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Car Blocking the Entrance to my House.

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17 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

We had an instance in the last house where the neighbour parked an old bike opposite the house just to annoy us, over the months several arguments developed even to the extent the Thai fella was writing abusive messages on the wall and making comments when walking past him. This culminated in violence where the fella assaulted my wife, this was tonight before we were due to fly to the U.K. The Police were called fella was given a written warning, we could have gone to the hospital to asses her injury but as we were were flying out the next day we didn’t bother.

This is the main reason my wife doesn’t want confrontation as in her mind history could repeat itself, when she gets going she is unstoppable !

If somebody assaults my wife, he will need a hospital.

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18 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

A car was ‘dumped’ more or less directly opposite the gates of my house last week meaning I can’t get the car indoors now, it’s a narrow Soi.


Just curious. Is it a public or private street, Some small ones are are private, I used to live on one. If it is private then no one really has the authority to solve anything.

Edited by VocalNeal
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2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

More than likely get a bullet in his head. 


My neighbor pulled out his gun when a foreigner was jogging past his house and started yelling at his dog. 



I Got Threatened by my Thai Neighbour with a Gun,Just for Asking him to Keep his Dog to STOP ( Howling like a Wolf ) Between 3am & 6am......Regarding the OP " Has he tried his local Tessabarn to see if they can get it Moved ?? )

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16 hours ago, steven100 said:

Jumbo ....  that's a tricky situation to be in.  Firstly, your wife is doing what any Thai would do, they won't complain or say anything that makes loss of face for the owner, it's just how Thai's are as they don't want any confrontation.


I agree.. but that also depends on the 'pecking-order'.... i.e. the social status of his wife...   

An educated person from the Thai middle class wouldn't have an issue with going round and politely asking of they can move the car so they can get access to their driveway.



16 hours ago, steven100 said:

as for the guy just turning his back ...  I'm not sure but either he didn't understand a word you said or he's just being Thai arrogant and obnoxious as they can be.


Agree on both options here....   I've seen both.


16 hours ago, steven100 said:

Let the wife handle it'  stay out of it, Thai's won't listen to a farang.   


I disagree... If you present well (firm, polite, of status) Thai's will listen, but if you rock up acting and looking like a bum, yes you will be judged - it depends how you yourself 'appear' in the Thai pecking-order.


16 hours ago, steven100 said:

Go buy a cheap bottle of Blend285 whiskey and convince the wife to go down to the house and talk to the Policemen's brother,  tell him it's a gift for chinese new year or something ....  then have her ask him if it's at all possible to re-locate the nice car as you can't get in your garage space ... tell her to offer any assistance if they need any.  


Taking the blend Whisky is the right idea IMO - its presents a very clear message that you are avoiding confrontation.

But, I'd also want to deal with the issue myself...  I know how I'd react if my Wife were insulted and I want to protect her from that possibility.


16 hours ago, steven100 said:

then see how that goes .....    That's your only hope for getting some action ..    imo


Agreed... take the softly softly approach..   no harm in trying...    then see what happens. 

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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I agree.. but that also depends on the 'pecking-order'.... i.e. the social status of his wife...   

An educated person from the Thai middle class wouldn't have an issue with going round and politely asking of they can move the car so they can get access to their driveway.




Agree on both options here....   I've seen both.



I disagree... If you present well (firm, polite, of status) Thai's will listen, but if you rock up acting and looking like a bum, yes you will be judged - it depends how you yourself 'appear' in the Thai pecking-order.



Taking the blend Whisky is the right idea IMO - its presents a very clear message that you are avoiding confrontation.

But, I'd also want to deal with the issue myself...  I know how I'd react if my Wife were insulted and I want to protect her from that possibility.



Agreed... take the softly softly approach..   no harm in trying...    then see what happens. 


Thank you Richard,  just goes to show we think the same on how to solve a problem sensibly ...    that's rare on AN.

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18 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I suggested pushing it back to where my car is currently parked, swooping places, I pointed out what I meant, his car wouldn’t be blocking anyone’s gates off more so they don’t have cars just scooters. What really annoyed me he just turned his back on me and carried dusting his car down, I can’t imagine him being a Policeman with yellow hair though.

My wife isn’t backward as was suggested but non confrontational like most Thais, I think it’s in bred in them.

No, Its because they know there's a good chance of a violent response. 

Not difficult to find a Thai who will provide violence for a fee. 

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11 minutes ago, steven100 said:


yeah Fritz,  you go and fix it up ... charge in Fritz like a bull at a gate and demand the Thai shift it  !!


and we'll come visit you in hospital if you make that far ... 😂

No need to charge in, just explain your problem and help him to push the car a bit further.

I wouldn't get a house where the entrance could be blocked that easy to start with.

When somebody wants to get physical, I have no problem to finish the job. Thai people respect power and money, they don't respect people who are scared for everything and neither do I. 

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20 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

A car was ‘dumped’ more or less directly opposite the gates of my house last week meaning I can’t get the car indoors now, it’s a narrow Soi. It’s years old, sporty type with huge spoiler on the boot, full of junk, there is what looks like a Police ID Card hanging inside it, it’s covered in dust and hasn’t been taxed for years. 
I have discovered it belongs to the Policeman’s brother who lives a few houses down the Soi, my Thai wife says don’t say anything as we will be hassled by the Police if we report it. The other day a Thai with dyed yellow hair started ‘dusting’ the car down, I approached him and asked when is he going to move ii as it was blocking the access to my house,blank look then indicated it doesn’t start. My Thai wife went off it saying I shouldn’t have said anything resulting in her going in a no speaking mode for the next few hours. She said you might speak to people like that in England but not in Thailand, I wasn’t aggressive just asked how long was it going to be there for.

Obviously nothing illegal about where the car is parked but it’s totally inconsiderate and ignorant to have parked his car there more so he blanked me when I asked him when he was going to move it.

Should have asked him if it was possible just to push it a few yards, with your help of course.... as it wouldn't start.

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4 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

Put a big sign on top in Thai saying 'For Sale: 39,000THB'



They'll move it. 

I think you are joking, I don’t want to do anything where the finger could be pointed at me or my family.

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6 hours ago, NoshowJones said:

Why did you not hit him back?? In the 17 years I have lived here in Thailand I have never laid my hand on a Thai, but if a Thai hit me and there was no back up except maybe one man I would not hesitate to hit him back, then again, a farang would only need to threaten me with violence to make me immediately lash out.

That punch sent me sprawling and broke my glasses. Plus I am probably forty years older than either of them.

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On 1/31/2024 at 6:25 PM, Jumbo1968 said:

Tried that, handbrake on and it’s in park.

Is it rear wheel drive or front wheel drive?


If rear wheel drive just put trolley jack under the diff and move it.


If it is front wheel drive you will need two trolley jacks.


Go to the local mechanic and pay one of the lads to come to your house with the trolley jacks to help you.


Shouldn't cost you more than 500 baht to solve the problem.


< Insulting comments edited out >

Edited by metisdead
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13 minutes ago, kidneyw said:

That punch sent me sprawling and broke my glasses. Plus I am probably forty years older than either of them.


Your reply reminds me of years ago when an Australian man engaged in road rage by  getting a machete out of his car's boot and threatening the Thai driver in front of him.     Afte rthe police showed up and the Aussie was talking to the cop, the Thai man came up along side him and cold cocked the life out of the elderly Australian man.     Never saw a follow up to the story but for sure that punch had to hurt if not do permanent damage.

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On 1/31/2024 at 6:24 PM, Jumbo1968 said:

I have already suggested this to my wife, a big no no, she said, you don’t approach or question people in authority is her attitude. 

I have only been here 6 months and the way you might handle it your own country is way different here . My unsolicited advice 100% defer to your wife on this issue.

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