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Update: British teacher arrested for sexual assault in Thailand


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Same thing happened to a friend of mine in Australia. Senior teacher, 30+ years and a blemish free record. Several teenage girls accused him of sexual harassment. Immediately transferred to head office, no review done. 

It took 18 months before he was cleared of the false charges. Obvious the girls had issues with him and were vindictive.

He took early retirement shortly afterwards. He said he had no wish to continue working for a Department that threw their employees under a bus.

Male teachers need to consider their career choice perhaps

Edited by biggles45
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I came to Thailand 10 years ago armed with a degree and Tefl cert. however, teaching never appealed to me after reading the horror stories about Thai office politics.


There is a small possibility that the guy is being thrown under the bus especially after reading that another teacher "overheard" the children talking. however, from what I read from parents and the supposed self confession he sounds very guilty.



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1 hour ago, baansgr said:

Put a chang vest on him, looks like so many living here....wonder how many thousands more there are lurking around


I don't know anyone who lives here who wears a Chang vest beyond the odd tourist passing through

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31 minutes ago, biggles45 said:

Same thing happened to a friend of mine in Australia. Senior teacher, 30+ years and a blemish free record. Several teenage girls accused him of sexual harassment. Immediately transferred to head office, no review done. 

It took 18 months before he was cleared of the false charges. Obvious the girls had issues with him and were vindictive.

He took early retirement shortly afterwards. He said he had no wish to continue working for a Department that threw their employees under a bus.

Male teachers need to consider their career choice perhaps


I worked in a Thai university in the late 90's and was accused by a single female evening student (24) of sleeping with and dumping her after she followed me home after class one night.  Luckily the admin (Dean of Humanities) knew the girl as an ex-student and she had a history of similar actions and accusations so it ended there.

I moved into the private sector within a year.   

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1 hour ago, Smithson said:

The reporting is pretty bad on this one, in one story he's 49 and another he's 59, both by the same author. It's important to remember these are allegations without much detail. He is in jail, pointing this out puts nobody in danger. There's not much info in the story, but an earlier one says he's confessed and been charged.


What's the school's role in this? It seems for years this teacher has possibly been molesting girls within school grounds during school time and it was never noticed? At the very least the need to review procedures, install CCTV, maybe even sack an administrator...


Several years ago an international school in Ubon employed a very well qualified teacher, without any background checks. A Google search would have revealed he'd been jailed in Indonesia for sexually assaulting students.

blew the lid off Brown’s alleged misdeeds. ” Love the 1940s pulp fiction cliches

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2 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

geeezus... this guy has hot balls all around his head. committing acts of a sexual nature in his office? where anyone could walk in at any time? either something is fishy here, or this guy is a reaaalll psychopath

I was thinking the same thing. On the 'fishy' part...another teacher heard some girls talking? l'd Like to know what that teacher heard and how the the parents got to know of it (via the girls or a teacher). Hope they keep us updated on this one.

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4 minutes ago, parallelman said:

I was thinking the same thing. On the 'fishy' part...another teacher heard some girls talking? l'd Like to know what that teacher heard and how the the parents got to know of it (via the girls or a teacher). Hope they keep us updated on this one.


the pc thing to say at the moment is 'hang'em by the balls'. he apparently did admit to the crime. but for me... just seems insane that he would do his deeds in a school office and not somewhere less at risk of getting caught. something just aint right about the story... but something just aint right about education in thailand

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2 hours ago, baansgr said:

Put a chang vest on him, looks like so many living here....wonder how many thousands more there are lurking around



Take a look at the appearance of say Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Nilsen, Harold Shipman, et al?


Judge a person just by their looks?  A self-righteous, bigoted opinion if ever I have heard one! 

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No surprise really.. There are probably thousands of sexual offenders and pedos hanging out in countries like Thailand. Immigration authorities should urgently conduct more thorough background checks on individuals. Statistically, many sexual offenders reoffend, so implementing comprehensive police checks is imperative. This proactive approach could reveal a significant number of offenders from their respective countries

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39 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:


seems insane that he would do his deeds in a school office and not somewhere less at risk of getting caught. 

Maximising opportunity, hiding in plain sight   


he would have encountered far more scrutiny if he was shepherding children off campus, and he would have lost the trappings of trust and authority by changing venues.  


I reckon he would be stupid to try it on somewhere else.

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1 hour ago, AustinRacing said:

He is how I would imagine a British pedo teacher would look like. 

Wow, such an expert. I never new that pedophiles look differently in other countries. He just looks like an ordinary bloke. I wouldn't post your photo and avoid mirrors. 

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16 minutes ago, n00dle said:

Maximising opportunity, hiding in plain sight   


he would have encountered far more scrutiny if he was shepherding children off campus, and he would have lost the trappings of trust and authority by changing venues.  


I reckon he would be stupid to try it on somewhere else.


damn, i am not sure anyone in her/his right mind would do that. is the guy guilty? not for me to say, nor judge. if he is i hope he gets his. but still... the risks of having kids or staff walking in on him?


i have been teaching over 20 years here and there always is a kid or a teacher looking for me at break time... late homework, unscheduled meeting... even if i were the most notorious criminal this one would make me think twice

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9 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:


damn, i am not sure anyone in her/his right mind would do that. is the guy guilty? not for me to say, nor judge. if he is i hope he gets his. but still... the risks of having kids or staff walking in on him?


i have been teaching over 20 years here and there always is a kid or a teacher looking for me at break time... late homework, unscheduled meeting... even if i were the most notorious criminal this one would make me think twice

 if guilty, there is nothing to suggest Buddy was in his right mind. 

jimmy saville furtled patients in public hospitals. right mind? i think not.  

its a crime of opportunism.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

He has been detained in a cell at the station while the investigation continues.”

Certainly hope justice prevails. I know a good wood chipper…if he’s guilty.

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3 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

Before the guy is lynched it might be an idea to step back and gather statements, evidence and hold a trial.  I don't trust newspaper reports.

There was a case in the UK a year or two ago where several girls collectively accused a male teacher of sexual assault - later they admitted they had lied (after almost wrecking his life).


Well he already admitted to police that he did it and apparently couldn't sleep once he knew he was found out and then had a "medical emergency" when they arrested him so while there are the rare false reports, this seems far from the case in my opinion. Also to add that none of the girls he abused even accused him, a teacher just happened to overhear them talking about the abuse. 

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It doesn't surprise me at all that his wife interpreted for him with the police authorities, although that doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't have a degree of proficiency in Thai. But if his Thai was marginal it probably was a contributing factor in his naivety about his chances of being caught. Thai school children talk and share secrets amongst one another, and I would be willing to bet that if anything out of the ordinary was going on with a foreign teacher, students would discuss their concerns with one another, Thai teachers or their parents. If he had been highly proficient in Thai, one would think that he would have likely picked up on this, and realized how extremely risky his behavior was. Also sexual abuse is easier to perpetrate when there's a language barrier because it makes dehumanization of the victim psychologically easier.


There used to be, and probably still is, a school of thought amongst Thai principals that they  didn't want foreign English teachers who spoke Thai. The reasoning was that a non-Thai speaking English teacher would provide an immersive language environment for the students who would be able to acquire English skills by osmosis. I was always skeptical of this approach because an absence of Thai language skills impaired the teacher's ability to build rapport, manage the classroom, provide explanations in the native language or to understand why English can be challenging for Thai speakers. I think there is something to be said for requiring, or at least favoring, English teachers who have a degree of proficiency in Thai as well, and unless the teacher is extremely well qualified and credentialed or teaching at a very advanced level, the hiring English teachers with very limited Thai language skills should perhaps be avoided.



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So many shi++y teachers here not even trying to improve themselves. Teachers sit about doing nothing all day emboldens them with no one watching to take bigger chances.


80% of foreign teachers shouldn't even be in a classroom. Maybe 90.


I've worked with four drunks, two homosexual pedo, one guy seemingly fond of touching girls, another guy that loves to insert sexual innuendo to convo with female students. Another guy I highly suspect of hating female students bc of his own genetic shortcomings, also possible closet. Totally passive aggressive. Only one of that group above has a proper license.

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In international law, someone is innocent until found guilty by a court. This also applies to defendants who have admitted their crime. Many confessions have too often turned out to be untrue.

For this reason, I can understand why his face was pixelated.

Edited by metisdead
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49 minutes ago, BerndD said:

In international law, someone is innocent until found guilty by a court. This also applies to defendants who have admitted their crime. Many confessions have too often turned out to be untrue.

For this reason, I can understand why his face was pixelated.

Not in the Daily Fail! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13004801/Brit-teacher-faces-Thai-jail-accused-sexual-abuse-girls-aged-seven-eight-international-private-school-Bangkok.html

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Just looking at this guy something looks off,, I wonder why he fainted????? Maybe overwhelmed at the thought of how many guys are going to use him for sex doll I hope he is beaten on a daily basis and gang raped,,no one should care about him I feel for the kids that have to begin there young lives with a piece of <deleted> like this

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Well, you obviously didn't read the linked article on this thread, or you would have seen this.


Oh I did forgive me sarcasm is obviously not for you

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