a lot then there’s probably some little psychological addiction thing going on. The question is, do you drink to get a buzz or do you drink because you like the taste? 


In my opinion, as long as your daily dosage doesn’t steadily increase, it’s not really a problem. But as soon as it does, you know, to get to the same level of buzz you’d like to have, if that’s the case at all, then it’s time to stop otherwise it will likely get out of hand eventually. It’s much easier to get off something while you’re not hooked on it, yet, than getting off it as an addict. 

What I would try just to get a baseline is, stop drinking for a month, if you still miss it a lot and think about having a beer all the time after that month then you’re probably an addict, as harsh as that might sound. But if a day comes within that month on which you’re not thinking about having a beer at all then you’re golden. 

By the way, according to definition, anyone who drinks regularly is an alcoholic. Although, in my book that’s not really true because, if I have some eggnog every Christmas, but don’t drink the rest of the year it’s still “regularly!” You just need to find out for yourself whether you need it. 


Edited by pacovl46
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17 hours ago, Olmate said:


While red wine glasses vary in size and shape, the standard red wine glass holds 12 to 16 fluid ounces (or 360mL to 473 mL) of wine at its total capacity. White wine glasses also vary considerably, but the standard white wine glass holds 12 fluid ounces (or 360mL) of wine.

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Alcohol is not meant to be ingested into the human body. In general, it's not good for us. That said, I love to drink and do so everyday. Mainly beer, wine, scotch...sometimes all in 1 nightRum and/or tequila is good occasionally too. 


Everyone is a bit different tho. My father is a hardcore drinker. A real Pro. Mass quantities of beer and bourbon for his entire adult life. Gets totally hammered every single day. I can never keep up with him and I'm no lightweight. Haha


He just turned 93 last month. ????

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10 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

Depends on your weight and how much you consume. Everyone is different. Genetics plays into it too. Irish are well known for being able to handle a lot of booze. Native Americans have a very hard time with alcohol tho. No need to worry about things if you aren't having health issues. I've seen a few interviews with people on their 100th birthday and they are always asked what the secret to their longevity is. One said smoking 3 cigarettes every day and two others said a couple of beers every day.

The problem is that his name is Tonto Murphy.

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18 hours ago, Denim said:

I used to attribute all my aches and pains etc to drinking alcohol.


So last year I went T total for 5 weeks. Back in the UK on holiday right now and not had a drink for 6 weeks.


Results ? Very disappointing. 

Still feel exactly the same as before. So I have concluded I don't have a drinking problem. Instead something much worse. Apparently  it is called old age and there is no cure.


Since the weather is cooler here I have done a lot of walking. Up to 11 miles a day.

Leg muscles are now rock hard and maybe my BP has gone down ( will check when return to Thailand ) but still feel like crap when I get out of bed in the morning. 


Conclusion. I will return to the bottle when I get home.

That’s not long. Try giving it 6 months. Might also be dehydrated. 

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54 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

While red wine glasses vary in size and shape, the standard red wine glass holds 12 to 16 fluid ounces (or 360mL to 473 mL) of wine at its total capacity. White wine glasses also vary considerably, but the standard white wine glass holds 12 fluid ounces (or 360mL) of wine.

Talking official standard 


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Normally when I go for a pint and I strike the Flagg I yell "Check bin, at's enuff, wanna go home.."



How much is too much is in my opinion scientifically not possible to put into numbers... 


My one friend:

Fitness freak - healthy food - almost no alcohol... 56 Years Old, brainstroke, now in a wheelchair counting flies...


Another friend:

Overweight, says never no to the last pint for the road, eats fat, shaggs his brain out with no permanent relationship... 60 Years old and in best condition.


My Granddad = retired fisherman (says all I belive) 

A thumb Schnaps in the morning, at lunch and two or three thumbs before sleep.

Slept in peacefully with 93 


My dad also a friend of a pint and a shot in the evening left with 89 years..


If I (61 Years) go for a drink: DILLIGAF

But I am a fan of Anglo Celtic and Irish (Punk) especially if the front singer is Shane Mac Gowan, lets see his opinion when it is enough...



but I have still every year my offshore health check with results of a 30 year old.... My Doc says; No Beer No life... 

Edited by Reginald Prewster
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I remember the good ole days when I could crawl back aboard at 0500, be there for work at 0800 and be feeling fine at knock off for another night of carousing. It's been a few decades since my body was put through that.


One poster talked about liver function test and that's a good suggestion. I haven't had a physical in 2 years. While I was working I was a part timer in Isaan and having a few usually turned into a whole day and night session with neighbors. Those days are gone.


I'll do an entire physical in a month or so, we'll see what the blood teats have to say.

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I also drink 4 small cans of beer per daily intake (well, actually...these days have gone more for 3 of the larger 490ml cans, which is slightly more than 4 small) but have 2 consecutive days off to give the liver a break. 


Plus I eat well and get exercise. Personally, I weigh it on balance as 'moderate' enough, while allowing me the immense satisfaction of mellowing out for a few hours at the end of the day. 


(Btw....the 2 evenings off are tough, but it's a 'sacrifice' I'm prepared to bear.....just!????)

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4 hours ago, wombat said:

Too much is when you think to yourself I'm not an alcoholic they go to meetings.

Reminds me of one of my favorite AA stories, about a widow at her husband's funeral.  He had just died of cirrhosis. 


They asked her if he ever tried AA. 


Her response:  He wasn't that bad. 


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Have you tried mixing it up a little to avoid too much beer?  Integrate 2 soda waters into the 4 drink day.  This seems to lessen the craving for beer.  


I stopped alcohol alltogether years ago after watching the negative affects on family and friends such as drunk driving, early fatalities, health ailments, bloated beer bellies, divorces, high bar tab amounts.  The list is endless.


Gout was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.  I poured all my alcohol down the toilet.  The putrid smell was sickening.

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7 hours ago, daveAustin said:

That’s not long. Try giving it 6 months. Might also be dehydrated. 

There is something  in the dehydrated  thing. Generally,  I don't  drink enough water as I don't feel thirsty. But recently I have made a big effort to drink a lot more water each day. Although  this hasen't  changed my energy levels I have noticed a significant improvement  in my skin tone and health. Less blotchy and dry. Looking like a handsome man again.

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On 9/20/2023 at 9:20 AM, bob smith said:

according to chatgpt, 2 standard glasses of red wine per day would be considered moderate drinking for a male.


They also said it could have benefits.


It's within the safe range of alcohol consumption, apparently.

In Thailand not good for your bank balance. I love a good red but…

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2 minutes ago, singking said:

In Thailand not good for your bank balance. I love a good red but…

If I ever drink again then what I will do is buy a big 5 liter jug of house red and limit myself to 2 glasses with my evening meal.

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On 9/20/2023 at 3:29 AM, EVENKEEL said:

Is it OK to drink moderately everyday and what does moderately mean?

According to science it means 1 unit per day for women and 2 units per day for men – some times calculated as 7 and 14 units per week – one unit can be a glass of 12.5cl wine og a .33 bottle of beer.


Science finds little daily alcohol healthy for elder people, i.e., folks that have passed the age of 40. If younger, you should not drink alcohol daily.

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