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My Authentic Pattaya Isaan Bar Boy Experience

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Generally I think Aseannow is not the 'right' forum for long stories like this split into episodes.  I think you would get a more favourable response if you posted it on Stickman.

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40 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Not really, just a rent boy who wants to clean out foreigner who he doesn't like.

While this may or may not be true, is it not the case for every bar boy or girl.  A lot of people come to Thailand to hook up with someone who is out of their league in their home country, then they marry them, divorce, and repeat the process until their bank account is emptied.


And the solution suggested to this is to just date someone who’s not a bar boy/girl. Well, I have this covered in Part 3 

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46 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

No, ChatGPT creates better and more believable stories

This is quite sad to hear. I thought I could turn this into a Travel Writing 2024 bestseller 😔 

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1 hour ago, Addaamm said:

Although this topic about a same sex situationship, I think it may be interesting to everyone.


It was not my first time in Pattaya and so I pretty much knew the drill. You walk about, see a boy you like, get him a drink, agree on the price, pay the bar fee and take him home for a few hours of some fun.


Although it sounds simple, it is quite challenging. As you walk around you get approached by a lot of unattractive boys saying, “welcome, welcome, welcome, or even “you want boom boom”. Which is a little bit intimidating as you’d want to walk slowly to find the cutest boy there. In general, the uglier the boy the more desperate he is. It’s not charming at all.


Anyway, I walk back and forth and suddenly I see this cute boy sitting a little bit further back, confident, calm, relaxed. He’s above and beyond all of these “welcome” boys. I’m like - he’s the one.


He also reminds me of an English boy I spent a lot of time and money trying to date. The long story short is, I really liked him and I really wanted to make it happen so I suggested we’ll go on a nice holiday overseas. Which he in the end agreed to. We went on a trip, sadly from the beginning I could feel he was not interested in me. It’s was impossible to have any conversation, I made a few bad jokes and that was enough for him to cause everything to implode within less than 24 hours. In the end it would fail regardless of what I did, for one reason or another.


Back to the main story, I’m so excited as the boy looks and behaves exactly like him (just Thai not English), I can relieve my past experiences but this time there will be a happy ending.


I decide to play it cool. I walk up to the bar, sit a little behind him, order a Coca Cola, and planning my next move. The opportunity presents itself almost immediately as he walks past me. Do you want a drink, I ask?


  • “It is a little bit too late for that!”


I hear a loud voice. Turns out a big fat dude who sat at a table just a moment ago already offered him a drink. 


The boy laughs as he’s confused and doesn’t know what to do.


  • “It’s okay, I’ll get him a next one” 
  • “What if I buy him more than one, just back off”. The fat man is having none of it
  • “I have plenty of time, I can sit here for a few hours”
  • “What if I want to <deleted> him later , you may be waiting here for ten hours”


I don’t really like where this is going. I don’t want to escalate the situation but at the same time I’m not going to be intimidated into leaving the bar. I sit at the bar drinking cola, I didn’t do anything to offend anyone.


  • “Let him decide, he can do what he wants. It’s his choice”, I say. 


The dude is furious at this point. I’m not exactly good looking, but likewise he is even uglier and really obese. At least I am quite slim. And he knows the boy would rather chat to me, get free drinks, tips and earn a commission on drinks, instead of going back with him.


  • “This is bull<deleted>, how about he decides now”, he shouts. 


He gets up, walks up to the bar, looking at me.

I’m a little bit afraid now, thinking, will I get punched? People with mobile phones everywhere. What if someone films this, sends it to Daily Mail. I already see my face plastered all over the internet with headlines “Two British tourists in a bar fight over a bar boy in Pattaya gay district”. That’s a life ruining headline.


“I’m not paying for his drink, this guy pays” - he shouts pointing at me, pays for his own drinks, gives a small tip to the bartender and leaves. Everyone is stunned. I'm relieved because the bar fight didn’t materialise.


  • I’m terribly sorry, I apologie to the boy, even though I know I didn’t do anything 
  • Don’t worry, I don’t know him. I don’t care about him


And we start chatting, via Google translate. He’s smiling, he’s really interested in me. 


- Where are you from? 

  • London, England. 
  • Really? I always wanted to go to Paris to see Eiffel Tower. How long are you in Pattaya for? 
  • Two to three weeks. How about you? 
  • I’m not from Pattaya. I’m from Isaan.

I hear “Isaan” and I’m immediately thinking to myself - I’ve read so many stories about Isaan bar girls in Pattaya, but surely these are just stereotypes, not everyone is the same, and this bar boy is smiling at me so much, he’s touching me, surely he genuinely likes me (and the prospective money). It’s going to be alright.


  • In two weeks I’m going back to Isaan for four days to see my mother. Do you want to go with me, I’ll show you the true Thailand 


This great! This is better than expected! I won a bar “fight” over a cute boy, he makes me his first choice! I’ve met someone hot and I’ll travel with him for a week or two. It’s just amazing. I’ll see his family, his mother will teach me how to cook Thai food, this is perfect! It’s unreal!


  • Definitely! And after Isaan we can go to Bangkok for a few days, go to fancy restaurants, and at the end I’ll go back to London and you’ll go to Pattaya


We check Bangkok to Udom Thani flights on Google. They are quite expensive for Thailand as they are around £100 per person return, but they’re not gonna break my bank by any means. Of course I’m not booking plane tickets just yet.


  • I’ve never flown on a plane, I’ll be really scarred 
  • It’s fine, it’s gonna be alright


We continue chatting, I get him one more drink and then I ask him if I can get him back to my place, without mentioning any money.


  • Tonight?, he asks
  • No, tomorrow, I say as I’m really tired now
  • That’s fine, but let’s meet during the day and go for a dinner first
  • Sounds great!


We meet the following day at 1pm


  • Let’s go to the beach and order some food there, he says 


From the meeting point to the beach is about 5-10 minutes walk. As soon as we start walking he asks


  • Have you thought about the trip to Isaan? How much is your budget?


Im a little bit stunned. First of all, I’ve only known him for a few hours. I’m thinking I’ll give him 2,000 bahts per day, and budget another 2,000 bahts to spend on fancy restaurants, car hire and so on. A ballpark estimate. But if he treats me really well and he gives me a trip of a lifetime then I could spend much more than that. 


But I’m not going to promise him anything because if I tell him it’s 4,000 bahts per day then he’d be expecting this as a minimum.


  • I don’t know. I say, How much a trip like this would cost?
  • A trip to Isaan is very, very expensive. What is your budget?


And now at this stage I’m a little bit worried because Thailand is quite affordable, especially if you are going to the rural areas. Bangkok’s high end restaurants and hotels can be expensive, but a trip to Isaan shouldn’t be.


  • How much do you think we need, I ask again
  • 40,000 baths 


40,000? how can a 4 days trip to Isaan can cost 40,000 bahts? How can someone spend so much money there? On what exactly? But then again, I could afford it if he treats me amazingly, so let’s just see how it unfolds. So I’m not going to immediately disagree, but also I’m not going to agree just yet.


End of part one.


is anyone interested in reading part two?

Why not change your name to Hans Christian Andersen. 

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1 hour ago, Addaamm said:

It was not my first time in Pattaya and so I pretty much knew the drill.

But you do not know that the currency is Baht and not BahtS! 555

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Boy? How old? Ever tried a man?


Most of the males working in Pattaya sex tourist bars are not actually homosexual.

So 40,000 baht sounds quite cheap to let some old foreigner perform buggery on him in my opinion. It is not going to tickle.

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Jeezuss, I feel nauseous. A bit like when I watched "The secret of Brokeback Mountain". It changed somewhat my view of the world.


What I don't get is if his mother a male or a female? Can a heterosexual couple have a gay son?

Edited by Ben Zioner
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1 hour ago, Goat said:

Boy? How old? Ever tried a man?


Most of the males working in Pattaya sex tourist bars are not actually homosexual.

So 40,000 baht sounds quite cheap to let some old foreigner perform buggery on him in my opinion. It is not going to tickle.

Don’t get ahead of yourself. 40,000 baht was not the price of a hookup. It was how much he needed for our trip together to see his mother in Isaan

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Just now, simon43 said:

I just read the story in his post.  IMHO, it is exactly that - a fictional story.  So enjoy it as such.

Which part is fictional exactly? It actually happened to me before. I arranged a hookup with a boy via Grindr, came to pick him up, but he already got drinks from someone else. But the men he was with were chill, and they were like, you can have him once he finishes his drink.

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55 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

Jeezuss, I feel nauseous. A bit like when I watched "The secret of Brokeback Mountain". It changed somewhat my view of the world.


What I don't get is if his mother a male or a female? Can a heterosexual couple have a gay son?

Are you for real? At the beginning there were only heterosexual couples. So obviously starting couples may have gay sons. What sort of question is that?

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20 minutes ago, Addaamm said:

Are you for real? At the beginning there were only heterosexual couples. So obviously starting couples may have gay sons. What sort of question is that?

Just asking, I have never met a Gay person. I like merry people around me.

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12 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

Just asking, I have never met a Gay person. I like merry people around me.

Maybe they didn’t tell you. Up until quite recently it was not a case to announce own sexuality to everyone. 

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13 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

Just asking, I have never met a Gay person. I like merry people around me.

Most of my friends are very gay and great fun to be around but I do not believe that any of them are homosexual as they have never boasted about being that way inclined!

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5 minutes ago, Addaamm said:

Up until quite recently it was not a case to announce own sexuality to everyone. 

Why would you want to?

I do not care what people do in their own "private" lives but being bombarded by people demanding special attention because they are homosexual is what puts me totally off them! 

They should keep their sexuality to themselves and in the closet! 

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Part 2 


We arrive at the beach, hire a couple of loungers, he orders various Thai dishes for a dinner. This is great! A Thai, he knows what to get. I’d never think of ordering a Papaya Salad, now it is my favourite dish. 


A few days later, having given up on dating bar boys, I would meet another boy, through Grindr. We arrange a breakfast date as he needs to go to his work at a hotel later on. He’s stunned when I order Papaya Salad, “How can you eat this”, he says.


Not a bar boy, chatty and fun, Suchart really seemed to like me. Days later, at the end of the day, after I got him a few gifts, he spent his own money to surprise me with a green tea and a watermelon smoothie. Since when do Thais buy gifts for foreigners? Even if it was not expensive, it’s a thought that matters, not the monetary value. 


It really seemed like an exciting new beginning when he showed an interest in my Spicy Papaya Salad order. I would have never imagined that later on, just as he was bringing me he a cute watermelon smoothie, he would restrict my instagram profile so that I’m not able to see what he post on his Instagram stories. At least that is what he believed would happen.


But back to Bas. I find out why he needs 40,000 for the trip. He says he needs to give some money to her mother, as she’s retired and has very little money. He also likes to take her to a restaurant, and buy a few things for himself while he’s there.


This is all quite reasonable, but I know you for less than 24 hours and you’re already asking me to give money for your family. This is a little bit too much, I’m thinking to myself, but I’m not saying anything as I want to see how will the things unfold.


4pm approaches, it’s time to leave as he needs to go to his bar work starting at 5pm.


  • Do you want to go back to my place later, I ask
  • I can, but what do you want to do?


What? You’re in your early 20s, you work as a bar boy in a gay bar in a gay district in Pattaya, obviously you must know why a guy wants to take you home…


I’m stunned but I don’t say anything. 


We separate but continue chatting via line. We arrange to meet at my condo, I tell him I’ll pay his 300 baht bar fee and will give him 1,500, which I think is a going rate. If he wants more he can always ask, or I can surprise him with a tip or a gift later on.



End of part two 

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